A tsunami of incompetence in Ocean Shores

Recent reports of a $734,376.50 Federal Court ruling against the City of Ocean Shores, located on the Pacific Coast in Washington State is just the most recent public exposure of major political leadership problems...

When the Conscience of the Progressives appears – Democrats become enraged

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE Ridiculous drama and hyped up rage have been expressed by various Democratic Party candidates and organizations around Washington State over the...

Democratic Party becoming politically toxic in Southwest Washington State

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE In Southwest Washington State, the Democratic Party controlled all levers of political power for many decades.  Places like Pacific County, Grays...

Disgraced sign-thief politician Frank Gordon sneaks back into local politics

When Democrat Grays Harbor Commissioner Frank Gordon was caught red handed last year on camera stealing his opponent’s campaign signs, his political future seemed to be greatly reduced.  Grays Harbor voters clearly rejected Mr....

Failed Democrat candidate Purcell fights Washington Attorney General, claims campaign finance laws are illegal

Theresa Purcell failed to win her race for the Washington State Legislature (19th District) in 2016.  Her defeat by Representative Jim Walsh, the first Republican to be elected in this district since World War...

Washington State county elections trend more conservative

Local political races often forecast wider statewide changes in the future Around Washington State much attention has been paid to a limited Republican showing in the statewide races.  The Republicans picked up a State Treasurer...

Politician steals opponent’s campaign signs while on the taxpayer dime

Grays Harbor County Commissioner Frank Gordon had a busy day Tuesday.  In between county meetings of the budget and finance committees, he had to make a quick stop and take down his political opponent’s...

Local County-level election results preview state-wide political trends

Local elections  during a Presidential election year are typically ignored by political commentators. However, they are often strong indicators of future political trends.  In Washington State, there are some interesting local primary election results...

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