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Tag: Rural Living

How did the Democrats lose Thurston County?

The final election results are official in Thurston County, and it is clear that dramatic political change has arrived.  The Thurston County Commission, in...

Pacific County works hard to destroy the last oyster farm in...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhJ3XoqRTC4 The latest story in our Citizen's Alliance for Property Rights Tales of Tyranny series...this one from Pacific County. Oysterville Sea Farms is the last...

Hirst Decision by Supreme Court unleashes wrath of “Futurewise” upon property...

The recent Washington State Supreme Court decision Hirst vs. W. Washington Growth Management Hearings Board (“Hirst”) (decision linked here if Court pulls it off...

The Cross family story – Harassed by Dept of Ecology until...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt30wTKLrwQ Government bureaucracy often feels the need to invent excuses to harass and destroy the lives of property owners.  This is often done so they...

Despite desperate claims – Thurston County’s rural car tax still illegal

An assortment of local political observers went public last week in support of the legality of Thurston County’s proposed rural car tax.  Their defense...

Thurston County wants to force another illegal tax on rural residents

Thurston County’s Commissioners have cultivated a well-deserved reputation for incompetence and hostility towards rural residents over the past half decade.  Now, a recently proposed...

The War on David Madore (the Video Version)

This is the video version of the article recently written here.  There is more information in the article along with additional links.  However, we...

The War on David Madore

We expect and encourage hard-hitting exposure of political figures, and I rarely spend any time defending incumbent politicians.  However, at what point does political...

Thurston County Discovers New Cash Cow in the “Crap” Tax

Thurston County is pursuing an innovative tax on rural septic systems, which local residents call “The Crap Tax.”  Here, in Thurston County, residents have...

Five candidates battle for Thurston County Commissioner seat – but who...

In a few months an election will determine the direction of the Thurston County Commission.  One commissioner seat has five candidates vying for that position....

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