The Thurston County Commissioners have decided to ban fireworks as one of their high priorities this month, and they have squeezed in a public hearing on Monday so that they can start the fireworks jihad before the July 4th holiday.
Thurston County Commissioners Wolfe and Romero are ramping up their legislative agenda as both retire from the Thurston County Commission at the end of this year. If the Thurston County Duo succeed in their efforts to ban fireworks, Thurston will be the sixth Washington State county to do so, but only the second one on the wet side of the state. The five counties who already have fireworks bans are Franklin, Okanogan, San Juan, Spokane and Yakima counties. For a complete list of counties and cities who have firework restrictions of some kind you can read the list linked here.
Commissioner Bud Blake is the only sane voice on the commision,

but he is outvoted right now by the Romero/Wolfe Duopoly. Many residents of Thurston County view the next six months as Wolfe and Romero’s final scorched earth campaign to inflict as much harm, damage, and nanny-state programs on the residents of Thurston County as possible. Then the two aging politicians plan to retire on their taxpayer funded six-figure retirement packages and enjoy the show. The Duo are also attempting to help their hand-picked candidate Jim Cooper who is running for Commissioner by passing as many ordinances as possible. The theory is Jim Cooper can focus on his goals of imposing a local income tax and other taxes and programs of wisdom instead of dealing with pedestrian goals like fireworks bans. If you want to know your alternatives to Jim, read this article.

In addition to the proposed fireworks ban for all of Thurston County, they are planning to implement gems of innovative political genius like the following:
- Finalize the $42,000 Gopher Tax on new homeowners in rural Thurston County who might have a piece of property near pocket gopher habitat.
- Implement the “Crap Tax” which will be a new tax on every septic system in the county and which will be added to the ever growing property tax bill.
- Create a justification for their plastic bag ban by wasting tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars on a phony “survey” which is designed to justify this unpopular ordinance.
This is on top of the impressive accomplishments these stellar public servants have on their resume such as:
- A Washington State land use jury verdict lawsuit record with the $12.4 million Maytown lawsuit.
- The impressive accomplishment of spending 18 years and $8 million to take a $4 million empty building and make it worth $2million.
- Spending $61 million on a new jail that sat empty for five years.
- Plastic Bag Ban (and forcing stores to charge us an extra $0.5 for paper bags).
- Criminalizing minor code infractions with expensive civil penalties and fines with passage of Title 26.
- Romero can lay claim to personal fame by costing the residents of Thurston at least $200 million in her lengthy tenure as Commissioner.
The Plague of the Thurston County Commissioners is not over yet, but we should be allowed to use fireworks to celebrate their departure
Fortunately for those who wish to celebrate July 4th this year, even if the Commissioners cram their fireworks ban through, state law requires that the ban won’t go into effect until next year (2017). We won’t officially be violating the law until next year’s Independence Day. Obviously, the Washington State Patrol has better things to do than charge every person celebrating on July 4th, so massive civil disobedience will be the predictable result of this pointless ban.
However, if you want the opportunity to tell the Commissioners what you think about this issue, you can come to the hearing Monday night (June 27th -5:30pm) (information linked here) or email them (go here and link directly to their emails). Meanwhile, it appears that many of us will be violating another law in Thurston County next year.
More Background on Washington State Fireworks laws:
List of fireworks bans and ordinances by county and city
Washington State Administrative Code on Fireworks (State Patrol)
Governor Jay Inslee can’t ban fireworks, as much as he would like to do so
Our Constitution begins with the phrase “we the people.” It was the founder’s intent that government be created by the people, to serve the people. It wasn’t their intention for the people to serve the government. It was always intended that government which failed to serve the people should be “altered or abolished.” Until we return to the founder’s intent, we remain We the Governed…
For more background on Thurston County – read these articles:
Five candidates battle for Thurston Commissioner Seat, but who are they?
Thurston County Auditor bends rules to help Allen Miller (and Jim Cooper)
Thurston County discovers new cash cow in the “Crap Tax”
What Happened to the County Charter Movement?
Thurston County Invents $42,000 pocket gopher tax for new homeowners
Thurston County Manager Cliff Moore quits, will now plague the City of Yakima
Thurston County spends $8 million and 18 years to make a $4 million empty building worth $2 million
Thurston County spends $5k for a $3k computer, then loses 12 of them
Thurston County finds missing $60k computer inventory, uses 3 card monte excuse
Thurston County punishes rural serfs again
Sandra Romero – the $200 million Commissioner
Thurston County Commissioners Deny the Reality of Math
Hunters fighting to stop Thurston County’s gun ordinance
A Plague of Consequences in Thurston County
Thurston County Bag Ban – Paper or Plastic?
Thurston County to Citizens: Living here is a real gamble
Childish Political Leadership in Thurston County is costing Taxpayers Millions
Thurston County Demonstrates How Not to Build a Jail
Tales of Tyranny – Bert Wasch Story – Thurston County denies his right to build a home for 5 years
Tales of Tyranny – Misti Chastain – Thurston County attempts to destroy her farm business
Tales of Tyranny – Chris Weaver – Thurston County makes him a criminal for hurting a gopher
The County Septic tank regulators know they are NOT using best available science. They have hidden a $15 kick back from pumper companies inside the fee from the private data service which the pumpers are forced to use. You pay the pumper to pump your tank based upon a fake requirement of pumping once every 3 years. The pumper has to pay a fee to file his report with a specific private company. The private data company gives a kickback to Thurston County of $15 for the lucrative deal. Can you spell RICO?
Thurston County sounds like a communist run County !! Ludicrous to think you can tax septic tanks on people’s private property ! Have you lost your freaking minds ??? It’s time for We the people to stand up to the County !! You are acting like money hungry jerks!! Where did you come from, California ?? Leave, go back you bunch of Commies 👎👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿
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