**Updated to include photo of SR 167 arsonist, and additional articles on this topic – see end of article**Read the article – Obviously not all fires are arson. Not all arsonists are part of the Antifa gang (although a distressingly large number of them seem to like burning things down).
Recently, there have been a rash of rural brush fires in Washington State, including some significant fires in the Bonney Lake area, forcing mass evacuations in the local neighborhoods and rural communities in that area. The volume of these fires is not typical for Western Washington. Unlike California and Eastern Washington, Western Washington tends to be blessed with ample rain, lower average temperatures, fewer lightning strikes (see map here), and fewer widespread forest fires which tend to be more common in arid parts of the Western United States. However, it appears that a distressing number of these fires are not accidents, and willful arson is the cause. Who are these arsonists, and is it an organized effort?

For example, earlier on Thursday, September 10th, the State Patrol arrested a Puyallup man who had started a fire along State Route 167 at North Meridian. Apparently, according to this story, this genius was livestreaming on Facebook the fire he had just started, and apparently he had been reported earlier in the day walking along the highway with a lighter. Ok, there are weirdos out there, and there always have been, so one firebug doesn’t mean we have a rash of arsonists patrolling rural areas (although some law enforcement sources are warning about coordinated attacks as reported here). However, according to one report (linked here), it looks like this guy was associated with Antifa (see here as well). He might already be out on a $1,000 bail (although some are reporting this is from an earlier arrest, and he was also arrested for another crime and is currently detained by Pierce County). He may not be alone in his pursuit of the “mostly peaceful” revolution, which seems obsessed with arson as a “mostly peaceful” tactic of their movement.

Now a recent report, from the Graham area in Pierce County where a local rural resident captured on his surveillance camera, a vehicle driving by his field, stopping the car, a fire starting in the field, and then the car driving off. Fortunately, the fire died out before it could cause any serious damage, but that really looks like arson. There are also reports to watch out for homemade time delay arson devices (which look pretty questionable, crude and marginal to me). The alibi benefit for those who set them (assuming this is true) is even if they are caught they will just claim they were littering rather than trying to burn the area up.
While fire investigations tend to take a back seat to suppressing the fires, and there are a lot of random fires throughout southwest rural Washington right now, this raises some questions. Just how many of these fires are being started willfully? For those paying attention (which admittedly, excludes most of the corporate media), we’ve been watching nightly attacks on buildings in urban centers in both Seattle and Portland where “mostly peaceful” arson is being committed repeatedly using Molotov cocktails and other devices as our friendly BLM/Antifa hone their arsonist skillsets.

Looking at who these folk actually are when they actually get arrested (see here), does anyone really believe they wouldn’t start rural fires just for fun, practice, and the joy of burning up rural Washington? If these types of “mostly peaceful” Antifa types believe it is smart and revolutionary to burn cars, buildings, and toss Molotov cocktails in our cities, why wouldn’t they try burning down rural Washington (and Oregon)? They probably believe it would be easy to get away with the crime, and other than the recent idiot arrested by the State Patrol yesterday, most of them probably can do this with far less chance of arrest than in downtown Seattle or Portland.
What can you do about it?
Rural residents of Western Washington tend not to worry about outdoor fires that much because they are not so common. However, forest and brush fires can become conflagrations if the conditions are right (and they are dangerous right now for a few more weeks). Some common sense things you should do on your property (and help your neighbors as well):

- Clean up flammable debris on your property – branches, etc. At least get them a distance away from your buildings
- Mow your fields. Tall, dead grass and weeds are perfect tinder. Make it harder for a fire to gain purchase. That might include mowing the right of way along the county roads next to your property
- Water your landscape around your home. I watched several brush fires spread and stop when they hit the well-watered and green landscape around homes a few years back in Rochester. This won’t always happen, but it can help make a more defensible space around your home.
- Pay attention to shady people driving around your community, get their license plates and vehicle descriptions and if you see them attempting to start fires, make sure you report this to the police. Stay in touch with your neighbors and compare notes. Surveillance cameras and rural game cameras are a good idea.
- Longer term, when the weather is back to its usual wet self in the fall and winter – take advantage of that time to limb those trees higher, clean up those weeds, brush, and try to plan for less fuel in your immediate area. If you have pastures that can be grazed by livestock, try to keep it grazed or mowed. Metal roofs and other construction plans can reduce some fire hazard.
Rural forest fires are a hazard by themselves, and between accidents and lightning, they can happen. However, it could get far worse than normal when there are people running around for whatever deranged cause they support who also believe that burning your home and property will help with their Revolution or their “wokeness” or whatever. These are strange days.

Background articles and documents:
Possible Antifa man arrested for starting fires in Washington State
A listing of many of the confirmed arson fires so far
Update: 14 confirmed arson hotspots in Manti-La Sal National Forest (according to the US Forest Service)
Clackamas Sheriff’s Captain informs Board of Commissioners of Antifa threat, days before sheriff places another officer on leave for informing the public of the very same threat (nothing to see here)
Man arrested for starting 7 fires along I-205 in Portland (don’t look too closely at this one)
Man charged with arson in attempt to set police cars on fire during Seattle protest (yeah, he was Antifa all the way, but I’m sure he would NEVER try burning the rural areas)
Antifa arsonist arrested near Tacoma, WA after livestreaming himself
Eastern Washington woman arrested for starting fires while crews worked to fix fallen power lines (not yet known if she is connected to Antifa, so at this point, just another arsonist)
Man arrested in connection to three suspicious fires in Olympia (identity of arsonist not yet revealed)
Fatal fire in Southeast Washington being investigated as possible arson
Big Sur’s Dolan fire may have arson, cannabis connections
Lane County Sheriff’s announcement of arrest of 44 year old arsonist
Man arrested on arson allegation in wildfire west of Eugene, deputies say
Police arrest multiple suspects in connection with West Coast wildfires
Man arrested on arson allegation in wildfire west of Eugene, deputies say
Man seen starting fires at Oregon state park, fire chief says
Wildfires in the West could be coordinated arson attacks says federal law enforcement
500,000 forced to flee wildfires in Oregon as federal officials investigate potential mass arson
Left-wing arsonists are setting many of the wildfires in Western States – but why?
Oregon bystander films alleged arsonists
Puyallup man arrested for setting fire along SR 167
Reason – You’re not allowed to film: The fight to control who reports from Portland
Andy Ngo begins posting mugshots of Antifa
Video of Andy Ngo get assaulted by Antifa
Antifa Mob Viciously assaults journalist Andy Ngo at Portland Rally
Thanks for your article. One other thing is always that individual American states have their particular laws which affect home owners, which makes it very, very hard for the our lawmakers to come up with a different set of recommendations concerning property foreclosures on house owners. The problem is that every state features own legislation which may work in a damaging manner in relation to foreclosure procedures.
It would be nice if everyone dialed it back about 40 notches and step into the world of reality. Racism is alive in well in America. Racist policies for decades are the source of inequity. BLM is not a Marxist movement regardless of the fact that some founders are professed Marxists. Climate change is real and the overwhelming cause of conditions leading to wildfires whether some are set or not. All sides of the aisle to butcher a metaphor are responsible. Fraud resulting from voting by mail is a miniscule factor. Systemic disenfranchisement of voters is real. Interference in the election by foreign actors notably Russia is real. Immigrants contribute to America and account for 90% of current population. To deny access through due process is to deny the DNA of our country. Universal healthcare is a right and NOT socialism. Why are so many so happy to enrichen CEOs of medical insurance companies that contribute no value. Why is the cost of medical procedures in the US 4X that of the rest of the world. Sure, public commonwealth is imperfect and there are some inefficiencies but that does not mean that privatization is the answer. Nor does it mean that we cannot have efficient government administered low cost health care. Medicare is a success story. Stoking fear that low income housing is going to ruin rural America is bullsh*t. What are people so afraid of? Why are so many people taking extreme positions and voting against their own self interests? Why is separating children from parents who want to come to this country in search of a better life like YOUR grandparents likely did? Take a chill pill or a whole bottle. LOVE your neighbor. Embrace those who wish to be part of this country, and reject governance by those that brag about grabbing womens’ private parts and behave like animals.
Do you feel that your comment represents what “dialed back 40 notches” would look like?
Another feminized male.
BLM is run by radical feminist marxist weirdo psychotic females who did NOTHING about Obama’s DOJ refusing to prosecute police abuse. That’s why i know it’s a fraud. they are doing nothing about the source of the problem, only show up in election times, and they are funded by a white supremacist. Alll the Johnny-come-latetlies, especially white guilt libs who NEVER SAID A WORLD about Amadou Diallo, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, etc, and never cared about Obama not prosecuting…you all are fake phony hypocrites. You get your rocks off by hopping the bandwagon of marxist causes that are mostly going forward when Soros paid goons go out and raise hell. On top of being a fruity, emotional basket case effeminite simp, you seem like a brainless drug addict millenial with your denial logic BS. Watch George Carlin on global warming and wake your dumb ____ up!
Effeminite, delicate, thin-skinned, flowery male Dale Dellario:
You’re not gonna like this but here is a playlist of a black k alpha male average working class citizen who hates BLM and what they stand for. If you’re white then you’re just a disingenuous fake phony pandering weirdo who’s hopping a bandwagon…we will always have racism but it ain’t half as bad as it was in the 70s and def not as bad as in the 60s where you had separate water fountains, you over the top, histrionic drama queen.
You really should not be allowed to post false information as being factual for the purpose of inciting anger and, potentially violence among your readers.
Nothing posted here is false. You shouldn’t be lying either, but you have the right to lie all you want. I have no desire to censor you.
Secondly, you are projecting in some weird way trying to imagine that because you disagree with someone, they must want to incite others to violence. You are stretching beyond that. If you want to experience violence, just go visit Portland or Seattle or some other “fiery, but mostly peaceful” protest. You can get all the violence you want to witness there and experience it first hand if you prefer.
I have consistently opposed violence (including arson), yet it is fascinating to me that people who disagree with me want to project a violent goal. When I report about violence committed by others – that is the truth, not incitement.
This is one of the challenges I find in the modern political cycle, as insane and crazy as it is. This absolute desire to silence, “cancel,” or censor all dissenting thought or “wrongthink.” Orwell predicted this and people who would do this.
What a thin-skinned, emotional basket case, fearmongering mentally ill response this is.
“Don’t talk about how bad things are, the violence and the hostility of protestors and arsonists, you might make someone mad and that might hypothetically cause violence.”
You dumbed down airheaded hypocritical POS subhuman who defends evil and hates journalism. YOU IDIOTS or brainless morons like you are what’s wrong with our country.
Yes denial is alive and well. Notice where all the abhorrent comments come from. Seems to be younger, uneducated, unemployed, government sustained blood suckers with nothing else to do but stir up trouble. I’d be willing to wager those of you with the ignorant comments supporting the radical dangerous left look pretty much like the mug shots pictured above. Unfortunately many of our high school/college educators push this socialist agenda on this “easy prey” group that has probably grown up fatherless, even motherless, older sibling raised at best, angry, hostile, 3rd generation welfare recipients. Are these towns you’re destroying what you want your world to look like? Some crazy out of a nightmare movie scene that provided the only education you received! I know name calling doesn’t help empty heads but here goes. You entitled, spoiled, uneducated, foul mouthed, freaky, uninformed, socialist agenda puppets that should have your tails worked off in a labor camp until you see how the real world operates with law and order! We could say go home but you probably have some dirty little hovel where meat and sugar are the menu and abuse is the daily norm. So for you the streets are a better option. Get a job. There’s a help wanted sign in every other window.
And to the one who keeps saying ‘get informed,’ take your own advice you little empty headed tweeker. You creepy little brats are dangerous…be thankful I’m not President. You would be herded to a fema camp, made to work 8 hours a day for your meals, wash your own clothes on a washboard and dirty water, sleep on a spring cot with some thin dirty blanket (probably like your used to) and eat watery soup.
Then you will get a little taste of what the socialism your pushing for will become your forever future. You want us hard working Americans to support you little lazy troublemakers? Read real news like this real journalist writes and learn something.
You can literally look at the source article, it’s linked. The guy here just posted something completely made up then diluted out your questioning by changing the topic to actual criminals in portland.
What is made up? These guys are real. Their arrests at these “mostly peaceful” protests are real. The mug shots are real. Seriously, you have to be willfully blind to not see this for yourself, my friend.
Yes denial is alive and well. Notice where all the abhorrent comments come from. Seems to be younger, uneducated, unemployed, government sustained blood suckers with nothing else to do but stir up trouble. I’d be willing to wager those of you with the ignorant comments supporting the radical dangerous left look pretty much like the mug shots pictured above. Unfortunately many of our high school/college educators push this socialist agenda on this “easy prey” group that has probably grown up fatherless, even motherless, older sibling raised at best, angry, hostile, 3rd generation welfare recipients. Are these towns you’re destroying what you want your world to look like? Some crazy out of a nightmare movie scene that provided the only education you received! I know name calling doesn’t help empty heads but here goes. You entitled, spoiled, uneducated, foul mouthed, freaky, uninformed, socialist agenda puppets that should have your tails worked off in a labor camp until you see how the real world operates with law and order! We could say go home but you probably have some dirty little hovel where meat and sugar are the menu and abuse is the daily norm. So for you the streets are a better option. Get a job. There’s a help wanted sign in every other window.
And to the one who keeps saying ‘get informed,’ take your own advice you little empty headed tweeker. You creepy little brats are dangerous…be thankful I’m not President. You would be herded to a fema camp, made to work 8 hours a day for your meals, wash your own clothes on a washboard and dirty water, sleep on a spring cot with some thin dirty blanket (probably like your used to) and eat watery soup.
Then you will get a little taste of what the socialism your pushing for will become your forever future. You want us hard working Americans to support you little lazy troublemakers? Read real news like this real journalist writes and learn something.
One of tactics of COMMUNISTS is to start rural fires so they can cause fear, mass destruction, and keep first responders engaged. How is it these attacks happened to close to Sept 11?? I have seen several accounts of people trying to start fires and there have been four arrests for ARSON that have caused some of the worst fires. But people are defending Antifia and claim it’s all climate change. I know climate change is what these communists are using to help push this. “Great Reset”… maybe they needed something to scare us into it. Maybe it’s Antifia maybe But who knows? I think who ever organized this found people crazy enough to do so it couldn’t be traced back to an organization.
Those who’ve lost loved ones and many who’ve lost everything are organizing
to march on the capitol in Oregon.
What are they hoping to achieve with the march? I’m only curious because obviously it is a disaster of serious magnitude, but I’m not sure how a march on the capitol is going to help – other than perhaps to demonstrate the number of people who have been impacted? Post the website or FB page where this is being organized if you can…
I’m in Washington. I’d like to be part of this…how and where/when?
If you want to subscribe to We the Governed, you can do that from the front page of any article. Otherwise, I’m not sure exactly what you are referring to…
Funny, we hear nothing from McMorris-Rodgers. Is she in a coma?
You should ask her
They have burnt parts of cities already, and they want to restart from scratch they say, it has to be them, too many fire are started 97 in 5 days, i never believe in the climate change pretext
Which adds a weird potential wrinkle to this. Perhaps Gang Green has decided that global warming wasn’t happening fast enough, so they thought they would help mother Gaia out a bit…
97 fires started in 5 days, Priests and Nuns don’t start fire sorry
Ah, my friend, you don’t understand. To the Left, Antifa and BLM are their priests and nuns…
[…] the Governed asks: Who is setting these […]
Thank you for the info. Unfortunately you only have a small scale of the actual fires. A week from now everyone will see 90% of these fires are arson. Wake up people, this about COMMUNISM not race. Its out of control.
That might be true, and we will know more in the future, but it generally is best to report what we know and not what we assume. However, this volume of arson fires does look dramatic, and I do have sources in law enforcement who are telling me that investigations into the possible coordination of SOME of these fires is starting to get organized. They do not want to overly panic people, however, so it makes sense that they would downplay this a bit in public.
Im speaking from experience. I have been face to face with Antifa at the Moda Center in Portland. They are no joke. Where I live we had 3 fires set around the same time. My home and family were in danger. Im scared and so are alot of other American’s.
I totally understand. What we are witnessing every night in Seattle and Portland appears to just be the proving ground for the tactics they plan to unleash on the rest of us. They have openly bragged about doing this “in the rural communities” so it is a theory with merit for sure. It is interesting how so many people are willing to suspend their minds and pretend like it can’t happen, but it is still best to report the facts as we find them…
I really want to thank you for writing this article. I feel like the news is not reporting what is really going on. I think this could possibly save some lives and property if people are aware to keep an eye out for suspicious behavior. Thank you again for writing the truth and warning America.
Happy to do so. Please feel free to share with others. I think it is particularly important for people to try to prepare their property to be more resistant to fire. This is just good practice and good form, regardless of whether it is organized Antifa arsonists or a random forest fire. It is always better to do your best to prepare.
Where do you get your ideas from? You know nothing about it.
Study and learn first.
Lol. This site and its users are a pathetic joke.
Thanks for your kind words and thoughtful analysis
You can literally look at the source article, he linked. The guy here just posted something completely made up then diluted out your questioning by changing the topic to actual criminals in portland. It’s actually amazing how easy it is to trick people with something they want to believe.
The man in question was even helping setting up a gofundme for local looted businesses on his facebook. https://heavy.com/news/2020/09/jeffrey-jeff-acord/ He may be an idiot criminal, but that’s essentially the polar opposite of a communist or anti-fa goal.
Nothing about Antifa or being a “communist” (I’m not sure very many people formally identify themselves with that label any more) means they can’t also be a criminal at the same time.
You panzy loser leftists make me sick!!!!!! To hell with you all!!!!!! You don’t deserve to be in such a great country! You should all be dropped off in a 3rd world country and then lets see how good you had it!!!! So many real Americans died so you could have a place to live and all you sissies wanna do is destroy our great country!!! Well guess what u scumbags??? It will never work bc we are so so so much stronger than you whiney worthless nobodies!!!!! 😆 😆 😆
Now, just because they are “woke” and appear to be willing to justify “mostly peaceful” riots, arson fires, assault, and violence to promote the “Revolution,” that doesn’t make them losers, but they probably wouldn’t disagree that they want to destroy our great country. That certainly seems to be on the agenda for the Left right now…
Antifa and BLM are guilty of murdering a young couple’s one year old baby, caught in one of their sh!tstorms.
This will not end well for any of them.
Bring it! We won’t ask what you’re up to, and you’ll be too dead to tell. Your body will never be found, in our neck of the woods.
I think someone else just made this comment…
I think you Queen mix all the info you get together into one bag and then pull out a mess of info. Get it straight. Think about ti!
Antifa and BLM are guilty of murdering a young couple’s one year old baby, caught in one of their sh!tstorms.
This will not end well for any of them.
Bring it! We won’t ask what you’re up to, and you’ll be too dead to tell. Your body will never be found, in our neck of the woods.
I’m not sure that specific fire was caused by arson (correct me if I’m wrong), but I’m not sure your response is the most effective since it seems the Antifa gang want people to respond that way. However, it is laughable that others will post comments here claiming there is no way any of the Antifa would ever commit arson like this since they commit arson almost every night in Portland and in every city where they play. Arson is second nature to them, so it should surprise nobody if more clowns like the SR 167 arsonist are found…
Yes Ive worked with they that fit both categories. Good article. Thank you for this work.
This is 100% untrue. Every real news organization and journalist is reporting that its untrue. Quit spreading propaganda. The right is already ignorant enough..
They aren’t rumors when the idiot livestreams his arson and arrest. Now THAT, my friend, is true ignorance…
What’s not true about this article exactly?
Stop spreading rumors!
They aren’t rumors when the idiot livestreams his arson and arrest.
There’s nothing to say that a group of fundamentalist right wing anti protesters like the ones we have seen recently on the news presenting them selfs as Trump supporters who are not afraid of plowing there vehicles right into the middle of unsuspecting protesters, shooting paint balls or some unknown liquid in the faces of bystanders. Or coming from hundreds of miles from there own home with a firearm and enter a state were they do not reside only to head into town looking for trouble and Lord knows if you are walking aggressivly down the middle of the street, in a city that has already been burning for days, toward a peaceful protest where no one else is armed and the un armed person in charge of helping to make sure the really stays peaceful comes toward you to ask you why bring a gun and you then point the gun at his and shoot him in the face killing him and then others try to restrain you and you shoot them. I’d say he found trouble or should I say he manifested the trouble. It’s a long known right wing tactic to suggest trouble is coming to make you fearful in the hope that paranoia will set in and the left will kill each other doing the hard work for them , but wait there are more of them than we expected, or let’s keep a good thing going the radical right wing will then pose as what ever it who ever group to give right wing media and mouth piecses the visual and physical evidence to back and reenforce there agenda.young , and middle aged Trump supporter the new neo Republican army of @ick less, chicken poop, mentally deficient, facshists and suckiphants who were a peaceful people most of there lives untill the leader they now march in lockstep behind Donald Trump gives them all the green light actually saying the order during a TV opp or in print on twitter along with his son, only later totally denying it was ever said or that he was joking. Trump is a chaos loving P.O.S the more death and distruction the better he likes it and he’s getting you all his loyal follow to take the blame at first calling you patriots then in the next breath denouncing you or denying your existence. And the truth be told drug addicts are not starting these fires involved in riots or looting, and they definitely are not driving to rural anywhere to strategy set fires. The drug addict is doing or worried about Making, selling, or doing dope or having sex. Addicts are weird like that and they do not multitask of anyone not even themselves. It’s a group that will be 4 years old this November. We will call them NeoTrupmers. They are the product of an abusive, or neglectful upbringing one where they may have essentially raised them selves, and more than likely suffered sexual abuse from a parent with facshists tendencies. It’s classic text book criminal right wing behave. Go attack a group of people right after you slander them as a group or race demoralizing them so they don’t fight back, go and burn or destroy property while dressed like or wearing a identifing symbol, and compulsory covid 19 mask concealing there Identity. then like cowrd they are blame those groups of the crime. It’s a win win problem solved.. just like they did in Portland. Show up in announced as fake protesters, do damage and crime only to later show up as law and order with the cheers if final Trump resonating in there ears to commit more crime and get away with it and blame it on that targeted group or community. .. if you can’t or won’t see it wow you are the ones doing it .
Awesome theory, my friend…
Kyle Rittenhouse didn’t drive “hundreds of miles”. He drove less than 10 miles from his home to the town in which he was employed, Kenosha. And the same goes for the rest of your crack inspired diatribe of 2nd grade grammar, you’re a delusional crackhead. Stupid. Bye.
Now, name-calling isn’t an effective communication strategy. However grammar correction is always appreciated. I do suspect Eric is doing a little projection, which is not unusual, but sometimes denial is the first stage, so I’m always happy to give him space to come around. If you were a supporter of Antifa, you’d be angry right now too, and the more people get to know them, the uglier that scene looks.
Plowing through unsuspecting protestors??? Lmao! What the hell planet have you been living on or are you completely collusion already!
When Antifa/BLM (Lol peaceful unsuspecting protestors as you say) have been blocking traffic all across America, ripping people from their vehicles, beat many very badly, beating on and damaging vehicles, blocking highways, interstates and road ways impeding/preventing travel and your defending them doing this while condemning those who hit some trying to flee and protect themselves, their family and their property??
People like you are the reason we have warning labels on everything and Darwin Award winners!
You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. I just pray you don’t have any children and if you do, I pray they didn’t inherit any common sense, logic or emotional polygenic traits from you!
Wow, pretty ignorant to group protesters and members of BLM with arsonists, how desperate are you to try to make a just cause look bad!!! Disgusting
I’m not sure any of them really care what their cause looks like. The ends apparently justify the means, and while arson is a daily event in Portland and pretty frequent in Seattle as well, I suppose the Molotov cocktail experimentation can be tested in many environments…Fortunately, not every forest fire is from arson. Not every arsonist is Antifa, and hopefully they will stop burning down the cities and the countryside…
Man, you’re so high you forgot that setting fires is practically ALL Antifa and BLM knows how to do. Where do all these vacant brains come from? Are you all vaccine damaged ex foster children who were fed crack growing up? Yes, you ARE disgusting.
Once again, I must repeat that name calling is probably not an effective strategy when utilized in communication with those you disagree. However, you make a valid point, which is the obvious fact that Antifa/BLM etc, have demonstrated at their “mostly peaceful” riots a proclivity towards arson, structure fires, vehicle fires, and a little blast from the past – the always reliable Molotov cocktail (if they can avoid hitting their own allies with them – as we recently witnessed in that viral video). This is part of the point with this article. Obviously, not every forest fire is caused by an arsonist. Some are natural (lightning) or accidents. Not every arsonist is a member of Antifa or BLM. But it doesn’t take a great leap of faith to believe that some of them could be since we’ve been watching them commit arson nightly in Portland, Seattle and elsewhere. The friendly “mostly peaceful” Antifa/BLM gang promised to take their revolution to the countryside. Perhaps this is how they roll…
Stop spreading rumors.
They aren’t rumors when the genius livestreams his arson and arrest (check out the SR 167 guy – pure “woke” and marching in the streets – plus not his first arrest, of course).
Your evidence that leftists are starting all or most of these fires is that one guy livestreamed himself? Or that someone burned a car in a city so you jump to the conclusion that they are for sure starting fires in rural towns? FBI already debunked this buddy, so please stop.
Obviously, you didn’t read the article or understand it, go back and try again.
Truth hurts the bolshevik tards.
Truth is hard to find in Socialist land, but many people get duped to join the Revolution. There should always be redemption for those who discover the truth on their own and bail out on the misery…
Stop spreading rumors.
Looks like a bunch of apathetic tweakers to me. A symptom of a greater sociological issue, and philosophical/spiritual maladies of egocentrism. Ubiquitous issues in our general culture, regardless of the cause.
And nothing prevents an Antifa/BLM/”wokester” from taking meth. Or from recruiting meth-addicts to do some of their dirty work. There is nothing to prevent them from being able to identify as both a drug addict and a Antifa/BLM supporter.
Comments are closed.