Be an anonymous government whistleblower – Clark County

This is our latest whistleblower ad as we help local government employees, vendors, and others expose the truth about what is happening in government where they work.  The people who work there know best...

Latest Whistleblower Ad – State Agency focused

This is the latest whistleblower 30 second ad.  Let me know what you think about this one compared to the others.

Thank you, government whistleblowers

A short message for the government whistleblowers who are willing to expose the truth about where they work.  Your willingness to come forward, even anonymously, can be the beginning of the process to clean...

Be Anonymous, be a government whistleblower – TV ad #2

This is another one of our Whistleblower Ads running on television – started in January, 2016.        

Be Anonymous, be a whistleblower – TV Ad 1

This is one of our Whistleblower Ads running on television - started in January, 2016.

Resources for Whistleblowers

If you saw some of our TV ads,  received a flyer, or been directed to this site by a coworker - you have found the right place.   We have worked with whistleblowers in local...

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