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Congresswoman Jayapal pushes deceptive PAC cash scheme to fund her friends

Pramila Jayapal's deceptive "Medicare for All PAC" raised money "to save the Post Office," but instead gave the cash to her friends.
Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal – washington 7th Dist.

People of all political stripes tend to believe politics is an ugly, dirty and nasty process, often focused too much on a quest for power and money above all else.  Washington State’s Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal from Washington’s 7th Congressional District (which includes most of Seattle) proves, once again, that the people’s biases are generally accurate when it comes to politicians and their dishonesty.  Specifically, we will discuss a particularly deceptive and dishonest Political Action Committee controlled by Jayapal which targeted the most gullible and often lower income people to give her millions of dollars which she could give to her friends.  The claims she made for the fundraising effort? They were mostly lies.

Most of the research included in this report was done in collaboration with Cicero Intel and was stumbled on as part of an ongoing fraud investigation involving Washington state politicians and those who support them.

Pramila Jayapal background

Jayapal (L), and former Seattle Mayor Ed Murray before his resignation over various child sex assault lawsuits

Jayapal is a classic American success story in many ways.  She immigrated to America from India in 1982 when she was 16 to attend college.  She is well educated.  She has worked in the public sector since 1991.  She began her activism mainly as an immigrant rights attorney but ramped up her visibility in Washington State after the 9/11 attacks by founding an organization which was called “Hate Free Zone.”  This organization changed its name to “One America” in 2008.  Jayapal stepped down from her leadership role from that organization in 2012. 

Jayapal successfully campaigned for the Washington State Senate in 2014 in the 37th Legislative District (Seattle), raising just over $300k in contributions (see here) from Unions, local Leftist Billionaires like Nick Hanauer (see here), and others.  She was able to score an endorsement at the time from Democrat Seattle Mayor Ed Murray before he was forced to resign due to his child sex assault /preying on vulnerable young boys scandal (see here).  Murray’s endorsement at the time probably helped Jayapal break through a 6-way primary with 51% of the vote (see here).  Jayapal cruised to an easy victory in November 2014 (see here). Oddly enough, when we go back and look at her 2014 campaign, we can see campaign violations that were committed, which is typical, but for some reason I never filed any complaints against her before the statute of limitations expired in 2019.  Somehow, this was missed back then, which is actually a little odd because I filed complaints against almost everyone else at the time (see here for examples).   The Washington State Senator gig turned out to be a short term stop in Olympia on the way to the other Washington.

Politicians often think they are Superheros. Jayapal is no exception

Jayapal’s campaign for Congress in 2018 for the 7th Congressional District was a rare political opportunity because the former occupant of this Congressional Seat was Jim McDermott had fossilized in this office since 1989.  It seemed like McDermott would never leave, but his departure from the political scene gave Jayapal the chance to get to Washington DC and away from the JV political league in Olympia.  Jayapal dominated the 9-way primary (see here) and coasted to win the election (see here) with a campaign war chest of about $3,000,000 (see here).  Interestingly, due to Washington State’s top2 Primary system, this was the first time two Democrats faced each other in a general election (Republicans have a tough time in this district), although, this scenario is currently being repeated in the 10th Congressional District in 2020 (see here). After the 2016 election, Jayapal raised an additional $2.2 million in 2018 (see here), and so far in 2020, another $2.4 million (see here) for races against unfunded political “opponents.”

Here is how Wikipedia describes the 7th Congressional District in Washington State:

“The 7th is the most Democratic district in the Pacific Northwest and the most Democratic district on the West Coast outside the San Francisco Bay Area or Los Angeles. It is also the most Democratic majority-white district in the United States. Democrats dominate every level of government, and routinely win elections with well over 70% of the vote. Al Gore won the 7th in 2000 with 72% of the vote while John Kerry won 79% in 2004Barack Obama took 84% of the vote in 2008.”

Linda Sarsour endorsed and supported Pramila Jayapal

 Jayapal – Social Justice Warrior and Fundraising Scammer

Pelosi and Pramila Jayapal

Jayapal has made a name for herself in Washington DC.  She coasted to election in 2016 with Bernie Sanders’ endorsement, which was cool.  She hooked up with the other cool kids in the Progressive Caucus and is now the co-chair of this crew.  Her district is safe, politically, no matter what crazy thing she does or says.  This scenario can make a politician feel politically safe and willing to be more reckless than normal.  She knows the voters won’t hold her accountable, and the Republicans have no answer in this district which is seriously lacking diversity of political thought.

AOC and Pramila Jayapal

Enter the Federal Political Action Committee (PAC) founded and run by Pramila Jayapal called “Medicare for All PAC.”  This PAC was originally founded in 2017 (shortly after Jayapal settled into her new office in DC), but it didn’t start consuming serious cash until earlier this year.  Despite its name, the fundraising campaign has been focused on exclusively raising big bucks to “Save the Post Office.”  Which might seem weird, since the Post Office is not going away anytime soon (see here), but this campaign, in a perpetual panic and a barrage of psychological abuse, rained endless emails and fundraising requests and “surveys” or “interviews” for which you had to pay $3 to the PAC to submit them. These emails often appear to target low-income and low information people in a very deceptive manner.  Of course, none of this money went to “the Post Office” or to “saving the post office.”  Instead it went to Jayapal’s friends.  To most effectively illustrate how this fundraising campaign appeared to recipients, here are excerpts on a timeline for the claims and statements for just one month from July 19 – Aug 18th, earlier this year (To this this list in one file go here) You can go to the end of the article to see the rest of the “saving the post office” sleazy fundraising claims:

Would I lie to you?

I have copies of the entire barrage of these fundraising emails, and we’ve linked a few samples of them at the end of the article.  The repetitive claims regarding the post office was impressively deceptive and mostly lies.  Every time.  Every email.  These post offices were not being threatened or shut down.  More significantly, none of the $1.5 million raised for the slush fund in this PAC was used for “the Post Office.”  Instead the cash was transferred either directly to Jayapal’s political friends (see here) or to pay for large independent expenditures to help her political friends get elected (see here).

Who actually got the Cash?

Obviously, it was not the post office.  Here is the list of the recipients of the cash:

Balter, Dana (D-NY)$5,000
Clarke, Yvette D (D-NY)$2,500
DeFazio, Peter (D-OR)$5,000
Denney, Audrey (D-CA)$5,000
Doglio, Beth (D-WA)$10,000
Eastman, Kara (D-NE)$6,000
Frankel, Lois J (D-FL)$2,000
Golden, Jared (D-ME)$5,000
Gomez, Georgette (D-CA)$5,000
Harder, Josh (D-CA)$4,000
Harper, James (D-IN)$5,000
Hayes, Jahana (D-CT)$5,000
Hoadley, Jon (D-MI)$5,000
Johnson-Hostler, Monika (D-NC)$1,000
Jones, Mondaire (D-NY)$5,000
Kahele, Kai (D-HI)$5,000
Kirkpatrick, Ann (D-AZ)$1,000
Leger, Teresa (D-NM)$5,000
Levin, Mike (D-CA)$4,000
Newman, Marie (D-IL)$2,500
Omar, Ilhan (D-MN)$5,000
Porter, Katie (D-CA)$3,000
Rouda, Harley (D-CA)$2,000
Scholten, JD (D-IA)$5,000
Siegel, Mike (D-TX)$5,000
Wild, Susan (D-PA)$5,000
Williams, Nikema Natassha (D-GA)$2,000
Lujan, Ben Ray (D-NM)$2,000
You’re not supposed to notice this

In addition, Another $190,000 was spent as an independent expenditure to support Democrat candidate Beth Doglio running for the 10th Congressional District in Washington State (see here) , another $85,000 was spent on two other independent expenditures to assist other Democrat candidates in New York and Nebraska (see here). No cash went to the Post Office, or to help “save” the Shelton post office as the email barrage originally clamed.

 Who paid for Jayapal’s deceptive PAC Slush Fund?

When you look at the donations to this campaign, according to the FEC reports (see here), many of these donors appear to be lower income supporters who are being constantly badgered by this deceptive fundraising scheme and none of their money is being used to support the cause the campaign claims to support.  None of it.  If a private business or non-profit were to run a campaign like this, they would be exposed for deceptive practices and prosecuted under a variety of laws.  However, for Jayapal and her political friends in DC (and Washington State), this is just how they roll.  They continue to do this now, and it appears they will continue to do this in the future since there are no negative consequences.

If they are willing to lie like this to their supporters, how likely is it they are lying to the rest of us?

For more information about Cicero Intel, please visit www.cicerointel.com.

Come on, everyone else is doing it


Background articles and documents:

Jayapal’s PAC – Fundraising barrage and false claims for cash

Open Secrets – Medicare for All PAC

FEC – Medicare for All PAC

Seattle Times – Ed Murray resigns after 5th Child Sex Abuse Allegation

November 8, 2016 – General Election Results – Washington State Congressional District 7

August 2, 2016 – Primary Election Results – Washington State Congressional District 7

November 4, 2014 – General Election Results – Washington State Legislative District 37

August 5, 2014 – Primary Election Results – Washington State Legislative District 37

Pramila Jayapal’s 2014 Campaign Finance Reports – WA State Senate (37th LD)

Pramila Jayapal’s 2016 Campaign Finance Reports (FEC) – Congressional (CD7th)

Pramila Jayapal’s 2018 Campaign Finance Reports (FEC) – Congressional (CD 7th)

Pramila Jayapal’s 2020 Campaign Finance Reports (FEC) – Congressional (CD 7th)

Example fundraising email – “Save the Post Office” Bernie Sanders – August 14, 2020

Example fundraising email – “Only you can save post office” – August 25, 2020

Example fundraising email – “Post office interview” – September 2, 2020

Did your ballot count? You can verify here

Every year thousands of ballots are rejected in Washington State - You can verify your ballot isn't on this list and make sure your vote counts

***This article has been updated since it was first published to also provide a direct link to the Secretary of State’s official website where you can verify your ballot status***

Washington State voters have been voting exclusively by mail since 2011, and mostly by mail for many years before that.  While there is substantial national attention on the problems with mail in voting (see here, here, and here for a few examples), it is still important for the many who have already filled out and delivered their ballots to verify their ballot (or if you live in King County – “ballots” plural) have been counted and received.

There are many reasons for the county auditor to reject ballots – the voter is dead, the signature doesn’t match, etc (Screen capture)

Every year, hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots are rejected in Washington State.  The reasons they are rejected vary and are legitimate, in most cases (a dead person voted, voter failed to sign, the signature does not match, maybe you voted for Trump (ok, no bureaucrat openly admits this as a legit reason) the ballot showed up late, etc)

How do you know if your vote counted?  Here is an easy place to check:

If you want to go to the official site, go here . Please note, this is the official secretary of state website, so this information should be the most current accurate. When I originally wrote this article only posted another website, which is not official, and which appears to be aggregating the “match back” reports issued by the 39 counties in Washington State, and they are posting the information about problematic ballots. This site is run by a 3rd party (with unknown provenance), and is not official, but the data appears to be correct as best I can tell right now. The advantage of this site appears to be the ability to sort, search and look up whether other ballots have been received or not, or if they have “a problem.” Officially, they are not rejected until the canvassing board says they are rejected, but they are unlikely to be counted unless the local auditors can verify they have been “fixed.” If you want to know a bit more about this controversy, see this article linked here.

You can go to this website, which is unofficial, but handy, and see if they have received your ballot and or your family, friends and neighbors. You can also see if your ballot has been rejected (and why).  If you failed to sign the ballot or there is a problem with your signature, you have time to go in and get it resolved and fixed.  In theory the local auditor’s offices will contact you about this, but if they forget or can’t do it for some mysterious reason, you might want to verify on the official state site again, and then contact your local auditor’s office to fix the problem. If you are a legitimate voter, a US citizen, only voted once, and are not voting in multiple states simultaneously – then you should visit your local auditor’s office (all masked up, of course) and fix the reported problem with your ballot. 

Share this link with others.  It is helpful and a useful tool.

Additionally, we have several days before the election “closes” (Tuesday, November 3, at 8pm for those who are living under a rock – and if you put it in your mailbox that late, it won’t count because the USPS carrier won’t get it until the next day – if you MUST put it in the mail – do it days earlier to be semi-safe) and the endless counting (and re-counting) begins.  Unlike most states, Washington will be accepting a flood and eventually a trickle of late mailed ballots arriving courtesy of our glorious US Postal Service and sometimes the trunk of King County auditor’s vehicles or other places (see here, here, and here).  If you want less drama related to your ballot, here are some steps you can take in the meantime. Even if you are so sure your choice will prevail regardless, get your vote in now to give them a margin bigger than the trunk of a King County election’s worker trunk space:

  1.  Get your ballot delivered early – do not wait until the last minute when it is easier to “lose” your ballot en route to the auditor’s office.
  2. Hand deliver your ballot directly to the auditor’s office, or at least to an official drop box now.  This is better than mailing it, as I have discussed before (see here, and here)
  3. Don’t be the goof (and this was me one time years ago, so I’ll never forget) who fills out your ballot, leaves it on the front seat of the car, buries it with other stuff, and then discovers it a month later – thinking you voted, but realizing you misplaced the ballot.  Get it in the system as quickly as you can

There is a lot of drama around voting this year.  Turn out in Washington State’s primary this last August was the highest it has been on a Presidential election cycle since the 1960s.  Vote now and help remind everyone you know to vote.  Don’t wait until it is too late. 

The future will belong to those who show up.


Background articles and documents:

Go here to the official Secretary of State website to verify your ballot status

Go here to the unofficial site to check on the status of your ballot and other ballots in Washington State

How often do US Postal Workers interfere with vote by mail elections in Washington State?

Vote by mail fails when postal workers are corrupt, look at Washington State

Washington State Voter’s Guide 2020 – primary election

Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) – go here to find out who is funding political campaigns

Seattle’s Decay

Seattle is decaying while we watch. Politicians deny this fact, but they are happy to squander billions of dollars on the Homeless Industrial Complex to fix nothing and watch the problem get worse.

A few weeks ago, I drove around Seattle and recorded the obvious evidence of a city in decline and decay. Local politicians are in denial. What do you think? Better yet, go there yourself and see what you think after driving around and seeing for yourself. This is not a healthy trajectory for the city. What happens in Seattle never stays in Seattle. It spreads…


Background articles and documents:

Seattle is Dying

San Juan County Prosecutor forces couple who vandalized political signs into Leftist political re-education classes as part of settlement

BLM signs on Lopez Island were vandalized by local couple - Prosecutor demands they take political reeducation classes

Prosecutor Gaylord

San Juan County Prosecutor Randy Gaylord is well known for his Left-leaning political agenda in San Juan County, Washington State.  He is good friends with Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, and I have produced Part 1 of a video series on local government corruption in which Mr. Gaylord seems to frequently participate (linked here). However, for the first time I have found, as part of a low-level political sign vandalism case, Mr. Gaylord is now requiring political (re)education, indoctrination classes as part of mandatory settlements – IF you disagree with locally dominant political orthodoxy.  This is unusual, even for Leftist enclaves like the picturesque islands found throughout San Juan County in Washington State. 

Gaylord and State AG Ferguson are good friends

Imagine the volcanic outcry that would erupt if AG Barr required the hundreds of Antifa / BLM vandals and “mostly peaceful” violent arsonists, rioters, and protestors to take mandatory Western Civilization classes and Libertarian education camps as mandatory requirements to settle their charges (yeah, yeah I know, plenty of people would think that would be great).  Traditionally, in this country, we confine political indoctrination camps to college campuses, wealthy tech companies, and in some of our primary public education centers.  The State does not usually inflict political (re)education efforts as part of their justice system and criminal punishment.  Understandably, the Soros/Davos crowd, billionaire philanthropists, Big Tech Titans, and all flavors of the leftist rainbow would be shrieking, posturing, virtue signaling, and burning down even more cities (in a “mostly peaceful manner” of course) if AG Barr or the Federal Government was trying to impose political indoctrination on arrested “mostly peaceful” violent leftists. 

In this case, it appears some Lopez Island residents (Mr. Perry and Ms. Fopma) were upset their Trump signs were vandalized by local Leftists in the islands (not uncommon behavior in this community, which voted overwhelmingly for Hillary – see county election results here).  There was a prominent BLM collection of signs which had been along the right-of-way on the island for months, and the aggrieved Lopezians decided to destroy/vandalize some of those signs in retaliation (see local article here and here).  Unlike the Trump sign vandals, they did this in the day with plenty of witnesses.  Dumb, petty stuff, but hardly rare during the political silly season.  However, rather than settle the case with restitution, agreed penalties, etc.  The Prosecutor sees this as an opportunity to impose political (re)education on the sign vandals (see letter from their attorney linked here). 

In between committee meetings, back in 2016, incumbent Grays Harbor County Commissioner apparently liked to take breaks to steal opponent’s campaign signs at 1:30 in the afternoon

Nobody should condone vandalism of political signs (the great crime being prosecuted in this case in San Juan County).  I’ve written articles about Democratic County Commissioners being caught stealing their opponent’s signs (see here), I’ve posted videos of Democratic Party activists stealing signs in Bellevue (see here, here, here, and here) and I’ve been involved in lawsuits when cities attempt to suppress the free speech of their political opponents by stealing their political signs.  It never occurred to me that those violators should be forced into politically conservative (re)education programs.  Nobody condones what these sign vandals did to the BLM signs on Lopez Island – even if they felt justified because their Trump political signs were also being vandalized.  However, they have been caught, prosecuted, will pay restitution of some commensurate amount, and several local articles were written about their escapades (see here and here). Here is a copy of the front page of the complaint filed against them in San Juan County:

Political vandalism tends to be viewed differently by different people, but theoretically the law should be applied equally

The problem, of course, is the clear double standard and hypocrisy on display here, and throughout the Pacific Northwest.  Once again there are two legal standards.  In this case the different standards are not applied to people based on their race or class.  These double standards are applied based on the perceived political stance of the parties involved.  Nobody expects Democrat Prosecutor Randy Gaylord to prosecute any Leftists he catches destroying Trump signs in the islands.  Gaylord didn’t do anything when the local Republicans were assaulted at the county fair a few years back (see letter here).  Heck, those vandals and assailants probably donated to Gaylord’s campaign and voted for him.  Go Team Gaylord!  He sure would not be sending them to political re-education camps organized by the Heritage Foundation if he was forced to prosecute his political supporters.  However, the Social Justice Warriors will force the baddies who deface the BLM signs to take political re-education indoctrination classes rather than just pay the fine for the crime. Here are the three classes demanded by Gaylord:

The titles sound cool and boring, but the indoctrination is real. Many people are willing to pay big dollars and go deep into debt for the privilege of political (re)education as long as it comes with a label from Yale or Stanford. However, this is usually considered voluntary just like attending church or joining in a protest. In theory, your choice. In this case, the sign vandal couple (Mr. Perry and Ms. Fopma) would prefer to avoid indoctrination classes just like Antifa/BLM rioters would prefer not to take political classes with which they disagree. Until now, political (re)education or indoctrination has not been part of the criminal justice system. Obviously, that appears to be starting to change with Mr. Gaylord in San Juan County.

Antifa rioters can in a “mostly peaceful” manner burn down cities like Portland, break windows in Seattle, Olympia, and Portland, create lawless zones of succession (CHOP/CHAZ in Seattle), assault police, assault journalists, and destroy public property with almost total impunity.  Most of these crimes are unprosecuted, even when the assailants are identified and arrested.  This results in lawlessness.  Not because there are too many absurd laws or ridiculous rules (THOSE laws – crimes against bureaucracy – they must be enforced rigorously, of course).  No, these are crimes of violence, intimidation, and the destruction of property – public and private.  In a sane world, these crimes would be prosecuted as a priority, but for purely political purposes, they are ignored, which of course guarantees these crimes will proliferate and expand.  Instead we have Clark County Prosecutors attack dog groomers (see here), Snohomish County prosecutors attack barbers and hair stylists (see here), the Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson attacks and harasses water park owners (see here), gyms, and churches.  THOSE are the priorities for the State now.

Now, apparently political re-education will no longer be confined to North Korea or Cuba.  San Juan County will lead the way in Washington, and this Gaylord plans to spearhead the effort.  Does anyone on the Left see the absurdity or the double standard? 

Political Re-education sorta went out of style after the 1970s Cambodian experiment. They are only cool on college campuses today
There has been no word from San Juan County Prosecutor Gaylord if he is considering more modern Political Reeducation efforts like this one pictured in China


Background articles and documents:

October 19, 2020 letter from Mr. Perry and Ms. Fopma attorney to Randy Gaylord requesting no political indoctrination classes

Lopez man arrested for vandalizing Black Lives Matter Memorial Signs

Vandalism on Lopez Island Offset by Community Action

Corruption in San Juan County – Supreme Court rules against County

The Professor, the cop, and the student: a tale of sex and deception in San Juan County

Did Krebs and Gaylord lie to the county council?

Criminal case dismissed after sheriff uses camera to zoom in on lawyer’s notes (San Juan County)

San Juan County Democrats settle AG lawsuit for $13k, hope to do better next time

Hypocrites of San Juans – Do as I say, not as I do

Washington State 2020 elections – What to watch for this year

The future really does belong to those who show up and voting is just part of showing up this year

I have not posted much content recently, but I plan to make up for that deficiency over the next few weeks. This is our latest video. It was recorded last Thursday, but we didn’t finish editing until today…

Here are some recent political cartoons that have been shared around Washington State lately…

When parts of Eastern Washington burned to the ground, Governor Inslee knew just what they needed…


Background articles and documents:

“Maggot Man” – Washington State Governor earns new nickname

Why is Governor Inslee abusing Washingtonians and Does he even care?

How many businesses are closing for good and blame Governor Inslee?

When clowns run government, eventually it becomes a circus

Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee accidently gifts maggot-infested apples during wildfire visits

Inslee broke the law by bringing maggoty apples to fire ravaged areas

Foxnews – Washington State Jay Inslee gifts gifts maggot-infested apples to wildfire victims, regrets “mistake”

The Federalist – “Seattle anarchists holding capitol hostage demand complete return to state of nature”

Lacamas Magazine – “Washington Unemployment Check Fraud Case Expands to nearly $1 Billion”

Seattle Times – “How Democratic Party fundraiser and former ambassador Suzi Levine came to run embattled state unemployment system”

Rantz: “After losing hundreds of millions, Inslee must fire unemployment commissioner”

Jay Inslee’s Washington caught paying unemployment benefits to criminals in jail

State has recovered $300Million in unemployment benefits stolen by scammers, ESD official says

If we MUST wear masks

Recall of Yakima Councilman for calling Governor “tyrant” fails in court

They can’t arrest us all , so they will bankrupt us instead – Inslee’s plan to suppress insubordination

Nigerian fraud ring helps Washington State lead nation in Unemployment Stats

Governor Inslee’s absurd civilian code compliance plan (CCCP)

The Federalist – May 18, 2020 – “The Covid19 Tracer Training Course is a guide to suspending rights”

Governor Inslee risks children by waiving background checks for childcare workers

Complete list of Governor Jay Inslee’s emergency proclamations – official website

Proclamation #20-31 “suspend background checks for childcare workers”

A sign of the times

“Maggot Man” – Washington State Governor Inslee earns new nickname

Inslee has a gift for Washington. Here are some maggoty apples from his tree. Handing out these infested apples in Eastern Washington has earned him a new nickname. "Maggot Man" is sure to be remembered by many.

Governor Inslee made a new name for himself in Washington State.  While scandals have been a common occurrence during Inslee’s past eight years as Governor, a recent political fumble has generated more attention and a new, unique nickname for Washington State’s governor.  Like most political screw-ups, this one started out with the best of intentions.  During the Inslee administration, millions of acres of land including homes and towns have been destroyed by wildfire.  This has become a common occurrence in the rural areas of Washington state.  Governor Inslee was making the obligatory photo-op visit to some of the recently ravaged areas in eastern Washington.  As a gesture of goodwill, he brought some homegrown apples with him as gifts.  He left these gifts at various locations along his whirlwind photo-op tour.  Unfortunately, for local farmers and residents, Inslee’s apples were infested with apple maggots, and he violated state law by transporting them across county lines out of quarantine locations and into commercial apple territory. And you thought failure to wear a mask or social distance was bad. 

The Inslee Maggoty Apple Memes are endless, of course
Inslee as the wicked witch and the maggoty apple

Once local officials realized the problem, a frantic search for the infested maggot apples ensued.  The immediate objective was to recover and destroy the infestation before it could spread and devastate the local economy, which depends on growing maggot-free apples for distribution around the world.  Governor Inslee, of course, is well aware of the importance of the local apple economy.  For a short time, he was an elected Congressman from apple country back in the early 1990s (before voters tossed him out in 1994 – see election results here), and he is known for wearing a little apple pin on his suit jackets.  It seems unlikely Governor Inslee was purposely trying to infest Eastern Washington with apple maggots.  However, he did break the law.  Specifically, this violates RCW 17.24.081(5).  This is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a $5,000 fine (See RCW 17.24.141).  Inslee will escape punishment because he is the governor, of course.  It seems unlikely he intended to launch an apple maggot infestation by his actions.  It just happened that way.  This fumbling and bumbling into scandals has plagued the Inslee administration from the beginning.

In many ways, Inslee’s attempt to spread apple maggots around the state is the least significant of these scandals and political mistakes committed over the years.  However, it has captured the imagination of voters and residents around the state.  This story has even gone national (see here and here).  While the tame corporate media will usually downplay Inslee’s foul-ups, this one is just too weird and odd for them to completely ignore.  For many, the apple maggot story has become the perfect metaphor for the Inslee administration.  For those already frustrated or annoyed with Governor Inslee, this adds further compost to the pile of Inslee’s legacy.  “Maggot Man” seems to be a shorthand way for some to express their feelings about Governor Inslee. 

In Governor Inslee’s defense he probably didn’t read the signs because someone else was driving him around

Long before Inslee earned the nickname of “Maggot Man,” he had been generating frustration for many in the state (some might sing modified lyrics to “Rocket Man” while pondering Inslee’s leadership). 

Does Inslee even want to be here?

Inslee wants to be President.  He jumped into a crowded field of Democratic Party candidates last year, and we presume he was serious about that effort.  He certainly seemed to enjoy running for President more than running for Washington State Governor (for the 3rd time).  The funny thing about this different Inslee attitude is even reflected in the official campaign images for each race.  For Inslee’s race for President, the campaign pictures him smiling and happy (see below).  For Inslee’s race for Governor, he is pictured stern and not happy (see below).  This further enhances the belief among many political insiders that Inslee’s race for Governor is clearly a consolation prize and Inslee’s eye is on bigger things in Washington DC rather than Washington State.

While it wasn’t Inslee’s moment, at least he liked the idea of being President, even if nobody else did
However, running for Governor is boring and tough stuff. The look on Inslee’s face says it all “Damn, I wish I didn’t have to do this again”

If Inslee is just going through the motions to gain a third term as Governor (with his recent pay raise as a bonus), then it makes sense he wouldn’t be putting much thought into how he runs the state let alone noticing he is handing out maggoty apples to fire victims.

Supervising largest fraud in state history, holding nobody accountable

There is a good case to be made that incompetence has plagued the Inslee administration from inception. Recently, the normal ocean of incompetence that has defined Washington State’s bureaucracy made national news again for transferring hundreds of millions of local tax dollars to an overseas Nigerian fraud scheme.  You thought only extremely gullible suckers fell for that one.  Obviously, you haven’t studied Washington State’s bureaucracy in action.  While the reported amount ultimately lost ranges from $1 billion to $600 million (who’s really counting the dollars in Washington State anyway – hint: it certainly isn’t the “Auditor”), the magnitude of this fraud is a new state record, which at least ensures Inslee is #1 in something.  The shame of this specific scandal is that it directly harmed tens of thousands of unemployed Washingtonians who were not able to receive their unemployment since it had been sent overseas to Nigeria. 

For a disaster of this magnitude to occur, it required insider assistance (government employee and/or contractors) to squander tax dollars at such volume for so long without “being detected.”  This is why  the Feds have now stepped in as part of the investigation (see here).   However, it is possible that we will never know exactly who profited and how they got away with it.  This is Washington State, and these things get buried when politically necessary.  The Auditor didn’t catch it (and gave this agency a gold star for being so great before the fraud).  The State Attorney General didn’t notice (or care).  Apparently AG Bob Ferguson was too busy suing Trump to notice fraud next door.  Inslee has held nobody accountable so far, and accountability in this case appears extremely unlikely.

Governor Inslee and DES Director Suzi Levine spin the Nigerian fraud scandal

One reason Inslee fears to do his job and fire the obviously incompetent Department of Employment Security director Suzi Levine is because she is a major campaign donor to his political campaigns (as well as her husband), and she has helped Inslee (and Obama) raise big bucks over the years.  From Inslee’s perspective, it is far better to let the state continue to fall apart than to even slightly reduce his access to campaign cash.  This may be a very rational Machiavellian justification for Inslee’s decision to avoid holding anyone accountable, but it does not reflect well on this Governor’s Executive skills or courage (Hey kids, want a  maggoty apple?).

Unleashing violent criminals, ignoring violence, ignoring raw sewage dumps into Puget Sound, and abandoning the mentally ill

If kicking a billion dollars (or is it $600 million?) to a Nigerian fraud scheme isn’t troubling enough, it is important to put this in the context of previous scandals which also negatively impact the residents of Washington State.  Here is just a small sampling:

  • The Washington State Department of Corrections released thousands of violent felons back onto the streets early due to a “computer glitch.”  This glitch was well-known and ignored for years as thousands of violent criminals were released on Washingtonians to prey on the weak and vulnerable.  At least two people were murdered by “computer glitch” early released felons who would otherwise have been in prison.  Many more were victimized short of a homicidal ending.  Some victim’s familes have sued the state. Eventually, some bureaucrats were forced to resign (apparently, in this case they didn’t donate enough cash to Inslee’s election campaigns).
  • Washington State’s last psychiatric hospitalWestern State officially lost accreditation due to egregious mismanagement and a total failure to operate according to safety standards and rules.  This also lost the state $53 million in Federal funding for mental health treatment. This was a well-known train wreck of incompetence, but Inslee ignored it and let it happen despite all the warnings, red-flags, and concerns.  This further unleashed mentally unstable and often violent  and troubled offenders back into the community with no plan to assist or help them.  Inslee just fumbled along and ignored this problem with the correct presumption that nobody would hold him accountable.
  • When “mostly peaceful” violent protestors seized 6 blocks in Seattle and declared it an autonomous zone a few weeks ago, Inslee claimed he didn’t know anything about it, despite the fact it had been on national news for over a day.  In fact, Inslee was exceptionally quiet about all the looting, broken windows, arson, and other activities in Olympia, Seattle and anywhere the woke folk decided to commit “mostly peaceful” violence.  He ignored the plight of local residents and the massive damage being done to their communities.  Inslee was far more focused on bringing charges against dog groomers in Vancouver (see here), water parks in Eastern Washington (see here), and barbers in Snohomish County (see here) for not following Inslee’s Covid diktats,  which often changed randomly, week to week. 
  • Inslee made a strong effort to early release many violent felons into the population using the excuse that they might catch Covid19 in jail.  Apparently he thought it was better these felons continue to victimize the citizens of Washington State, which many proceeded to do (see here, here, and here). It isn’t like Inslee had to worry about being a victim himself. 

Bumbling forward, timid opposition, and maggoty apples for all

The Inslee administration just ambles along, mostly unconcerned about whether their incompetence, failures, or lack of effective policy is noticed.  For the most part, the corporate media in Washington State is quite tame and timid.  Inslee doesn’t view the Republican “opposition” as being effective, and he clearly feels that no Republicans can stop or constrain his political objectives.  Based on past history, his lack of concern is understandable.  The Republicans have been mostly timid in their official opposition, and the corporate media rarely ask tough questions.

When Inslee was originally campaigning for Governor in 2012, he claimed he would not support higher taxes.  For some reason, a majority of people in Washington State believed him, which is a bit sad in hindsight.  It only took a few months for him to renege on that silly “promise.” 

However, there is a rising tide of discontent in Washington State, and it isn’t only the rural residents who Inslee has abandoned, ignored, and on occasion attempted to infect with apple maggots.  This discontent is rising in the urban centers where homeless camps, increasing property crime, and a decreasing quality of life is palpable and accelerating (funny how defunding the police doesn’t improve the quality of life or public safety).  Inslee may be willing to write off rural Washington, but eventually those who see the decline and lack of leadership in the neighborhoods and urban areas of Washington might not want to take another bite out of the Inslee maggot apple either.

Inslee will ignore and laugh at the stupid Republicans as much as he wants.  He doesn’t believe they matter.  He can let the bureaucracy careen off the rails into scandals and failure with no consequences as he sees fit.  He needs the public sector union cash, and their votes.  He can rely on the corporate media to give him a pass most of the time and reserve the hard questions for someone else.  Who pays attention to local news anyway?  Inslee can keep his eyes fixed on the other Washington on the banks of the Potomac rather than Puget Sound, and he can negotiate a plum political position assuming Trump loses the election.  This probably makes him happy and keeps him interested.  However, eventually, his mismanagement and failures will catch up to him and it could be more than just the rural residents of Washington State who start calling him “Maggot Man.”


Background articles and documents:

Why is Governor Inslee abusing Washingtonians and Does he even care?

How many businesses are closing for good and blame Governor Inslee?

When clowns run government, eventually it becomes a circus

Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee accidently gifts maggot-infested apples during wildfire visits

Inslee broke the law by bringing maggoty apples to fire ravaged areas

Foxnews – Washington State Jay Inslee gifts gifts maggot-infested apples to wildfire victims, regrets “mistake”

The Federalist – “Seattle anarchists holding capitol hostage demand complete return to state of nature”

Lacamas Magazine – “Washington Unemployment Check Fraud Case Expands to nearly $1 Billion”

Seattle Times – “How Democratic Party fundraiser and former ambassador Suzi Levine came to run embattled state unemployment system”

Rantz: “After losing hundreds of millions, Inslee must fire unemployment commissioner”

Jay Inslee’s Washington caught paying unemployment benefits to criminals in jail

State has recovered $300Million in unemployment benefits stolen by scammers, ESD official says

If we MUST wear masks

Recall of Yakima Councilman for calling Governor “tyrant” fails in court

They can’t arrest us all , so they will bankrupt us instead – Inslee’s plan to suppress insubordination

Nigerian fraud ring helps Washington State lead nation in Unemployment Stats

Governor Inslee’s absurd civilian code compliance plan (CCCP)

The Federalist – May 18, 2020 – “The Covid19 Tracer Training Course is a guide to suspending rights”

Governor Inslee risks children by waiving background checks for childcare workers

Complete list of Governor Jay Inslee’s emergency proclamations – official website

Proclamation #20-31 “suspend background checks for childcare workers”

A sign of the times

Leave the guillotine at home

Guillotines have become a more common part of political theatre in recent protests. Perhaps if the message really is "mostly peaceful," then it might be best to leave the guillotine at home (Photo- Portland protest - September 2020)

At your next protest, while political theatre is welcome and variety is nice, perhaps it might be more effective if you leave the guillotine at home. Just a thought. I certainly don’t think there “should be a law” against it, anymore than we should have many of the other “laws” that restrict normal human activity. However, to convince others you are “mostly peaceful,” perhaps it might be more effective if you don’t bring items that are only used to for violent purposes – just like mock up nooses, models of gas chambers, or similar items would be met with understandable outrage, the guillotine is not an effective protest accoutrement.


Background articles and documents:

The Left’s guillotine practice routine

The Coup – Video “Guillotine” on Youtube

Leftists storm suburb with Guillotine, burn American flags, “Get in the F**** Streets”

Leftists Bring Guillotine with Trump effigy on it to White House during RNC Convention

Andy Ngo on Twitter

Reason – You’re not allowed to film: The fight to control who reports from Portland

Andy Ngo begins posting mugshots of Antifa

Video of Andy Ngo get assaulted by Antifa

Antifa Mob Viciously assaults journalist Andy Ngo at Portland Rally

The Left’s guillotine practice routine

Nothing says "mostly peaceful" protest like the guillotine practice routine. Here Antifa and BLM go through the motions in Portland August, 2020

Recently, Leftists in America are becoming more and more associated with the image of the guillotine.  Mock guillotines show up with increasing frequency at protests, and along with the clenched fist, hammer and sickle, and Molotov cocktails, this has become a common symbol of their movement.  If this was a rare occurrence, I could dismiss it as bored Antifa/BLM groupies practicing their arts and crafts skills, while taking a break from their study of intersectional systemic structural racism and “fiery but mostly peaceful” riot planning.  The coast-to-coast appearance with increasing frequency of this Leftist icon is worth noting. 

In Portland, the local chapter of BLM and Antifa produced a cool mock guillotine and practiced using it on the poor stuffed bear – before they burned it (the bear never had a chance) along with a few American flags for a little fun and street cred…
The Bear never had a chance, and neither will you if these guys can put you here.

When reviewing some of the many recent arrests made in Portland during recent riots, I came across this police report, which included the photo above of a mock guillotine practice session by the Antifa/BLM protestors before they went into full “fiery, but mostly peaceful riot mode.”  While they had a stuffed bear in the guillotine at the time, they did eventually burn the bear alone with some handy American flags for practice and to maintain their cool street cred.

The guillotine became most famous as the preferred  tool of the French Revolution where the successful Revolutionaries chopped off the head of the king, the queen, and thousands of nobles.  Eventually, of course, it was used to chop off the heads of their fellow Revolutionaries (something few modern “woke” folk want to remember) , and in total, this humble device was put to use ending the lives of roughly 17,000 in a few months (many more were killed using other methods).  Good times were had by very few. 

While the French continued to use the guillotine as a tool for executing criminals convicted of serious crimes, the last person to be officially executed by guillotine in France was in 1977.

In America, the use of the guillotine as positive political imagery has not been common until recently.  Now, it appears the left has adopted this icon and fetishized it as part of their street theatre and imagery.  For those of us who don’t spend our nights trying to commit arson, tossing rocks at police, or violently assaulting the police, this might seem a little odd.  However, I’ve been told I’m no friend to the Revolution, so I wouldn’t understand.

I guess that is true.  I don’t understand how the guillotine as a symbol of your movement is helpful to promote peace, but then again “peace” appears to no longer be the goal.  That peaceful façade has been scorched away with “fiery, but mostly peaceful” violence.  The challenge for those who don’t appreciate and endorse arson fires, don’t usually attack police (even when we get an obnoxious speeding ticket), or who don’t want to assault or maim those with whom we disagree politically – a guillotine icon is not likely to improve the Leftist image or win more “peaceful” converts.

The guillotine image might be winning some converts, just not those who want peace. 

Even the Canadian Leftists like the imagery…

Like all “revolutionary” Leftist movements, the current American ideological flavor of the month currently in vogue on college campuses (like nearby Evergreen State College) seems to be promoting violence (but, “mostly peaceful” of course) as the goal. The imagery of violence helps promote this objective.  To the impatient Left the ends will always justify the means.  The clenched fist is not peaceful, but it helps silence those who disagree with you.  The hammer and sickle doesn’t stand for peace, but it can enslave those you want to control.  The Molotov Cocktail doesn’t improve the neighborhood, but it is handy if you want to burn it down.  Attacking police and the political opposition with explosives, green lasers, rocks, and frozen water bottles really won’t improve the community, but it is fun to pretend you are doing something useful and their leaders (oh yeah, they are “leaderless” – sure…) needs to keep the “useful idiots” busy (A phrase erroneously attributed to Lenin, – see here). 

During the Republican National Convention, it just wouldn’t be complete without some friendly Leftists doing the Guillotine Routine outside on Trump effigy
Outside Jeff Bezos’ house, some friendly Leftists sent him a nice message. I guess he hadn’t paid them off yet
I just don’t get this Leftist obsession with head chopping

Finally, the guillotine practice routine is also unlikely to encourage people who don’t enjoy riots to let the guillotine supporters take political control.  Sure, the Democratic Party seems to be trending that way, and perhaps they are ignorant enough to think they can control it (Hey, we only want to cut off Republican heads!).  However, this movement of violence, riots, arson, drive for total control, and the viciousness of the mob is more likely to create a unified opposition that will eventually intervene to stop the mouth-foaming insane.  Breaking every window on most businesses in downtown Seattle might seem fun, with looting as an added bonus, but someone has to clean up afterwards.  Normal people eventually get tired of cleaning up someone else’s street theatre – even in Seattle and Portland.  The Left can pretend those guillotines are only for the “rich” or the police, or the political opposition, but average people see the message of violence and destruction.   

Of course, you can call me crazy, but I’m never going to be on the same side as the guys with the guillotines…

A proposed new logo for the Washington State Democratic Party, without a guillotine yet.

***I was able to find one non-Leftist protest where a mock guillotine was used. See here. Fortunately, this has yet to be a commonplace image in EVERY Leftist political protest, and extremely rare anywhere else…


Background articles and documents:

Leftists storm suburb with Guillotine, burn American flags, “Get in the F**** Streets”

Leftists Bring Guillotine with Trump effigy on it to White House during RNC Convention

Andy Ngo on Twitter

Reason – You’re not allowed to film: The fight to control who reports from Portland

Andy Ngo begins posting mugshots of Antifa

Video of Andy Ngo get assaulted by Antifa

Antifa Mob Viciously assaults journalist Andy Ngo at Portland Rally

Don’t blame Antifa for rural fires – they would never do that!

Antifa has a code, and they would never deviate from it. Urban fires are normal and okay. Rural fires - no way - they would never do that. It is Fake News to even think it (just ask Facebook).

For some weird, completely inexplicable reason, it seems people keep spreading conspiracy theories about Antifa starting rural brush and forest fires.  Just because the Antifa crew likes to torch urban vehicles, burn down businesses (a little “mostly peaceful” structure fire never hurt anyone), burn down police stations (because that is true “peaceful” protest), toss Molotov cocktails at everyone (and sometimes catch their friends on fire), and toss fireworks around on every day EXCEPT July 4th – this certainly doesn’t mean they would ever conceive of starting forest fires.  The Antifa/BLM crew could never be rural arsonists.  No way.  It is just impossible to imagine and clearly beyond the pale. The very thought is silly, ignorant, and everyone who believes this might be happening is just spreading FAKE NEWS. Don’t believe me? -just ask Facebook and they will tell you what to think.

Just to prove there is no possible way Antifa/BLM/DSA/or any other flavor of the “woke” gang could ever be involved in setting rural lands ablaze, let’s review a bunch of these good “woke” folk who certainly had nothing to do with any of these rural fires.

Kristopher Michael Donnelly, from Kelso, Washington, these are his four most recent mugshots from Portland arrests. He was too busy trashing Portland to start brushfires.

Let’s start with Kristopher Michael Donnelly, 26 years old. This good, productive citizen hails from Kelso, Washington. You can just tell from each of his last four mugshots taken when he was arrested in Portland over the past few weeks – he would never start a brushfire. No way. This isn’t his style. For those who appreciate source documents and want to test my theory, I will attempt to conclusively prove that this prolific friend of the Antifa/BLM gang would never start a rural fire:

Like all good Antifa/BLM “mostly peaceful” riots, it just wouldn’t be complete without a good guillotine practice routine. The bear eventually got torched along with a few American flags for good measure. They must maintain their cool image and street cred. August 23, 2020 – Portland, OR
  • On September 2, 2020 – Donnelly was transferred to Federal authorities, is being investigated by the FBI, and is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Oregon, charged with felony civil disorder (see here for press release). It is hard to start brush fires when in prison, so we know for sure he didn’t start any fires since that date.
  • His first arrest was August 5, 2020 when he allowed himself to be conveniently filmed attempting to use a hammer to smash through the windows of a police station. The video is nice and linked here. The rest of the information about his arrest is linked here. Here is his first booking photo. He was charged with felony riot, felony criminal mischief, felony assault of a public safety officer, resisting arrest and other charges. He was held on a $5,000 bail, which was paid by someone. Clearly, no way this guy would consider lighting brush fires, because…
  • He enjoyed his adventures on August 5th so much, Donnelly wanted some more action, so he was arrested again on August 8th (he is #14 in this list and report of the events that night – see here – his second booking photo linked here). Reportedly, he attempted to flee and avoid arrest, but failed (see here). A judge released him without bail this time, which was nice because…
  • On August 23, 2020, he joined in a fun riot which included a mock guillotine (these guys love their guillotines – check out the nearby photo), attacking police officers and medics, and having a riotously good time. Here is the police report from this “mostly peaceful” violent party – linked here, Donnelly is the 5th listed arrestee that night, and his next booking photo can be found here. He had a $5,000 bail, and bailed out quickly, just in time for…
  • Another fun night on August 30, 2020, when throwing rocks at police was enough to get arrested for the fourth time – here is the police report on the event (he is again listed 5th), and here was his fourth booking photo – linked here. After this Donnelly was transferred to Federal custody.

So, this is at least one Antifa/BLM guy that was clearly too pure, too down with the cause, and way too busy to be starting brush fires in the rural areas. No way he could have done it.

On September 6, 2020, the peaceful Antifa/BLM crew staged another “mostly peaceful” riot with Molotov cocktails, fireworks, and “mostly peaceful” violence. 59 of them were arrested (read the report here). This proves that these guys would never start brush fires in the rural areas of the state because they were too busy burning dumpsters, trash cans, pallets, and (on accident) sometimes each other. There is just no rational reason nor is there any possible justification anyone can provide why there should be any suspicion or even the thought that these guys would ever stoop low enough to shift their arson activity from Portland to the rural areas of the state. That is just crazy talk.

For those who want to verify, Lydia Stanford’s booking photo and info can be found here. Demetrius Batchelor’s booking photo and info can be found here, and Gracee Brooks booking photo can be found here. While they may have been involved in setting fires in Portland, I’m certain none of them would ever set fires in the rural areas of the Pacific Northwest.

For those who want to verify, Gerald Kohler’s booking photo can be found here. Lucas Angell-Atchison’s photo can be found here. Again, these two may have set fires in Portland, but it stretches the bounds of any acceptable imagination that either of these fine citizens would ever set fires anywhere else outside Portland.

Again, for those who want to verify, here is the link to Daniel Marion’s booking photo, and here is the archived link to his Gofundme page for Antifa Michael Reinoehl (the Antifa guy shot in the arm in Kenosha). Nicole Rodriguez’s booking photo is linked here. No chance these guys would ever set fire to brush in the rural areas.

SR 167 arsonist – Jeffry Acord, an Antifa exception

Again, for those who think these guys were burning rural America, these booking photo links should prove, once and for all that they were burning Portland, NOT rural Oregon or Washington, at least on this night. Casey Smith’s booking photo is here, yeah, I think he posed for it, and the squinty eye look is cool. Wyatt Scully’s booking photo can be viewed here. Matthew Carr is showing some nice teeth in his booking photo linked here. Matthew Sohan’s booking photo, rocking the yellow hair can be found here. Worth noting is while Sohan may hail from Yakima, Washington he decided to go riot in Portland, which just proves that Washington State exports more than just apples, bitter coffee, airplanes, and overpriced software. These guys bring their arson skills and riot experience to the city where it belongs. No way they would ever consider burning up the hicks in the sticks.

So stop that crazy talk. Don’t even think it, unless you want your Facebook social credit score to drop a few notches. Just because this genius Jeffry Acord (pictured nearby) was arrested at previous BLM riots, participated in marches, and like a true criminal mastermind who is down with the Revolution, he livestreamed his rural arson and arrest – that doesn’t mean anyone else out there affiliated with the cause would be that stupid. Antifa arson is for the cities, dumpsters, garbage cans, police stations, garbage piles, maybe a few neighborhood structures. When it comes to the rural areas – no way, man. This crew will always steer clear and they all follow Smokey the Bear’s advice in the woods and fields of the rural areas.

We know that Mother Earth is mad at us right now (Nancy Pelosi channeled Gaia and told us). Gaia is angry at people who live rurally particularly if they ever voted Republican. Simultaneous, multi-state spontaneous combustion is as real as global warming or climate change or Socialism that works. These things just happen and we all must accept random rural fires are as natural as Molotov cocktails or guillotines at an Antifa/BLM “mostly peaceful” riot.

***Note, even though in my last article, I very clearly stated “Obviously not all fires are arson. Not all arsonists are part of the Antifa gang” in the first paragraph, Facebook and others are trying to censor free speech. Obviously, I committed Wrongspeak and Wrongthought, so I hope to gain a few social credit points by defending Antifa here…


Background articles and documents:

Who are the arsonists setting rural fires in Washington State?

A listing of many of the confirmed arson fires so far

Update: 14 confirmed arson hotspots in Manti-La Sal National Forest (according to the US Forest Service)

Clackamas Sheriff’s Captain informs Board of Commissioners of Antifa threat, days before sheriff places another officer on leave for informing the public of the very same threat (nothing to see here)

Man arrested for starting 7 fires along I-205 in Portland (not Antifa, he just happens to collect Molotov cocktails)

Oregon woman catches arsonist on her property with matches – Holds him at gunpoint until police arrive (video) (not Antifa- he just happened to be in the area and claims he smoked, but didn’t have any cigarettes)

Possible Antifa man arrested for starting fires in Washington State

Man charged with arson in attempt to set police cars on fire during Seattle protest (yeah, he was Antifa all the way, but I’m sure he would NEVER try burning the rural areas)

Antifa arsonist arrested near Tacoma, WA after livestreaming himself

Eastern Washington woman arrested for starting fires while crews worked to fix fallen power lines (not yet known if she is connected to Antifa, so at this point, just another arsonist)

Man arrested in connection to three suspicious fires in Olympia (identity of arsonist not yet revealed)

Fatal fire in Southeast Washington being investigated as possible arson

Big Sur’s Dolan fire may have arson, cannabis connections

New York Times: 10 dead in California as Wildfires spread on West Coast – subheading – More than three million acres have burned in California, and officials said one of the most damaging fires in Oregon may have been deliberately set.

Lane County Sheriff’s announcement of arrest of 44 year old arsonist

Police arrest multiple suspects in connection with West Coast wildfires

Man arrested on arson allegation in wildfire west of Eugene, deputies say

Man seen starting fires at Oregon state park, fire chief says

Wildfires in the West could be coordinated arson attacks says federal law enforcement

500,000 forced to flee wildfires in Oregon as federal officials investigate potential mass arson

Left-wing arsonists are setting many of the wildfires in Western States – but why?

Oregon bystander films alleged arsonists

Law Enforcement Today – “Series of wildfires on the West Coast may be series of coordinated and planned attack”

Puyallup man arrested for setting fire along SR 167

Andy Ngo on Twitter

Reason – You’re not allowed to film: The fight to control who reports from Portland

Andy Ngo begins posting mugshots of Antifa

Video of Andy Ngo get assaulted by Antifa

Antifa Mob Viciously assaults journalist Andy Ngo at Portland Rally

Who are the arsonists setting rural fires in Washington State?

Image captured by drone of fire damage near Graham, Washington

A Level 3 evacuation was announced for this area of Bonney Lake a few days ago. Fire suppression efforts are still ongoing

**Updated to include photo of SR 167 arsonist, and additional articles on this topic – see end of article**Read the article – Obviously not all fires are arson. Not all arsonists are part of the Antifa gang (although a distressingly large number of them seem to like burning things down).

Recently, there have been a rash of rural brush fires in Washington State, including some significant fires in the Bonney Lake area, forcing mass evacuations in the local neighborhoods and rural communities in that area.  The volume of these fires is not typical for Western Washington.  Unlike California and Eastern Washington, Western Washington tends to be blessed with ample rain, lower average temperatures, fewer lightning strikes (see map here), and fewer widespread forest fires which tend to be more common in arid parts of the Western United States.  However, it appears that a distressing number of these fires are not accidents, and willful arson is the cause.  Who are these arsonists, and is it an organized effort?

Plenty of damage has already been inflicted by rural brush fires in Pierce County, Washington.
Mr. Jeffrey Acord, arrested for the SR 167 arson

For example, earlier on Thursday, September 10th, the State Patrol arrested a Puyallup man who had started a fire along State Route 167 at North Meridian.  Apparently, according to this story, this genius was livestreaming on Facebook the fire he had just started, and apparently he had been reported earlier in the day walking along the highway with a lighter.  Ok, there are weirdos out there, and there always have been, so one firebug doesn’t mean we have a rash of arsonists patrolling rural areas (although some law enforcement sources are warning about coordinated attacks as reported here).  However, according to one report (linked here), it looks like this guy was associated with Antifa (see here as well).  He might already be out on a $1,000 bail (although some are reporting this is from an earlier arrest, and he was also arrested for another crime and is currently detained by Pierce County). He may not be alone in his pursuit of the “mostly peaceful” revolution, which seems obsessed with arson as a “mostly peaceful” tactic of their movement.

Now a recent report, from the Graham area in Pierce County where a local rural resident captured on his surveillance camera, a vehicle driving by his field, stopping the car, a fire starting in the field, and then the car driving off.  Fortunately, the fire died out before it could cause any serious damage, but that really looks like arson.  There are also reports to watch out for homemade time delay arson devices (which look pretty questionable, crude and marginal to me). The alibi benefit for those who set them (assuming this is true) is even if they are caught they will just claim they were littering rather than trying to burn the area up.

While fire investigations tend to take a back seat to suppressing the fires, and there are a lot of random fires throughout southwest rural Washington right now, this raises some questions.  Just how many of these fires are being started willfully?  For those paying attention (which admittedly, excludes most of the corporate media), we’ve been watching nightly attacks on buildings in urban centers in both Seattle and Portland where “mostly peaceful” arson is being committed repeatedly using Molotov cocktails and other devices as our friendly BLM/Antifa hone their arsonist skillsets. 

Just another night of mug shots from “mostly peaceful” Portland protestors arrested for arson, assault, and other peaceful activities…why wouldn’t they burn rural Washington for the “Revolution?”
Antifa likes to play with fireworks, but who knows?

Looking at who these folk actually are when they actually get arrested (see here), does anyone really believe they wouldn’t start rural fires just for fun, practice, and the joy of burning up rural Washington?  If these types of “mostly peaceful” Antifa types believe it is smart and revolutionary to burn cars, buildings, and toss Molotov cocktails in our cities, why wouldn’t they try burning down rural Washington (and Oregon)?  They probably believe it would be easy to get away with the crime, and other than the recent idiot arrested by the State Patrol yesterday, most of them probably can do this with far less chance of arrest than in downtown Seattle or Portland.

What can you do about it?

Rural residents of Western Washington tend not to worry about outdoor fires that much because they are not so common.  However, forest and brush fires can become conflagrations if the conditions are right (and they are dangerous right now for a few more weeks).  Some common sense things you should do on your property (and help your neighbors as well):

  • Clean up flammable debris on your property – branches, etc.  At least get them a distance away from your buildings
  • Mow your fields.  Tall, dead grass and weeds are perfect tinder.  Make it harder for a fire to gain purchase.  That might include mowing the right of way along the county roads next to your property
  • Water your landscape around your home.  I watched several brush fires spread and stop when they hit the well-watered and green landscape around homes a few years back in Rochester.  This won’t always happen, but it can help make a more defensible space around your home.
  • Pay attention to shady people driving around your community, get their license plates and vehicle descriptions and if you see them attempting to start fires, make sure you report this to the police.  Stay in touch with your neighbors and compare notes.  Surveillance cameras and rural game cameras are a good idea.
  • Longer term, when the weather is back to its usual wet self in the fall and winter – take advantage of that time to limb those trees higher, clean up those weeds, brush, and try to plan for less fuel in your immediate area.  If you have pastures that can be grazed by livestock, try to keep it grazed or mowed.  Metal roofs and other construction plans can reduce some fire hazard. 

Rural forest fires are a hazard by themselves, and between accidents and lightning, they can happen.  However, it could get far worse than normal when there are people running around for whatever deranged cause they support who also believe that burning your home and property will help with their Revolution or their “wokeness” or whatever.  These are strange days.

The Left might call it the “Poetry of Arson,” but for those who suffer the consequences, there is nothing poetic about the fire they inflict on us.


Background articles and documents:

Possible Antifa man arrested for starting fires in Washington State

A listing of many of the confirmed arson fires so far

Update: 14 confirmed arson hotspots in Manti-La Sal National Forest (according to the US Forest Service)

Clackamas Sheriff’s Captain informs Board of Commissioners of Antifa threat, days before sheriff places another officer on leave for informing the public of the very same threat (nothing to see here)

Man arrested for starting 7 fires along I-205 in Portland (don’t look too closely at this one)

Oregon woman catches arsonist on her property with matches – Holds him at gunpoint until police arrive (video)

Man charged with arson in attempt to set police cars on fire during Seattle protest (yeah, he was Antifa all the way, but I’m sure he would NEVER try burning the rural areas)

Antifa arsonist arrested near Tacoma, WA after livestreaming himself

Eastern Washington woman arrested for starting fires while crews worked to fix fallen power lines (not yet known if she is connected to Antifa, so at this point, just another arsonist)

Man arrested in connection to three suspicious fires in Olympia (identity of arsonist not yet revealed)

Fatal fire in Southeast Washington being investigated as possible arson

Big Sur’s Dolan fire may have arson, cannabis connections

New York Times: 10 dead in California as Wildfires spread on West Coast – subheading – More than three million acres have burned in California, and officials said one of the most damaging fires in Oregon may have been deliberately set.

Lane County Sheriff’s announcement of arrest of 44 year old arsonist

Man arrested on arson allegation in wildfire west of Eugene, deputies say

Police arrest multiple suspects in connection with West Coast wildfires

Man arrested on arson allegation in wildfire west of Eugene, deputies say

Man seen starting fires at Oregon state park, fire chief says

Wildfires in the West could be coordinated arson attacks says federal law enforcement

500,000 forced to flee wildfires in Oregon as federal officials investigate potential mass arson

Left-wing arsonists are setting many of the wildfires in Western States – but why?

Oregon bystander films alleged arsonists

Law Enforcement Today – “Series of wildfires on the West Coast may be series of coordinated and planned attack”

Puyallup man arrested for setting fire along SR 167

Andy Ngo on Twitter

Reason – You’re not allowed to film: The fight to control who reports from Portland

Andy Ngo begins posting mugshots of Antifa

Video of Andy Ngo get assaulted by Antifa

Antifa Mob Viciously assaults journalist Andy Ngo at Portland Rally

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