My Amicus Brief to the Washington State Supreme Court

A few weeks ago I filed an Amicus Brief to the Washington State Supreme Court in the State of Washington (Bob Ferguson) v. Tim Eyman persecution case which has been in process for about...

Covid Criminals go free because of Governor Inslee – Interview with Rep. Jenny Graham

Please note, this is another video NOT approved by Washington State's Ministry of Covid Compliance. A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to interview Washington State Representative Jenny Graham (6th Leg. District)...

Three terrible initiatives in Washington State this year, plus a good one.

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE There are four initiatives on the ballot this year.  Three are terrible, destructive and deserve zero support from voters.  One is...

The Hirst Heist and our diminishing legislature

On October 6, 2016,  Futurewise, with the assistance of six Washington State Supreme Court Justices, managed to win the lawsuit lottery.  The Supreme Court ruled in Hirst v. W. Washington Growth Management Hearings Board...

Hirst Decision by Supreme Court unleashes wrath of “Futurewise” upon property owners by taking...

The recent Washington State Supreme Court decision Hirst vs. W. Washington Growth Management Hearings Board (“Hirst”) (decision linked here if Court pulls it off their website)opens a new offensive against individual property rights and...

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