Time to Downsize State Government

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Democrat Senator Kevin Ranker resigns in disgrace, multiple investigations continue

TO RECEIVE THE LATEST NEWS FROM WE THE GOVERNED DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX –SUBSCRIBE HERE Support We the Governed – Make A DONATION HERE Over the weekend, Washington State Senator Kevin Ranker (Democrat, 40th Legislative District) officially resigned...

This is how bureaucrats falsify public records for their own personal benefit – one...

TO RECEIVE THE LATEST NEWS FROM WE THE GOVERNED DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX –SUBSCRIBE HERE Support more local reporting like this - consider making a donation Here In a previous article detailing the many scandals and problems...

Democrat Senator Kevin Ranker’s sex harassment case raises questions – how much sex is...

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox -SUBSCRIBE HERE Democrat Washington State Senator Kevin Ranker (LD-40) has always been a self-proclaimed champion of the environment and environmental causes.  He has...

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