We had an opportunity to interview the owner of Spiffy’s Restaurant, which has been in the news lately after openly defying Governor Inslee’s extreme lockdown orders. These are his words, and this is his story.

Background articles and documents:
Showdown at Spiffy’s Restaurant
The Voting Dead in Washington State
How Defective is Washington State’s Voter Database? – 6.5%
Two Washington State DSA cert. reports on Nov 5, 2020 Voter Reg Database info – run on Nov 18, 2020
Why are 6.7% of King County voter records not accurate?
August 2020 CASS – NCOA Reports on King County Voter Database
Washington State Secretary of State Office – Official Website
King County Elections Office – Official Website
Only a few folks attempted voter fraud in 2016, those who did could be in big trouble
Seattle Times – 7 charged in vote fraud scheme
When clowns run government, eventually it becomes a circus
Seattle Times – King County settles vote records suit from 2004 governor race
King County sends thousands of Duplicate ballots (I’m sure it is fine – nothing to see here)
Thurston County Auditor bends the rules to benefit Allen Miller (and Jim Cooper)
Vote by mail fails when postal workers are corrupt, look at Washington State
Democratic Dinner Committee pays over $6k for lawbreaking, promises to sin no more
King County Democrats suffer another setback with $36k judgement for breaking the law
King County Council receives Bureaucrat Pinocchio Award
Attorney General sues Democrat Speaker Frank Chopp for campaign finance violations
Tempted by Turd Tax, King County Council and Staff shocked by citizen disgust
King County Dumps the Turd Tax after overwhelming rejection by angry residents
The ’emergency’ is long over, especially since the Kung Flu has a 1% overall death rate. This is a power grab by the governor. Especially considering who is being punished and who is not being punished. So back to Civics 101 for you. Next time don’t fall asleep in class. And opinion polls are just that, OPINIONS, not the truth or facts. Better also take a Logic 101 class.
Guess what 1% of 330 million citizens in the United States is? 3.3 million. It isn’t a power grab, it is for keeping the state safe. Yesterday 2,190 US citizens died of COVID-19 according to the New York Times, and the number will keep going up until we have a vaccine. The emergency powers our elected governor is using is completely legal, if you looked at the links I sent for state law. If you just now learned about emergency powers, congratulations. It’s not a new concept, and it’s completely legal – shown in the laws I linked in my comment below.
As for the polls, yes they are opinions. The whole debate with me and Mr. Morgan was about whether most Democrats have the OPINION of believing the police force should be abolished. Opinion polls are used all the time, by many different parties. There are opinion polls during elections, city council votes, and product tests – They aren’t new.
And stop insinuating that I haven’t taken a basic “Civics 101” class. That is simply insulting and a sign of a poor debate. I have clearly linked my sources on the laws and polls I have referred to, but neither you nor Mr. Morgan have done that.
If you truly believe that most Democrats have the opinion that the police force should be abolished, provide sources.
Free Men don’t ask for permission to exercise their rights !
They don’t, which is why the politicians and bureaucrats are demanding you get on your knees to them for everything…
From this video, it seems implied that the out-of-state based political activist group “Peoples Rights” is based solely on the ideals of freedom, democracy, and citizens rights – yet you ignore many issues with the group. Currently, the “Peoples Rights” group is advocating for opposition to State Law and for use of force against State Police Officers simply doing their job.
In a recent post on Parler linked from the official Peoples Rights Twitter account, the organization stated State Police enforcing the law was “egregious and should not be tolerated”. They then proceeded to call our State Police “Criminals in a uniform”, “aggressors”, “trespassers” and “Domestic enemies” – names that are incredibly disrespectful for a group of people who put their life on the line every single day.
The organization said they want to “Defend [Spiffys] from force [Force meaning State Officers enforcing the law] being used against them”, but is that not advocating for violence against our Police Force enforcing the laws the majority of the population agreed-upon? When Peoples Rights states they want to “Defend from force”, Denending implies they want to use force back – force that could harm or kill policemen.
I firmly believe you should at least talk about these issues instead of portraying the group as the next Sons of Liberty.
(Also, I realize radical sects of the Left have advocated for violence against Police as well, and I especially condemn that. I am just saying that when “Peoples Rights” does the same they should be held accountable, like the left should. If you choose to respond to this comment do not mention the left advocating for violence, as it is not relevant to my statement.)
[P.S You may say most of the left is Anti-Police, but 90% of the Democrats / Leftists I know do not believe that. Even if you think that is true it is still not relevant]
Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/PeoplesRightsWA/status/1334963020045271040
Tweet with Peoples Rights stating they want to “Defend [Spiffys] from force [State Officers enforcing the law] used against them”: https://twitter.com/PeoplesRightsWA/status/1334991624716218368
Parler post calling State Police “Criminals”, “Enemies”, etc: https://parler.com/post/8bcaade4041a4ed48b4e72a4469ed9d4
Fortunately, we still live in a semi/sorta free country, so you can start your own website and let us know how you feel…
What ‘law’ are you talking about? I’m waiting. And 90% of Dumbocrats support the police? Let me know where your next stand up comedy gig will be held. I will be eager to heckle you on stage.
If he was serious about this effort, and I hope he is, he will start his own website and share his observations and wisdom with us. That would be good stuff. The more the merrier, I believe…
In response to Mr. Kent, the laws I am referring to are the emergency rules filed by the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries.
The emergency rules were enacted at the direction of Inslee and are effective as of the time I am writing this, and have been for a while now.
The rules allow the Department of Labor & Industries to cite businesses for being open or for operating in a way that is “purposely defying the phased-in approach and, as a result, putting their workers at risk”. If businesses such as Spiffy’s are found in violation of this, they can face fines of up to $10,000 – Fines that can be applied every day that violations are uncovered (This means that on Monday Spiffys has the potential to reciever up to $70,000 in fines).
And I notice that you pinpointed the one part of my comment that you believed you could argue with. Yes, in my experience, 90% of “Dumbocrats” – fellow politically involved Americans like you and I – are not Anti-Police. You may have different experiences, and I will accept that. One cannot stereotype an entire group of people, democrats or Republicans. Both sides, in general, are fighting for what they believe is right and wish to improve America, no matter what others say. I find that most Democrats are in favor of police reform and additional training for them, with only a small minority advocating for the abolition of the police (An idea I absolutely do not support).
I don’t think it is a small minority that support the abolition of the police any longer. That is ancient history. Now, all the cool kids on the Dem side of the political scene are in this suicidal self-destruction camp.
That statement is false. According to a recent survey done by Gallup, only 27% of Democrats believe in abolition of the Police. This is a trustworthy source because Gallup polls have been used by many major news publications, including the New York Post and Fox News – Both News sources that you cite in your articles. You may not think it’s a small minority that supports the abolition of the police, but the facts don’t lie – The majority of Democrats are not in this “Suicidal self-destruction camp” as you call it.
Sources: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/07/22/abolish-police-gallup-poll/
That is so funny. I love how you go back to Gallup – always behind the curve. If you went back in time 8 months, it would have been 3-5%. It is a much larger percentage than that. If you were right, then you’d see more of them out in front on this issue, and they’ve been strangely silent. In Seattle, a harbinger of the hell to come for everyone else, they are moving full speed ahead. Nope, the momentum in group-think land is certainly building towards abolition of the police, and in this land – alternative thinking is not allowed for long, my friend. That is why they invented the cancel culture and work with their friends in Big Tech Bros – to silence all dissent. No wrongthink will be allowed and if you don’t support abolishing the police, then you will eventually be cancelled too.
You are stating that the percentage of citizens advocating for the total abolition of the police force is much larger – yet you are not citing any sources that back up this claim. I would be very intrigued to see up-to-date polls on the issue that show a percentage higher than what was listed on the Gallup poll. Until you show that, the simple fact is that the majority of citizens, democrat, republican, and independent, believe the police force should not be abolished.
On another note, referring to Seattle as “Group-think land” is incomprehensible and remarkably foolish. Democracy that you do not agree with is not groupthink. It is simply participation in politics like the founders would have wanted but upon the other side of the political spectrum.
No, I’m saying the percentage of Democrats/Socialists (I’m not sure the distinction is that important any more). Yes, the votes on the Seattle City council demonstrates you are wrong, and so is the Gallup poll. Only one side of these political viewpoints supports censorship, silencing the opposition, cancel-culture, etc. If their ideas were so awesome, they wouldn’t need censorship and threats of cancel culture. Yet, it permeates the Left wing spectrum completely. Orwell knew this, and he would recognize them if he were alive today. It is sad, but inevitable. Censorship and Cancel culture is ugly, but the Left owns it and feels they can’t survive without it.
First of all, what sort of censorship are you referring to? I would like to know which censorship that the left is engaging in is Orwellian in nature, because last time I checked democrats were not the ones installing cameras and microphones within peoples rooms.
On another note, what votes on the Seattle city council demonstrate I am wrong? I have provided evidence from a trusted source that the majority of Democrats believe that the police force should not be abolished. I would like to see you provide solid evidence that contradicts that claim.
It isn’t possible for anybody to be living in a hole so deep they can’t see the censorship occurring on every major media platform right now – Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. Funny thing, it is all directed at Conservative or Libertarian groups (certainly anyone not in on the hive mind Lefty Utopian program). Cancel culture is entirely a creature of the Left, and they play it quite well. Since you can’t possibly be unaware of that – then you are just lying, or trolling, which is certainly fine, but it just means you are not honest. I’m sure Big Brother will have a place for you, and you’ll love it.
You DO know that ‘rules’ are not laws? And that the Governor does not make ‘rules’ or laws, as that is the responsibility of the state legislature? Take a Civics 101 class and get back to us. And relying on a Gallup poll for correct information is akin to putting your faith in a flat tire. And by the way, the police get PLENTY of training and certain folks (read: suspects) need to reform by OBEYING THE POLICE NOW AND COMPLAIN LATER. Nice try; no cigar.
In Response to Mr. Kent
I realize rules are not laws. I was paraphrasing from a different article that called them rules, and I realize now that was a mistake. Yet the “rules” I mentioned are, in fact, laws. According to RCW 49.17 of Washington State Law, government organizations such as Labor and Industries can enforce workplace safety standards within guidelines issued by the governor from his emergency powers. The emergency powers I mentioned that the governor has are also derived from a law passed by the state legislature – RCW 43.06.220. These are both linked and sourced below. Like it or not, the facts are that what Governor Inslee is doing is completely and utterly legal.
So yes, I have passed a Civics 101 class Mr. Clark Kent.
In regards to your comment on Gallup polls, many conservative as well as liberal media outlets have used them, including sources that Mr. Morgan uses regularly such as the New York Post (Even Donald Trump has used this polling website when referencing a poll that stated 56% of Americans said they were better off today than they were in 2016, a poll done by Gallup).
In response to Mr. Morgan
I wasn’t saying censorship is not there. What I was saying is that I do not believe it is Orwellian in nature, or the sign of a oncoming dystopia in America. Social media censorship and algorithmic issues have become a great problem in our nation and the world, with the algorithm of our feed determining our entire livelihoods and beliefs. These big tech companies have not just targeted conservatives however – according to CBS news much of the top-performing content on Facebook is from conservatives, and Youtube doesn’t discriminate when it comes to shutting down channels on both sides of the political spectrum. Another factor may be the simple fact that it is not censorship, but a larger audience being appealed to leftist views more. Seven out of the last eight elections have had the popular vote won by Democratic candidates, and with the younger generation being both more Liberal and more active on social media, the number of Democrats will only continue to grow. If you believe the censorship is far more prevalent than many portray it to be, I encourage you to locate valid sources and get back to me on that – simply saying I am “Lying or Trolling” doesn’t manifest for you facts to back up your claims.
Lastly, you still have not shown any sources to back up your claim that most democrats advocate for the abolition of the police – or even most people in the “harbinger of the hell to come” Seattle, for that matter.
RCW 49.17.110 (Washington Labor Safety law that allows businesses to be fined): https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=49.17.110
RCW 43.06.220: https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=43.06.220
The ’emergency’ is long over, especially considering the overall fatality rate for the Kung Flu is 1%. The governor is using it as a power grab. Especially considering who he allows to be open and who he shuts down. Better take that Civics 101 class again and not fall asleep in class next time. And opinion polls are based upon OPINIONS, not truth or facts, which are separate from OPINIONS. Better also sign up for a Logic 101 class. Nice try; no cigar.
(I responded to this in your other comment you made that said the same thing)
Nice try at deflection. Better luck next time.
(No I meant I replied to your duplicate comment you made. This was my response)
Guess what 1% of 330 million citizens in the United States is? 3.3 million. It isn’t a power grab, it is for keeping the state safe. Yesterday 2,190 US citizens died of COVID-19 according to the New York Times, and the number will keep going up until we have a vaccine. The emergency powers our elected governor is using is completely legal, if you looked at the links I sent for state law. If you just now learned about emergency powers, congratulations. It’s not a new concept, and it’s completely legal – shown in the laws I linked in my comment below.
As for the polls, yes they are opinions. The whole debate with me and Mr. Morgan was about whether most Democrats have the OPINION of believing the police force should be abolished. Opinion polls are used all the time, by many different parties. There are opinion polls during elections, city council votes, and product tests – They aren’t new.
And stop insinuating that I haven’t taken a basic “Civics 101” class. That is simply insulting and a sign of a poor debate. I have clearly linked my sources on the laws and polls I have referred to, but neither you nor Mr. Morgan have done that.
If you truly believe that most Democrats have the opinion that the police force should be abolished, provide sources.
The Government makes us ‘safe’? HAHAHAHAHAAAAA! You lost ANY AND ALL credibility with THAT silly statement! Go away…
The “government” appears to exist now only to promote the power and control of those who believe they are in charge. They certainly care not one bit about protecting the little people. It is embarrassing to actually find people who still believe that any of these people “in government” are here to keep anyone but themselves “safe.”
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