The Voting Dead in Washington State

7,228 voting dead Washington State "voters" voted from the grave this November. A miracle of sorts. People joke about the dead coming back to life to vote, but this may be happening...

A Thanksgiving Message to Lockdown Governors

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, there are many things for which we should give thanks. Our lockdown governors are not one of these things. We might have goofs and clowns who...

How defective is Washington State’s Voter Database? – 6.5%

In a recent review of Washington State’s voter Database (from November 5, 2020 – right after the election), it appears, according to the US Post Office, at least 6.5% of the listed voters do...

Why politicians Love Lockdowns…

So many of our governors, bureaucrats, and other politicians appear to love the lockdowns - imposing massive fines and jail time for refusing to obey, restricting how many people can come to Thanksgiving, creating...

Governor Lockdown Inslee – the beatings will continue until morale improves

Now that Inslee is planning his third coronation as Governor of Washington State, and he feels politically safe enough – he is back to inventing massive new citizen lockdown mandates as dictated by the...

Late ballots in Washington State are trending Republican this year

As the later 800,000+ ballots are counted over the last week since election day, the results have trended more in the Republican's favor than it appeared on election night. In addition,...

2020 Election Results Reaction

This video was from the morning after election day. Many more votes were still to be counted, as is customary in Washington State with only vote by mail voting. OUR...

Did your ballot count? You can verify here

***This article has been updated since it was first published to also provide a direct link to the Secretary of State's official website where you can verify your ballot status*** Washington State voters have been...

“Maggot Man” – Washington State Governor Inslee earns new nickname

Governor Inslee made a new name for himself in Washington State.  While scandals have been a common occurrence during Inslee’s past eight years as Governor, a recent political fumble has generated more attention and...

They want to hurt us, but first defund the police -meet Antifa

Andy Ngo has been doing thankless yeoman’s work in Portland documenting the 100 days of recent rioting and the years of Antifa violence which predated the recent round of “mostly peaceful” violence in that...

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