Glen Morgan – Short Bio

Glen founded We the Governed in 2016.  Corrupt politicians, bureaucrats, and the Left has hated him ever since. Glen’s We the Governed YouTube video channel has been active since 2015 (over 486 videos -3m+ views). He is currently the volunteer Executive Director for the Citizens Alliance for Property Rights. Glen Morgan was the Grassroots Director and the Property Rights Director at the Freedom Foundation 2011-2015. He enjoys creating videos documenting Big Government’s abuses of citizens – particularly on property rights issues.  

He is a frequent writer and speaker on property rights, the environmental movement, Big Government, and the importance of citizen activism. In 2014, Bill Whittle called Glen, “The ascended high master of political messaging.” Glen doesn’t consider himself a high master of anything, but he enjoys exploring policy issues in local government and exposing government corruption and incompetence which impacts everyone.

In October, 2023, Glen was awarded the Washington State GOP “Volunteer of the Year.” In June, 2019, Glen was awarded the “Citizen Activist of the Year 2019” award by the Olympic Conference.  In 2015, Glen was also honored with the annual Rodney & Laurel McFarland Award presented by the Citizens Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) “for exemplary performance in preserving and protecting property rights for the year 2014.”  

Glen’s articles have been reproduced in publications ranging from the Heritage Insider to local blog sites. He has also appeared on King5 News, KOMO News, Fox News (Q13), KUOW (NPR), Ari Hoffman (KVI 570AM), Jason Rantz (KTTH 770AM), Todd Herman (Seattle -KTTH AM 770), KBKW – Aberdeen, and a variety of other television and radio programs. Glen is often attacked by the Left for daring to expose corruption in government.  He frequently testifies on property rights issues at local government hearings and at the Washington State Legislature.  Glen is also known for writing opposition statements in the official voter’s guide for voter-approved tax increases, challenging inaccurate and misleading ballot titles created by Washington State’s Attorney General for initiatives and tax increase propositions, among other civic activity.

Glen has also been involved in attempting to address campaign finance reforms to make the process easier and simpler for political beginners.  As part of his effort to study Washington State’s campaign finance laws, he has filed over 835 Public Disclosure Campaign Finance and Ethics complaints (2016-2024).  These complaints have resulted in over 107 lawsuits, fines, settlements, or forfeiture of contributions (Currently totaling $641,511) against state legislators, state senators, Democratic Party committees, labor unions, judges, and other politicians who violated the Washington State’s campaign finance laws.  This includes 19 lawsuits filed by the Washington State Attorney General resulting in 21 judgements based on Glen’s reporting.  An additional 208 politicians, PACs, and others have been formally sanctioned for their lawbreaking based on Glen’s efforts.  To see the complete list of violators exposed by Glen’s work in this area – go to this page.

Glen is also an investigative citizen journalist who frequently meets with anonymous whistleblowers from various state agencies, local governments, and political parties who want to expose wrongdoing where they work.  Glen was repeatedly sued by Yelm, Washington based cult leader JZ Knight after he helped expose her racist speeches from 2011 which caused the Washington State Democratic Party to divest themselves from her donations at the time.  Glen has also exposed tax fraud committed by State Senators, homeless camps causing environmental pollution – ignored by environmentalists, and even created alternative logos for Evergreen College.  Glen also published Governor Inslee’s “snitch list” – a public record of citizens encouraged to spy on and report their neighbors for their failure to comply with Inslee’s Civilian Covid Compliance Program.

Glen helped launch the Washington Voter Research Project, a Washington State non-profit organization that helps concerned volunteer activists canvass Washington State’s voter rolls and help local auditors clean up problematic and sloppy voter rolls.  He has repeatedly been attacked by the corporate media, angry politicians, and the Democratic Party for daring to look at elections, a project he has been involved in long before Trump decided to run for public office.

As a former elected School Director in the Rochester School District from 2011 to 2015, Glen has also been involved in his local community.  He is also a current board member of the Thurston County Farm Bureau, and has served on the State Policy Board for the Washington State Farm Bureau, and the Tenino Food Bank.    Glen was a candidate for the Thurston County Assessor’s office in 2010, when he received 48% of the vote.  Glen was the Project Manager for Stop Taking Our Property (S.T.O.P.) Thurston County, a Freedom Foundation project, and he is always engaged in various policy and advocacy issues throughout Washington State.

As a fifth generation Washingtonian, Glen’s roots run deep in Washington State. His great-great grandmother helped start the Pike Place Market,  where multiple generations sold flowers in Seattle for many years. His great-Uncle Ed Dalby installed the first power-generating waterwheel in Union, WA in the early 1920s. Glen’s father helped found the City of Newcastle, and his father served as a City Councilman in that city in the 1990s.  Glen graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School in Federal Way.  After graduating from college with a BA in political science from Columbia College in New York City, Glen returned home and worked for small start-up companies and local manufacturing businesses.  He currently lives on a small tree farm in Thurston County with his wife and their flock of free-range children.  They also have a large flock of free-range Icelandic chickens, peafowl and other helpful farm animals.

Read more about Glen Morgan in the news (linked Here).

See what people are saying about Glen Morgan (Good, Bad and Ugly) – (linked here)

I found this old July, 1996 Northwest Runner profile article written about me.  Long ago, blast from the past:

Here is a link to an Amicus Brief Glen filed (2023) with the Washington State Supreme Court in the State (Bob Ferguson) vs. Eyman case.