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Tag: Bud Blake

Four candidates vie for the Thurston County Commission, but who are...

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE A contentious political race for the open Thurston County Commission seat...

The day the “Crap Tax” died

“What a difference an election can make” said one Thurston County resident as he departed the Tuesday evening Thurston County Commission public hearing. “I’m...

End of the Looney Tunes Commission

At the regularly scheduled Thurston County Commissioner meeting last Tuesday afternoon, all appeared similar, yet different from the previous eight years of this Commission....

How did the Democrats lose Thurston County?

The final election results are official in Thurston County, and it is clear that dramatic political change has arrived.  The Thurston County Commission, in...

Washington State county elections trend more conservative

Local political races often forecast wider statewide changes in the future Around Washington State much attention has been paid to a limited Republican showing in...

Thurston County goes Independent – first time in state history

Death threats, Robocalls, Ramtha Cash, and Lawsuits.  The Thurston County Commission race had something for everyone, and while there were lots of adjectives that...

Thurston County staff create fraudulent data to justify tax increase

Thurston County staff have been caught, once again, knowingly falsifying data to justify another big tax increase.  Conveniently, for the bureaucrats involved, this proposed...

Despite desperate claims – Thurston County’s rural car tax still illegal

An assortment of local political observers went public last week in support of the legality of Thurston County’s proposed rural car tax.  Their defense...

Total citizen opposition to questionable rural car tax at Thurston County...

At the Tuesday hearing for Thurston County’s proposed rural car tax for the new Thurston County Transportation Benefit District generated very little love from...

Local County-level election results preview state-wide political trends

Local elections  during a Presidential election year are typically ignored by political commentators. However, they are often strong indicators of future political trends.  In...

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