Washington State county elections trend more conservative

Local political races often forecast wider statewide changes in the future Around Washington State much attention has been paid to a limited Republican showing in the statewide races.  The Republicans picked up a State Treasurer...

Local County-level election results preview state-wide political trends

Local elections  during a Presidential election year are typically ignored by political commentators. However, they are often strong indicators of future political trends.  In Washington State, there are some interesting local primary election results...

Is it incompetence or corruption? – Douglas County continues to hide capital assets

Despite the recent attention directed at the Douglas County Commissioners, the County Auditor, and the County Prosecutor, these politicians are stubbornly colluding to hide capital assets from the public.  What is wrong with these...

Douglas County politicians hide capital assets, file phony inventory documents, call it good

Just how screwed up is the capital asset and inventory situation in Douglas County? It appears that the Douglas County Commissioners, the County Prosecutor Steven Clem, and the County Auditor Thadd Duvall all have colluded...

Douglas County Commissioners commit gross misdemeanors

The Douglas County Commissioners committed gross misdemeanors and should be removed from office. The County Prosecutor may provide cover for them; here is what should be done. Incompetent local government is not the exclusive specialty of Democrats; Republicans can...

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