Washington’s Department of Ecology ignores Toxic Waste on their own property

A common theme which unfortunately defines government is the inevitable hypocrisy frequently on display. If we bother to look at the difference between what these bureaucrats and agencies claim to care about and...

Time to Downsize State Government

TO RECEIVE THE LATEST NEWS FROM WE THE GOVERNED DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX –SUBSCRIBE HERE Support We the Governed – MAKE A DONATION HERE Government has continued expansive growth far disproportionate to population growth...

This is how bureaucrats falsify public records for their own personal benefit – one...

TO RECEIVE THE LATEST NEWS FROM WE THE GOVERNED DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX –SUBSCRIBE HERE Support more local reporting like this - consider making a donation Here In a previous article detailing the many scandals and problems...

Democrat Senator Kevin Ranker’s sex harassment case raises questions – how much sex is...

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox -SUBSCRIBE HERE Democrat Washington State Senator Kevin Ranker (LD-40) has always been a self-proclaimed champion of the environment and environmental causes.  He has...

The phony water crisis continues, legislative style, Hirst Heist rolls on

Yesterday, the Washington State Legislature started the new Legislative session with great ceremony and fanfare in Olympia.  On the first day of session, every year, the legislators walk down the aisle, Democrats on the...

Jay Manning fined for Cult PAC violations, State Democratic Party pays tab

On August 24th, Jay Manning, former chief of staff to Governor Gregoire and former Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology settled the lawsuit originally filed against him for his many violations of...

State of Washington vs. Jay Manning, cult-funded SuperPAC director exposed

On Wednesday, May 10, 2017, another campaign finance lawsuit was filed against Jay Manning in Thurston County Superior Court (see complaint filed yesterday linked here - Thurston Superior Court #17-2-02568-34).  Jay Manning, in his capacity as director...

The Hirst Heist and our diminishing legislature

On October 6, 2016,  Futurewise, with the assistance of six Washington State Supreme Court Justices, managed to win the lawsuit lottery.  The Supreme Court ruled in Hirst v. W. Washington Growth Management Hearings Board...

Jay Manning fined $4,800 by Attorney General for violating disclosure laws

In a rapid settlement last Friday, Jay Manning was fined $4,812.50 by Washington State’s Attorney General Bob Ferguson last week.  A press release was issued Monday by the Attorney General announcing the fine and...

Tales of Tyranny – Art Thomas – The crime of washing a car

This is the first in a series of videos which will be produced by the Citizens Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) in Washington State.  These are short video stories about people who have been...

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