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Weirdos and Heroes in local Washington State Government


In this first video in what I expect to become an ongoing series, we feature a few of the many weirdos who have achieved positions of power in local government. We also feature a local hero who has made a real difference in his community as well.

All types of people manage to get elected to local government. Some of them are great. Some of them are bad. Some of them are mediocre. And some of them are just weirdos.


Background articles and links:

Pedro Olguin’s official Burien City Council website

Pedro Olguin’s $900 fine for violating Washington State’s campaign finance laws (based on complaint filed by Glen Morgan)

The original complaint filed against Pedro Olguin by Glen Morgan linked here

Pedro Olguin’s official Public Disclosure Commission complaint/fine/case file

Another $100 fine against Pedro Olguin by the Public Disclosure Commission

Olguin arrested and jailed in Wenatchee (article B-Townblog)

Councilmember Olguin arrested for assault (another article)

Official Olympia City Council website for Renate Rollins

Councilmember Rollins interviews with King5 news about her refusal to pay rent

Seattle City Council Member Lisa Herbold’s official website

Lisa Herbold’s Wikipedia site (for what it is worth)

Seattle Times opinion article about Lisa Herbold AWOL leadership

Washington Examiner article about Herbold wanting to defund the police, but calling them when she wants help

Post Millennial – Another article about Lisa Herbold’s hypocrisy

My Northwest (Jason Rantz) – Great article about Lisa Herbold complaining about a crime that she is legalizing

Cowlitz County Commissioner Arn Mortensen official website (please note, I misspelled his name in the video as “Mortenson”)

Interview of Commission Mortensen during Covid Panic regarding Inslee’s harassment of local businesses

Washington’s Department of Ecology ignores Toxic Waste on their own property

Washington's Department of Ecology claims they care about the environment, but every employee at this agency watched toxic waste pile up in their own front yard for years and they did nothing about it.
DOE Director Laura Watson

A common theme which unfortunately defines government is the inevitable hypocrisy frequently on display. If we bother to look at the difference between what these bureaucrats and agencies claim to care about and what they actually do, we will see it plain as pile of trash in the woods. A few days ago, I visited the Washington State Department of Ecology‘s property located in Lacey, Washington. I took photos of the massive garbage piles, drug needle piles, open pit latrines, small motor and bike chop shops, piles of burned garbage, toxic waste landfills, and other absurd activities taking place in their front yard. Much of these activities were within plain view of the offices of the Department of Ecology and every single employee, including Director Laura Watson, drove right past these activities every day, and they did nothing. Nothing at all.

Despite all their claims to care about the environment, Washington State’s Department of Ecology didn’t care enough about the environment to clean up their own front yard. When I took these photos and documented the ugly truth about the Department of Ecology‘s front yard, they finally started to go through the process of cleaning up the toxic waste after ignoring the mess for so many years.

As we’ve documented with past stories, this is the same agency which has repeatedly harassed small farmers and property owners for having as little as one horse in large pastures, located many hundreds of yards from any river or stream. Their reason? The “potential to pollute.” Not even any evidence of any real pollution. Just the “potential to pollute.” For this, the Department of Ecology happily destroys lives and is only satisfied when the horse is dead (see the Cross Family story from Whatcom County linked here).

In addition to the Washington State Department of Ecology ignoring the massive toxic waste pile growing in their front yard, the US Environmental Protection Agency rents offices in the same building and also did nothing. So does Washington State’s Conservation Commission, and they did nothing as well. In a few buildings right behind the DOE facility, the employees of the US Fish and Wildlife Service also ignored the environmental disaster which they drove by every day to work, as did the US Marine Fisheries employees. All these bureaucracies and agencies claim to care about the environment, but when true pollution is piling up outside their front windows, they choose to ignore it and do nothing to clean it up themselves.

See for yourself:

The Cross Family story we covered back in 2016 is linked below:


Background articles and links:

Washington State Department of Ecology

US Environmental Protection Agency (which is located in the DOE building in Lacey)

Washington State Conservation Commission (which is co-located in the DOE building in Lacey)

US Fish and Wildlife Service (which is located on the same campus, in a building behind the DOE facility – sharing the same entrance road)

US Marine Fisheries Service (which is co-located with US Fish and Wildlife)

State Senators hold hearings exposing Dept of Ecology’s abuse of Citizenry and local government

Inslee Staffer quits after Bad Behavior Exposed

Turning works of art into crime scenes

This is how bureaucrats falsify records for their own benefit – this is one example

State employee views property owners as animals to be hunted

Gang Green and the Government Staff Infection

Silence of the Enviros – ignoring real pollution in Olympia’s Greenspaces

Who is the WORST lockdown Governor of them all? Take the poll.

Who is the WORST lockdown governor of them all? This is a tough one. The competition to win this title is fierce, but you can vote and tell us who you believe is the worst.

As we mentioned in our latest YouTube video, we have been unable to answer this question. So we thought our readers (or viewers from our YouTube channel) can tell us what they think. All these state Governors are terrible in their own way, but who is worst of all? Take the survey posted here and tell us what you think. You can view the results after you cast your vote:

I realize our reading audience is biased towards Washington State, so to be fair, please feel free to share this article with others around the country to get a more geographically dispersed voting pool.


Background articles and documents:

California Governor Gavin Newsom:

Official website linked here

Citizens gather enough signatures to put Newsom recall vote on the ballot

A Happy Newsom Sucks Protest

Newsom apologizes for flouting his own Covid restrictions

Remy makes parody video about Newsom (“It wasn’t me”)

Oregon Governor Kate “Lockdown” Brown:

Official website linked here

“Lockdown” Brown extends Lockdown again until June (it will never end under her watch)

Oregon’s Governor demands citizens snitch on lockdown violators

Oregon Town declares its own emergency to fight against Governor Brown’s lockdown orders

2 groups want to recall Governor Brown: Why can’t they get along?

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer:

Official website linked here

Governor Whitmer declares entire state of Michigan a vaccine prison camp

Anti-Lockdown campaigner to mount bid against Governor Whitmer

Governor Whitmer’s approval rating drops 17% in just 8 months

Governor Whitmer lied about travels before Florida trip revealed

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo:

Official website linked here

9th woman accuses Cuomo of sexual harrassment

“Have I touched people? Yes” says Cuomo when accusations surface

Cuomo administration buried scientific paper on nursing home deaths

Cuomo blocks release of Covid nursing home data sent to feds

Justice Department investigates Cuomo’s nursing home order that killed 15,000 people

As Cuomo sought $4 million book deal, aides hid damaging death toll

Washington State Governor Jay Inslee:

Official website linked here

Jay Inslee loses hundreds of millions of dollars to Nigerian scam artists while Washingtonians suffer

Inslee gives illegal immigrants $40 million while unemployment still a mess

Inslee joins the league of Covid nursing home governors – just like Cuomo

Is Governor Jay Inslee single-handedly responsible for America’s Covid outbreak?

Is Jay Inslee the next Andrew Cuomo?

Jay Inslee gives Maggot infested apples to wild-fire victims

Video: A Tsunami of incompetence in Ocean Shores

A Tsunami of Incompetence causes problems in Ocean Shores, but what can they do about it?

The City of Ocean Shores is a beautiful place, but the political incompetence (or worse) should lead to a desire by local residents to fix some of the structural and political problems which create these situations. It is possible to improve local government, but it requires people willing to show up.

For many decades, ever since I was a little kid, I loved visiting the City of Ocean Shores. Flying kites, riding horses, walking the beach, visiting with friends, attending the Roanoke Conference. There are many reasons for Washingtonians and visitors to take a trip to Ocean Shores, and it appears to be a great place to retire. However, despite the many natural advantages, the political process leaves much to be desired.


Background articles and documents:

Former Ocean Shores Chamber director charged with felony theft

Ocean Shores City Councilman killed in surfing accident

Firefighters Union endorses Dingler, Connery critical

Fired Ocean Shores fire chief wins breach of contract suit, awarded more than $730,000 in damages

Washington Fire Chief awarded $734k for wrongful termination

Former Ocean Shores Fire Chief David Bathke files federal lawsuit against city

Fired Washington Chief sues for $1.4 million

Bench Trial Concludes in former Ocean Shores fire chief’s wrongful termination suit against the city

Documents detail city’s ongoing effort to oust fire chief

City of Ocean Shores (official website)

Ocean Shores Golf Course

Grays Harbor County 2019 elections (Ocean Shores Mayor results)

Grays Harbor County 2015 elections (Ocean Shores Mayor results)

Grays Harbor County 2011 elections (Ocean Shores Mayor results)

Mayor’s salary reduced in 2020

Mayor Crystal Dingler’s Official Bio

City hires new fire chief with 40 years experience

Dingler endorses Wild Olympics

Piper Leslie leaving Chamber of Commerce

Jay Inslee and Dingler announce Covid closures in press conference

Rebound Report send to WA State Auditor on Ocean Shores Golf Course Irrigation Project – March 24 – 2021

Rebound Report Exhibits 1-10 – table of contents

Rebound Report Exhibits 11-20 – Addenda

Curt Zander’s “formal” response to the Rebound report addressed to the Ocean Shores City Council

Rebound’s Response to Curt Zander’s response (written to Ocean Shores City Councilmember) April 15, 2021

Cattle Rancher Ralph Minard was “father” of development

Grays Harbor attorney pleads guilty to tax evasion in conspiracy case

A tsunami of incompetence in Ocean Shores

The City of Ocean Shores is vulnerable to a tsunami of bad decisions by politicians.

Recent reports of a $734,376.50 Federal Court ruling against the City of Ocean Shores, located on the Pacific Coast in Washington State is just the most recent public exposure of major political leadership problems in that city.  Of course, it takes more than losing a lone lawsuit for someone to objectively conclude there are serious problems in the City of Ocean Shores.  Let’s look at some of these issues which have come to light over the past few years: (*Note some edits since first publication have been made to this article, and they are detailed both in the body of the article and at the end)

Ocean Shores Mayor Dingler on extreme Right
  • The recent $734,376.50 Court judgment against the City of Ocean Shores (and more specifically this is an explicit repudiation of Mayor Crystal Dingler’s poor choices).  This stems from a poorly managed, politically orchestrated, and illegal firing of the City’s Fire Chief after he apparently did the work he was hired to do reducing the historic overtime abuse by the many non-resident firefighters in that department.
  • The recent expose of curious and questionable contracts, incestuous business relationships, and legal violations at the Ocean Shores Golf Course (owned by the City).
  • A significant squandering of taxpayer funds on a maintenance building which was bid at $850,000, but ended up costing the city $2.4 million. 
  • Unusual attempts by the Mayor to reduce council oversight or questioning of the city’s financial expenditures (which is highly unusual for any elected body)

These problems appear to be only the tip of the iceberg of what could prove to be some serious misgovernance in the City of Ocean Shores.  It is always possible these just represent a pattern of typical incompetence in a small town located off the beaten path and away from the usual attention given by government watchdogs.  However, as we have stated many times before – a mountain of corruption is best concealed by an ocean of incompetence.  When corruption is uncovered, the first claim made by government bureaucrats and politicians is to suggest they are just incompetent. 

Right now, these events invite more scrutiny and citizen involvement to unravel the mess and hopefully prevent future screw ups in local government.

The City of Ocean Shores – a brief history

Perched entirely on a flat, narrow peninsula of land called the Point Brown Peninsula, sandwiched between the crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean and the North Bay of Grays Harbor, it is hard to imagine a more appropriate name for this city.  The City of Ocean Shores can trace its modern origins back to 1960 when a cattle farmer named Ralph Minard sold his land to the Ocean Shores Development Corporation for $1 million.  For a few years in the 1960s, this area became a bustling, growing area of roads, canals, golf course development, celebrity visits (and residents), and it seemed like an inevitable boomtown.  The city incorporated in 1970.  Then, the wheels fell off the hype wagon, and the area struggled financially for many years.

This was the era when I first remember visiting Ocean Shores as a kid with my grandfather – learning to steer my Grandfather’s Toyota on the beach when I was five years old, trying unsuccessfully to outrun the waves on the beach, and enjoying a bonfire on the beach to the background sound of crashing waves.  In the 1980s, I remember driving out to Ocean Shores with my friends, riding horses next to the ocean, and flying kites.  In the 1990s I remember attempting to camp illegally on the beach at night, sleeping in the back of my truck, and discovering how terrifying it could be to wake up with the waves far too close for comfort.  I wisely moved my “bed” to a safer location in town (yes, there really is a reason they have signs about not camping on the beach overnight).  Ocean Shores is truly a magical place, and it has been this way long before the Roanoke Conference helped put this City on the map in 2009.  Unfortunately, the magic of the place has not translated into competent political leadership at the city.

Ocean Shores Mayor Crystal Dingler

Ocean Shores Mayor Crystal Dingler

The City of Ocean Shores has struggled financially on and off over the years.  It holds great promise and the natural beauty and location has always promised more.  However, for a variety of reasons, it seems major development in Ocean Shores has remained out of reach.  To be fair, many locals probably prefer it remain this way.  For that matter, many people prefer Ocean Shores as a place to locate a beach cabin or a quiet retirement home rather than a bustling tourist attraction.  There is nothing unique about that cultural struggle in any beachfront community, and similar debates have occurred at many other communities in America (and Washington State) for that matter.

The voters elect their political leaders and with a population of about 6,500, local elections can be competitive.  Mayor Dingler was first elected as Mayor in 2011 with less than a majority of the vote (see here).  This is unusual since Washington State has a jungle primary process, but a write-in candidate helped create that unusual result.  Dingler was comfortably reelected in 2015 (see here), but she squeaked by in a very narrow election victory of only three votes in 2019 (see here). 

Since most of the recent questionable financial actions and events involve decisions and actions taken by Mayor Crystal Dingler, it is worth reviewing her background.  Dingler, according to her bio (here) and guest bio (here) is an alumni of University of Washington with a Law Degree from Seattle University.  The fact she passed the Bar in Washington State (WA State Bar #26741) becomes relevant when we review these recent financial problems in the City of Ocean Shores.

Recruiting, hiring and Illegally firing the Fire Chief

Former Ocean Shores Fire Chief David Bathke

The most recent scandal of a Federal Court judgement against the City of Ocean Shores has made local news due to the significance of the judgement against the city ($734,376.50) (see final judgement linked here, and related articles linked here, here, and here).  However, the relevance of this judgement against the city of Ocean Shores is far more significant than it may at first appear.

Essentially, according to documents from this court case (See case here), the City of Ocean Shores had been struggling with problems of poor management and cost overruns of the city owned fire department – including excessive overtime pay, which was costing a small city like Ocean Shores quite a bit of cash they didn’t have to spare.  One of the challenges (not unusual for small towns) is that most of the firefighters resided outside Ocean Shores (and by implication, most of them didn’t care about the excessive costs). 

In 2017 the city (Mayor Dingler, in a strong mayor system, filled the roll of city administrator at the time) hired Chief David Bathke as the new Fire Chief tasked with regaining control over the out-of-control costs.  From various reports, it seems that Bathke helped reduce these costs substantially, but by trimming the fat from the budget, the local Firefighter union wasn’t happy and had a vote of “no-confidence” in Chief Bathke in early 2019. 

Despite the fact that Mayor Dingler is an attorney and has a law degree, she chose to accept the firefighter’s claims of no-confidence in Chief Bathke at face value and she fired Bathke without getting his side of the story or following anything resembling normal due process or basic common sense.  This decision put the City of Ocean Shores in serious financial jeopardy as the recent Federal Court judgement confirms. 

This type of impulsive behavior and the failure to follow basic employment contracts ensures the City’s insurance company is not liable.   Additionally, it appears that all costs of this lawsuit will need to be paid from the city’s general fund (with the exception of some original city insurance legal costs which were covered by the insurance company to ensure the blame would rest solely on the Mayor).  In addition to the judgement, the city’s legal costs of several hundred thousand dollars will total close to a million dollars and certainly will exceed this amount if the city decides to appeal.  All this because an attorney politician couldn’t or refused to follow the law.

Many locals felt this precipitous decision was made by Mayor Dingler because she was facing a serious political challenge later that same year, and Dingler wanted to shore up her support with the firefighters.  This gamble may have cost the city dearly, but it probably paid off for Dingler’s political career as she received the local unions support (see here) and she squeaked by on a three vote margin later that fall (see election results here). 

One issue that appeared to haunt Mayor Dingler in 2019 was the public concerns about her pay from the City.  As a Strong Mayor, she essentially had administrative responsibilities at the city, and her annual pay (which had been increased to $48,000 in 2015) made some people feel like she was “double-dipping.”  Dingler was forced to propose a reduced pay proposal down to $12,000 and hired a new city manager who reports to her (see related article here)

The Ocean Shores Golf Course and strange dealings

A prime feature of the City of Ocean Shores since the 1960s (and a draw for some of the retirement crowd who live there) is the Ocean Shores Golf Course (see here).  The City owns this recreational facility, and it appears to have struggled financially over the years.  Since the late 1990s, most of the work managing this operation has been given to a company called Turf Care, which seems to have worked out okay for many years.

However, according to some problems raised by a report filed by Rebound (a labor organization that generally investigates violation of prevailing wage laws, among other labor issues – see their website here), numerous legal violations were occurring at the golf course (see original report sent to Washington State Auditor linked here – note the referenced exhibits are linked at the end of the article).  The contractor, Curt Zander who was highlighted in this report was not happy and wrote a pretty strongly worded response to the council (linked here), which in turn prompted a response from Rebound (linked here).  Interestingly enough, Mayor Dingler did partially address or deflect this issue in a recent radio appearance linked here (last few minutes).

Essentially, this problem boils down to a convoluted and unusual history between a vendor (Curt Zander/Turf Care) who has operated most aspects of the golf course for the past 20 years without much oversight, transparency, direction and no competition.  However, this vendor has claimed that he did everything he could to keep the golf course running and his actions saved the city vast sums of money by essentially trading work on the golf course for the rent he would otherwise pay the city as part of his contract.

In many ways, I sympathize with Mr. Zander because I always appreciate when someone is bending over backwards and doing basic work to keep a facility that may be on the edge of financial solvency alive and in the process maintain an ongoing community asset appreciated by thousands of golfers per year.  I’ve done plenty of stories where grants and contracts turn out to be big grant grifting games or cushy contracts for politically connected vendors.  I can’t be sure if something like that is happening in Ocean Shores or not, but it looks weird. 

The Rebound report certainly raises some legal questions about whether the City of Ocean Shores is violating Washington State law (see report) and it also raises some still unanswered questions about use of funds, lack of real bidding for contracts at this facility, and it does invite financial audits and accounting to make sure the city isn’t sitting on a future financial fiasco or scandal. 

This shouldn’t inspire defensive behavior by the mayor or the longtime vendor for that matter, but a proper financial accounting is in order.  If the vendor is correct and he has been heroically saving the good taxpayers of Ocean Shores as much money as he claims – he should come out looking like a hero, and the Mayor can take the credit.  However, if it turns out to not be so clear cut, and instead full of more legal, financial, and insider dealing landmines, then this won’t be good.

Paying twice the price for half the value

This is the $2.4 million building, originally quoted at $850k – does anyone care?

Another story, and the one that originally caught my attention in Ocean Shores and started me down the path to dig deeper was the Systems Collection Building built recently by Ocean Shores – mostly for their public works employees who work on the city wastewater system.  I tend to look at facilities like this all around the state, in part because of my experience digging into Thurston County’s egregious incompetence with the 3400 building (see article here).  This Systems Collection Building case in Ocean Shores is not as egregious as Thurston County, but wasteful capital expenditures like this always annoy me (and they should be annoying to the taxpayers of Ocean Shores).

Specifically, this was a proposal to build a basic and simple systems collection building consisting of a relatively small two story office space and a simple garage.  Nothing major.  The original estimate was for $900,000 (roughly), but when the city actually built the building, they paid $2.4 million.  In addition, part of this was caused by a single bid vendor (rather than taking three bids for the building). This always annoys me when I see this type of thing because so often the elected officials and senior bureaucrats don’t treat the taxes of their community with the same concern they would have for their own funds.  At best, this was just an incompetent waste of an extra $1.6 million dollars for no additional value at all.

Corruption is easier than you might think

At worst, something else is going on in Ocean Shores with the limited vendor/bureaucrat/politician circle making insider agreements and decisions which might  benefit the political players, but are not in the best interest of the taxpayers or residents.  The State Auditor rarely looks into Capital Expenditures like this one – particularly when bonded debt is involved.  This certainly invites further scrutiny, and there is no reason not to dig deeper.

Jeff Daniels

Ocean kayak deaths and Chamber of Commerce fraud in Ocean Shores

In the early days of 2019, shortly after Mayor Dingler chose to illegally fire the Fire Chief, a fellow councilmember and community leader Jeff Daniels died just off the coast in what was reported as a strange paddleboard surfing accident Daniels died February 25, 2019, and he had been past president of the Ocean Shores Chamber of Commerce.  By all accounts, Daniels was a strong promoter of the City of Ocean Shores (see this video here as an example) and a larger-than-life character who was making a real positive impact in the city.  His untimely death was a great loss to many.

Piper Marie Leslie

Unknown to anyone at the time, but starting sometime in 2018, and continuing until 2019, the former Ocean Shores Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Piper Marie Leslie appeared to be stealing funds for herself.  According to various reports (see here) at least $11,000 was discovered to be missing later in a fraud investigation.  Note: This case is still in court, and has yet to be finalized (See Court Case #20-1-00333-14 “State of Washington v. Piper Marie Leslie). Please note, in the original draft of this article, it erroneously stated this case had been resolved, but that was wrong. It is still ongoing.  This is significant to the City of Ocean Shores because the city had been sending grants to the Chamber without much oversight and verification and it appears now that at least some of these funds were being stolen.

Reducing financial transparency rather than opening up

When a city starts to have financial problems or challenges, the best path forward to solve the problem and restore confidence is to fix the spending and become as transparent to the public as possible.  However, in the City of Ocean Shores, Mayor Dingler seems intent on avoiding this type of scrutiny and instead pushing back on any questions that are being raised by other council members or members of the public.  Instead, all these questions become perceived slights, insults, or political persecution. 

In theory, the position of Mayor is a nonpartisan position in Ocean Shores.  The party affiliation of candidates running for office is not identified on the ballots or in the voter’s guide.  Many people prefer this because, in theory, political affiliation should be less important in these local political positions.  The voters just want people in local office who they can trust to make competent and capable decisions that put the people’s needs and prioritize the needs of the community the politician represents. 

This recent tsunami of negative financial events in the City of Ocean Shores, when added to the past waves of similar problems all raise a lot of red flags.  The financial tsunami warning sirens are blaring loudly in Ocean Shores, and some people are wondering just how bad it will become before local political leadership takes it seriously.  Meanwhile, the tsunami just keeps coming and eventually nobody can ignore the impact it will have on Ocean Shores.

*Edits post original publication:

#1 – The Chamber fraud case referenced here is still in court, and has yet to be finalized (See Court Case #20-1-00333-14 “State of Washington v. Piper Marie Leslie). Please note, in the original draft of this article, it erroneously stated this case had been resolved, but that was wrong. It is still an active case. Note: there are some other court records which indicated other judgments on apparently unrelated matters involving some of the same parties.

#2 – The original post indicated a “bid” of $850,000 for the Systems Collection Building, and it was incorrectly called a “Maintenance Building.” The name of the building was corrected to “Systems Collection Building” and the original estimate for this facility was approximately $900,000. We also added clarification that the 1st “bid” was a single bid, rather than 3 bids (which would be more typical, and properly conform to state law, and less prone to abuse of the taxpayer – which is the whole point in having a 3-bid requirement in the first place). We believe the additional information provides better clarity and more detail over the original draft.

#3 – We failed to attach the original signed Federal Court judgment from April 15, 2021 in this article, and have done so in multiple places within the body of the article and in the index of background articles and documents. Additionally we have uploaded additional legal documents related to this case in the index of background articles and documents which might be relevant to those willing to do more research.


Background articles and documents:

Final Bathke Federal Court Judgement ruling against the City of Ocean Shores – April 15, 2021

Bathke Post Trial Brief – Plaintiff (Bathke)

Bathke – Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

Former Ocean Shores Chamber director charged with felony theft

Ocean Shores City Councilman killed in surfing accident

Firefighters Union endorses Dingler, Connery critical

Fired Ocean Shores fire chief wins breach of contract suit, awarded more than $730,000 in damages

Washington Fire Chief awarded $734k for wrongful termination

Former Ocean Shores Fire Chief David Bathke files federal lawsuit against city

Fired Washington Chief sues for $1.4 million

Bench Trial Concludes in former Ocean Shores fire chief’s wrongful termination suit against the city

Documents detail city’s ongoing effort to oust fire chief

City of Ocean Shores (official website)

Ocean Shores Golf Course

Grays Harbor County 2019 elections (Ocean Shores Mayor results)

Grays Harbor County 2015 elections (Ocean Shores Mayor results)

Grays Harbor County 2011 elections (Ocean Shores Mayor results)

Mayor’s salary reduced in 2020

Mayor Crystal Dingler’s Official Bio

City hires new fire chief with 40 years experience

Dingler endorses Wild Olympics

Piper Leslie leaving Chamber of Commerce

Jay Inslee and Dingler announce Covid closures in press conference

Rebound Report send to WA State Auditor on Ocean Shores Golf Course Irrigation Project – March 24 – 2021

Rebound Report Exhibits 1-10 – table of contents

Rebound Report Exhibits 11-20 – Addenda

Curt Zander’s “formal” response to the Rebound report addressed to the Ocean Shores City Council

Rebound’s Response to Curt Zander’s response (written to Ocean Shores City Councilmember) April 15, 2021

Cattle Rancher Ralph Minard was “father” of development

Grays Harbor attorney pleads guilty to tax evasion in conspiracy case

Celebrating Government on April Fool’s Day – it really is this bad – Part 1

April Fool's Day is the best day to celebrate our government and the many amazing people who claim to run it for "the people."
Governor Jay Inslee – recognized on April 1st

Many have proposed that we have some type of national holiday when we should celebrate “The State,” in all its wonder, glory and awe (see article here for example, and Remy video linked here and below).  However, while April Fool’s Day would seem to be the most appropriate day on the calendar to celebrate our government, there is merit in providing examples of how government – even at a local and state level – has lost its way, corrupted itself, and seems to be bumbling down an ugly path. A path which most rational people know is the wrong direction and produces terrible results.  However, changing directions for the Leviathan of Big Government and the ocean of corruption in which it swims will never be easy. 

Washington State – culverts, corruption, impotence, and incompetence

For an example, let’s go to my home state of Washington, on the Left Coast.  Unlike the nearby California or Oregon state legislatures, the voting patterns of Washington State have demonstrated a closer partisan division and fight for control of the state legislature. Control of the state senate and house has been closely contested and in recent times, narrowly controlled by the Republican Party.  This division is not reflected in the governor’s races. The Governor’s mansion has been occupied by a Democrat since Ronald Reagan was President. Failed Presidential candidate Jay Inslee currently occupies that office. At this time, after the 2020 elections, until 2022 at least, the Democrats have control over the state house and senate. 

A political monoculture is never a healthy thing, but politicians, bureaucrats, and the special interest grifters who profit from one party control often show their true colors when they rule the roost.  Which brings us to the topic of today’s article – fish culverts, incompetence, and corruption. A good April Fool’s story.

This story highlights the total corruption of the Washington State Democratic Party’s political leadership, the passivity and impotence of the Republican leadership, and how the taxpayers are harmed when this political combination is in effect.  This is just part 1 in what appears to be an ongoing series.

AG Bob Ferguson “loses” the Culvert lawsuit

For a reasonable and more detailed history of this case go here.

Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson (D)

The foundation of this story begins with a 2001 lawsuit filed by the Federal Government on behalf of the 21 native tribes of Washington State to obtain a formal federal court determination that the State of Washington had a legal obligation to improve salmon habitat (mostly) by replacing thousands of existing culverts with much larger culverts which would in theory help improve salmon migration (see info about anadromous fish linked here for more background).  In 2007, the Feds (and Tribes) prevailed in determining Washington State had an obligation to replace these culverts and improve the habitat.

Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson (D), was elected in 2012, and while he touts his legal ability to beat up on the weak and politically inconvenient people like Tim Eyman, he has a terrible track record and conveniently always chokes when faced with serious litigation which have real impacts on the taxpayers of Washington State (like protecting the $30 car tab initiative).  AG Ferguson predictably fumbles this case in Federal District Court in 2013, when the court issued an injunction demanding the state accelerate the replacement schedule for these culverts.  Ferguson then proceeds to lose at every step of the way for the next five years, culminating in a US Supreme Court decision on June 11, 2018 upholding the district court ruling and creating a substantial liability for the taxpayers of the State of Washington.  The 21 Washington State tribes understandably celebrated this as a major legal victory. 

The budget hot potato and kicking the culvert can down the road

Once Washington State was formally stuck with the liability and a clock running (Culvert replacement must be done by 2030), there was really only two things the politicians and bureaucrats had to sort out.  The first, was “Whose budget ox would be gored by this large liability?” The second question was “How much would it cost?.”  Obviously, the taxpayers are on the hook either way, but bureaucrats and politicians prefer to shift the blame (and the costs) to someone else when possible. 

The Washington State Dept. of Transportation has been increasing their cost projections every year to finish the culvert replacement project

The budget fight was an intramural squabble between the Capitol Budget crew and the Transportation Budget gang.  The Transpo guys lost the fight, so they got stuck with the tab.  The Washington State Department of Transportation (WashDOT) originally budgeted $1.8 billion dollars.  The State legislature did nothing.  The next year, WashDOT budgets $2.8 billion to do the job.  The state legislature snoozes away.  Now, WashDOT is projecting a cost of $3.8 billion to comply with the court orders.  Outside of the state’s Education boondoggle and the Sound Transit light rail Ponzi scheme, this is starting to become a real budget problem.  This is one of the largest court-ordered unfunded liabilities the state has, and despite Democratic Party control, nothing substantial is being done.  The clock is ticking and the price tag keeps increasing.

A proposed new logo for the Washington State Democratic Party

Additionally, the inexplicable failure of the legislature, controlled during this time by the Democratic majority, to do anything to solve this problem is starting to understandably annoy the tribes.  Put yourself in their shoes.  This was a big legal victory for the Tribes.  They wanted to replace the culverts, and after two decades, they legally forced the state to do it.  In addition, the Tribes kick out a lot of campaign cash every year in Washington State, and nearly all of it lands in the Democratic Party’s coffers, yet the Democrats are ignoring them.  What do they have to do to get some attention?  It gets even more absurd from here.

Funny money from heaven – salvation from DC

Fast forward to the budget battles of the current session, and the current Transportation budget is being negotiated via the weird lockdown Zoom session of 2021. However, President Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Cares Act II has been signed.  This ensures billions of dollars are helicoptered all over the country including a few freight train loads of cash to be dumped in Washington State (about $15-$18 billion).  Of this pile, $6 billion is discretionary funny money that can be spend essentially as the state sees fit. 

A warning sign located outside the state capital. “No spines allowed”

I’m rarely impressed by the Republicans in the Washington State legislature, but despite their tendency to be spineless and weak-kneed it can’t be denied that they usually understand the concept of budgets and math.  Certainly, they accept the reality of math which is a truth often denied by their Democrat colleagues in the house, state senate or the Governor’s mansion.  The Republicans on the State Transportation Budget Committee wisely suggested that this $6 billion “manna from heaven” cash dump was the perfect answer to the ever-growing culvert liability.  Why not squander the $3.8 billion now to get this culvert liability off the backs of taxpayers and solve the problem?  The Tribes agree. 

However, this is not what the Democratic majority wants to do, and the Republicans seem unlikely to capitalize on the self-destructive insanity.

Screw the tribes, shaft the taxpayers, and fiddle while Olympia burns

Instead of solving the culvert liability and using the funny money cash dump from DC to do it, the Democratic majority plans a band aid approach of $350 million instead, which solves little.  However, it lets them squander the cash on other pointless pet projects.  Why would they do this?  Easy answer.

Senator Sam Hunt (D) (LD-22, Olympia) pretends to be friend of the tribes, but he personally intervened with robocalls to prevent the first Nisqually to run for county-wide office from winning an election. Talk is very cheap in Olympia.

While the politicians and bureaucrats of Washington State, like their peers throughout the nation, always appreciate the opportunity to squander more cash on their friends and pet projects, there is something they want even more.  They want more taxes.  “Losing” the culvert case was viewed as the perfect opportunity to “force” a new tax on Washington State residents.  For example, the escalating liability of this culvert replacement fiasco can be encouraged to fester and bloat until there would be no way to fill the hole with existing tax revenues, and that “crisis” could then be the perfect excuse for a carbon tax or some other tax scam.  Remember, solving problems won’t grease the political wheels in Olympia.  Turning an annoying problem into a full-fledged budget fiasco and crisis is always a better excuse to get more grease.

What about the tribes?  What about them? 

The Democratic Party has the tribes right where they want them.  More accurately, the Democratic Party controls the tribal campaign cash train, and in their endless arrogance, the Democratic Party leadership presumes the Tribes will just have to stay agitated on their reservations because what else are they going to do? 

Seriously, the Democratic Party has demonized the Republicans for decades and convinced the Tribes that their only choice is to fund the Democrats.  So, they do not care if the Tribal leadership feels shafted or disrespected.  The Democratic Party leadership just assumes that no matter how much they shaft the tribes of Washington State, as long as they talk a good game and pretend they care, they will stay on the Democratic Party’s political reservation and keep recycling government grant and gambling cash into campaign contributions to the Democrats.

The Democratic Party’s political leadership in Washington State (which controls the state right now) does not care if they shaft one of their captive political constituencies because the Democratic Party believes they own the Tribes.  The political leadership is not concerned that the bumbling and usually incompetent Republicans would make common cause with the tribes on this issue.

The highest priority is never to solve the “problem” or eliminate a liability.  The highest priority is to invent more “problems,” get more cash, use every excuse to invent new tax schemes, and to keep the campaign coffers full for 2022 and beyond.  Everything else – the tribes, solutions, math, rational budgeting, fixing anything – these are all distractions.  The taxpayers?  Just another cash cow to milk. The media? They are politically compromised and focused on whatever “woke,” lockdown 4eva, fear porn, or message they are told to promote. The truth is far worse than anyone is reporting.

If this upsets you, wait until you read Part II…


Background articles and documents:

Seattle Times – “Washington State loses big legal battle over salmon culverts”

US v. Washington “Boldt Decision” 1974

US Supreme Court upholds lower court ruling 2018

Failing Up – Rewarding Incompetence with promotions from Washington’s JV squad to Federal Varsity Team

Suzi Levine, formerly Commissioner of Washington State's Employment Security Department demonstrated her fitness for promotion to the Biden administration by "losing" $600 million to a Nigerian Fraud Scheme

The worst performing bureaucrat in recent Washington State history, Suzi Levine, was recently promoted from Commissioner of Washington State’s Employment Security Department to be part of the Biden Administration back in DC (the other Washington). Apparently, “losing” $600million dollars to a “Nigerian Fraud Scheme” without getting into any trouble is the perfect resume to demonstrate a skillset they really need in DC. Apparently, Washington State is the JV farm team for the varsity squad back in DC. Last year it was $600 million lost to a “Nigerian Fraud Scheme.” Perhaps Suzi Levine can find a way to lose $600 billion without consequences in DC. They sure couldn’t find anyone more capable of total failure than this.

Of course, we are assuming that the money was “lost,” that losing it was “unintentional,” and that a Nigerian Fraud Scheme is where the money actually went. Who knows for sure? The State sure isn’t looking that closely.

This video originally was aired on the We the Governed YouTube channel on January 28, 2021:


Background articles and documents:

Nigerian Fraud ring helps Washington State lead nation in unemployment stats

Governor Inslee’s absurd civilian code compliance plan (CCCP)

The Federalist – May 18, 2020 – “The Covid19 Tracer Training Course is a guide to suspending rights”

May 12, 2020 – Letter from 11 Republican Legislators addressed to Attorney General William Barr asking for review of potentially unconstitutional enforcement of Washington State laws/rules

ACLU Letter to Governor Inslee – May 4, 2020

Interview with Rep. Jim Walsh (LD19) about budget cuts and Inslee’s emergency powers overreach

PDF file (146 pages) of the first public records act request of the complete snitch list

Corona Virus lawsuits against Governor Inslee – the list.

Governor Inslee risks children by waiving background checks for childcare workers

Complete list of Governor Jay Inslee’s emergency proclamations – official website

Proclamation #20-31 “suspend background checks for childcare workers”

A sign of the times

Original Declaration of Emergency February 29, 2020

Rantz: Governor Inslee releasing sex offender, gang members from jail over Coronavirus

Tahoma schools childcare worker faces multiple molestation accusations

Do these politicians and bureaucrats even care? Washington State rebellion grows

A good day for a little rebellion against Governor Inslee

Federal Lawsuit filed by Josh Freed against Governor Inslee April 21, 2020

Federal Lawsuit filed by Clint Didier against Governor Inslee May 1, 2020

Federal Lawsuit filed by Drew MacEwen against Governor Inslee May 5, 2020

Lewis County Superior Court – Simper v. Inslee – May 5, 2020

Herman: Inslee reverses course, now against sanctuary counties

Dori: The wussification of our kids continues in Seattle schools

MyNorthwest: Washington Ferry Ridership Craters

Port Townsend Free Press “Snohomish County Sheriff Refuses to Enforce Governor Inslee’s Shut Down Order”

Washington State Governor Inslee turned us all into armed homeschooling preppers

The top 6 Games Government bureaucrats play when faced with budget cuts – the video

The Top 6 Games Government bureaucrats play when faced with budget cuts

Herman: “Shared sacrifice” is the biggest lie Jay Inslee has ever told”

The State’s Creepy Persecution of Tim Eyman

The State Attorney General Bob Ferguson's creepy persecution of Tim Eyman is not over, but Thurston County Superior Court Judge Dixon has rubber stamped the AG's desires which encourages the state to continue to persecute others.
Tim Eyman

I was in the Thurston County Courtroom listening to Superior Court Judge Dixon announce his ruling (full video linked here) against Tim Eyman two weeks ago.  Washington State’s Attorney General Bob Ferguson appears to have successfully completed the first stage of his eight-year effort to destroy initiative activist Tim Eyman. However, it is still worth studying the Eyman drama, this case, and understanding how it matters to the rest of Washington State.  Ultimately, this story is not about Tim Eyman the activist so much as it is about the abuse of political power, the disintegration of equal protection under the law, and the corruption of the decaying Washington State legal system. 

Thurston Superior Court Judge Dixon

For the first time in American history, as far as I know, a person has been defined by the state as a walking, talking Political Action Committee.  Not an activist, not an officer of a PAC, but a PAC itself.  This was just one part of a very disturbed ruling by Thurston County Superior Court Judge Dixon which reads like a rubber stamped, cut-and-paste ruling written by Attorney General Bob Ferguson himself.  The judge’s signature was just the afterthought and formality of the event.  The ruling can be found linked here.  While former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders did an admirable job defending Mr. Eyman and pointing out the obvious legal flaws and logical problems with this prosecution (see video of Sander’s closing argument here), one would never know a defense was even made looking at the final ruling.  Judge Dixon did exactly what AG Ferguson told him to do, and Judge Dixon dutifully ignored everything the State told him to ignore.  Fortunately for Mr. Eyman, the State didn’t ask for Eyman’s public execution, because Dixon would have granted that as well. After reading the ruling, it is hard to pretend anyone involved in drafting this document is aware the 1st Amendment or Free Speech actually exists in Washington State at all, even if only as a theory rather than a right. 

Tim Eyman in Court – February 10, 2021

For many years, Eyman wanted to push this case to the point of a decision.  The State was able to bully Eyman’s previous attorney Joel Ard off the case in 2018 when Eyman was forced into bankruptcy. Eyman even tried desperately to default on the case so that he could get to some decision.  Judge Dixon wouldn’t allow Eyman to default either because the State objected to that.  The process was the punishment, and both AG Ferguson and Judge Dixon wanted the punishment to continue. Now Eyman has a formal decision written by the AG and signed by one of the AG’s pet judges at the court. 

Eyman and his daughter celebrate the victory of passing the $30 car tab initiative – once again in 2019. He spent his retirement fund to get this done, while being sued by AG Bob Ferguson
The $5 million attacks against the $30 Car Tabs initiative were all personalized to attack Tim Eyman

Legal appeal is almost certain, and this drama has many years to go before the final chapter is written.  Eyman will lose his home (where his ex-wife and children live).  He was already bankrupted by this process (the State and his attorneys are the only creditors), so whatever assets he may possess are essentially forfeit too.  He lost his marriage.  His financial supporters have been browbeat, threatened, and harassed for years now.  His future path as a political activist appears to be very restricted and limited, regardless of the brave face he puts out there.  A $2.6 million non-dischargeable (he can’t bankrupt out of it) judgement will do this to most people. Of course, while Bob Ferguson laments to the Seattle Times that Eyman’s obituary is too premature (see here), judging by the commentary surrounding Eyman and forces arrayed against him, Eyman’s death is all that will stop his persecution by the State.

Many memes about Eyman

Tim Eyman has a thicker skin than most, and he takes the hatred, persecution and personal setbacks in stride. In fact, their hatred seems to encourage him. When I interviewed Eyman, he appears determined to proceed with his passion of political activism in spite of the obsessive political persecution he has experienced.

Summary of the case

I’ll go into far more detail and background below, but the essential elements of this case are as follows.  Eyman was accused of violating Washington State’s campaign finance reporting laws (See RCW 42.17A).  Specifically, the primary argument was that one of his vendors was overpaid for signature gathering costs and in turn they paid Eyman a consulting fee.  Additionally, there was a claim that Eyman shifted some funds from one initiative effort into another initiative effort.  While there was some dispute that these transactions needed to be reported (I’ve never seen either Republican or Democrat consultants report the use of similar payments or expenses even though I know they all make similar, common transactions), the basic gist of the case was that Eyman failed to report these transactions to the Public Disclosure Commission back in 2012.  Mostly, this is plain vanilla campaign finance reporting violation arguments and fights. However, Eyman’s case gets weird and totally goes off the sanity reservation after these elements which triggered the primary legal drama.

The AG Attorneys, led for the last few years by failed Leftist King County Judge candidate, Eric Newman. Destroying Tim Eyman has been their career for years now

The weirdest part about this litigation against Eyman by the AG’s office was their novel theories invented exclusively for Eyman as this case progressed (thanks to Judge Dixon, any novel effort or claim by the AG was automatically accepted as fact on its face).  Specifically, it appears Eyman was raising funds for himself, independent of his campaign fundraising.  This started years ago, apparently around 2013 or so when he realized the AG would be coming after him as part of Ferguson’s political vendetta.  Since Eyman and I were often at the same events, I remember Eyman making these appeals to people and very clearly raising money for himself personally.  Since he wasn’t in court on this issue yet at that time (he was being investigated by the Public Disclosure Commission), I didn’t realize back then why he was raising those funds, and how important those monies would be for him in the future.  This was prudent planning on his part because these funds built up over the years and totaled over $700,000. Yet this was still not enough to cover all his legal costs once the AG started the full court persecution process.  In Washington State, the AG’s persecution process itself is the punishment, particularly in a place like Thurston County which puts no restrictions on the State’s ability to abuse and destroy private citizens.  Eyman got more abusive attention and malicious prosecution by AG Bob Ferguson than anyone else in state history. 

A local film student even made a documentary about Eyman a few years ago

The State was angry that Eyman did not report the money he raised for himself, outside the initiative process, and they claimed that THOSE funds should also be reported to the PDC.  This was a bizarre direction to go because no party, no treasurer, and no political activist would have counted those as campaign contributions.  It would have been illegal to report them as such since they clearly were not intended to be spent on any political campaign.  The State has never interpreted the law this way in the past, and only a corrupted Thurston County judge would accept that legal theory.  Every consultant in the state has violated this law if this was a real ruling meant to apply equally to all, but it will never be applied to them – at least if they are aligned with the Left-leaning Progressive causes.  So, the State pretended that Eyman was a walking, talking PAC, and therefore all the money he raised and sent to his attorneys was not reported and was late.  Since these reports are now years late, Eyman gets a massive fine for not reporting funds that no honest, literate, or sane person would have reported in the first place. 

Tim Eyman (photo November 26, 2019 in Seattle outside King County Superior Court)

I am impressed by Eyman’s ability over the years to fundraise.  I confess, I am also impressed by Eyman’s ability to qualify initiatives for the ballot – 17 of them, with 11 passing by the voters.  His anti-tax initiatives have saved the voters of Washington State over $46 billion which the State would have squandered on their usual collection of grant grifting scams and bloated bureaucracy.  Anyone even tangentially familiar with Eyman knows that he is a bundle of energy and a salesperson who never stops promoting his cause.  He is an activist.  He is a fundraiser.  He is hardly a PAC, yet here he is, and the court fined him $2.6 million for not realizing he was back in 2012.  The State will probably pile on another $2 million or more in legal costs that they incurred persecuting Eyman so far, and the appeal process to Washington State’s rubber stamp, tame State Supreme Court will be the next step.  Eyman’s journey through Washington State’s tortuous and politically tainted legal system is far from over.

To better understand how Eyman got here and earned the unequaled fury of the State and this campaign of personal destruction, let’s review how Eyman got here. (here is my video commentary on this case a few days after the hearing)

Tim Eyman’s quixotic political path to Judge Dixon’s courtroom

Eyman’s case was over once he was assigned to Judge Dixon’s courtroom – a place where the state can do no wrong, and the people have no chance

The truth must be faced.  Eyman’s resume is terrifying to the political bureaucracy and the parasitical special interests who profit from the increasing bloat of bureaucracy.  For over 22 years, Tim Eyman has been the sponsor, cheerleader, fundraiser, and activist promoting lower taxes in Washington State, and he has mostly used the initiative process to make an impact. This threatens the bureaucracy, grant grifters, insiders, and special interests which feed on tax dollars.  Let’s face it, these are the people who run Washington State’s government at all levels. Many politicians have wanted to wear this anti-tax mantle, but in a divided Washington State government where the Democratic Party has controlled the Governor’s office since the Reagan administration, a serious legislator will rarely be consistent lowering taxes or regulations.  Compromise is often a fact of life when passing legislation.  Even the most ardent small government Republican legislator must inevitably take votes on budgets or proposals which raise taxes somewhere.  One benefit of being a tax cutting initiative activist like Eyman is his exclusive focus on the one thing which matters and ignore the rest of the compromising drama which typically muddies the legislative process.

Eyman confronts Governor Inslee (and Inslee’s former Chief of Staff David Postman) in 2020, at one of Inslee’s press conferences

It also helps Tim Eyman that the people generally support his initiative efforts.  Despite the recent bizarre and politically corrupted ruling of the Washington State Supreme Court on the $30 car tabs initiative last year (see here), it is obvious the people of Washington State want $30 car tabs, not the jacked-up, fraudulent car tab tax costs they pay today.  The people voted for this three times over the past 20 years, yet the bureaucrats can’t accept anything that restrains the bureaucracy’s insatiable appetite for other people’s money. It was equally obvious that the people of Washington State desire to constrain the increase of property taxes (an Eyman initiative – see article here).  It has been obvious the people want to make it harder to increase taxes (see the fight for the 2/3 vote requirement for the legislature to increase taxes).  The people have also frequently demonstrated with their advisory votes (a product of another Eyman initiative) that people mostly do not support the frequent tax increases invented by the Governor and the Legislature in Olympia. 

Eyman confronts Washington State Solicitor General Noah Purcell (Ferguson’s hand picked successor for AG) after a poor court showing by the AG attorney “defending” the $30 car tabs initiative passed by the voters in 2019

Tim Eyman has been able to make a living in this state as an anti-tax initiative activist and along the way he has frequently stepped on the toes of almost every political power base that exists in this state.  He offended the social justice warriors when he championed and launched the elimination of race-based criteria in state hiring decisions (thanks to John Carlson and others who helped get this over the finish line in 1998).  He trashed the King County Council and ended several political careers when he helped reduce the size of the “Cadillac Council” from 13 to 9 back in 2004.  In that specific case, when the sponsors of the initiative, the King County Corrections Officers Guild, were stalled out in court, Eyman, on his own was the one who forced the State Supreme Court to require King County to allow this vote to move forward (not every judge on that court was corrupt back then).  Eyman stepped all over Sound Transit, widely recognized as one of the most wasteful and corrupt organizations in Washington State with his frequent efforts to reduce the tax revenue this bloated behemoth sucks from the people. 

Eyman is standing beside former Governor Gregoire in 2010, when she signed a bill suspending the 2/3 requirement so they could raise taxes

Eyman offended the surveillance state with his many efforts to eliminate red-light cameras in local cities.  He offended every political consultant in the state (Republican and Democrat) by running initiatives which, on average, cost far less than the typical bloated initiative campaigns run by consultants of either political stripe.  All consultants viewed Eyman as a threat because the money he raised for his initiatives, it is widely believed, was cash those other consultants wanted for their campaigns and projects.  Eyman offended the politicians by testifying against tax increases in the Legislature, calling out Republicans who decided to support tax increases, and with his efforts to use the initiative process to do what nobody in Olympia had the stomach or votes to achieve.  He did this regardless of whether Republicans controlled the Legislature or whether Democrats controlled both houses.  Eyman offended the sedate, sleepy political class by being a flamboyant salesman dressing up in gorilla costumes, Darth Vader costumes, and popping up everywhere promoting his latest initiative campaign.  He offended the traditional media class because he used them to promote his campaigns, remained in the spotlight, and mocked them at every turn.

Executive Director of Transportation Choices Coalition Alex Hudson threatens Tim Eyman outside Seattle Mayor’s office
The Seattle Times frequently published cartoons about Eyman like this one.

Most significantly, Eyman offended his legions of enemies by never stopping.  When his ideas were defeated in court or at the ballot box, he was right back at it trying again.  While his enemies can be found in both political parties, the legions of Angry Leftists seemed most offended they could not make him go away.  They threw pies in his face.  They protested outside his home.  They threatened him in person and in writing.  They wrote nasty articles about him including bizarre political cartoons that are as offensive as we have ever seen in the traditional media (comparing him to Osama Bin Laden or other mad bombers). When Eyman screwed up his campaign reports the first time, AG Christine Gregoire (before she became Governor) sued him in 2002 and imposed a serious $50,000 fine on Eyman, which included curtailing his efforts to be engaged in political committees (preventing him from being his own treasurer on his campaigns).  Even when Eyman had meltdowns on camera and made very public mistakes, he got back up and kept trying.  Very few people would survive that process, yet his persistence is what they found most offensive.

Eyman often wears a t-shirt like the one photographed nearby, and while many people claim to be persistent, this truly appears to be his motto.

Eyman continued to be engaged in the process.  Love him or hate him, it was obvious he was not going away.  This made a lot of political insiders and grifters furious, and nowhere was the fury greater than within the bureaucracy and the offices of Washington State’s Attorney General.  Remember, Bob Ferguson had been a King County Council member who was forced to run to defend his seat back when Eyman helped shrink the King County Council in 2004.

Washington’s Campaign Reporting Laws – drafted and corrupted to protect the Powerful, punish the outsiders.

AG Bob Ferguson

I am an open skeptic about the efficacy of Washington State’s campaign reporting laws.  I believe they are mostly designed as a political tool to be weaponized against political enemies by political insiders and they primarily protect the powerful and politically connected.  Most people like the reporting and the theoretical transparency this brings to the political process, but it is the enforcement of these laws where the political abuse thrives. 

I have some experience with these laws.  I have written about them extensively here, here, here, and here.  I am responsible for filing over 625 campaign finance complaints from 2016-2020.  So far, these complaints have resulted in 76 different Left-leaning politicians, judges, PACs, Unions, and other groups paying fines and settlements to the State (see here).  

An additional 102 politicians and political groups have been exposed for breaking the law and formally warned by the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) for their law breaking.  I have enjoyed the 59 complaints filed against me, which did not amount to much.  I may not be an expert, but I have some familiarity with these laws and their enforcement that few can match. 

Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson teaches that the Law is a powerful tool and he primarily uses it to attack political enemies

Among other actions, I forced AG Ferguson to sue 19 different politicians and political groups in this state.  This continued for a few months until the lead attorney in that office quit because he said he did not go to work for the AG’s office to sue Democrats (presumably he DID go to work there to sue Republicans and Tim Eyman – see article here).  Eventually, the Legislature passed the “Stop Glen Morgan” bill (see here) in 2018 and this reduced most of the political drama.

The significance of this trip down memory lane is as follows:

I believe, based on what I have witnessed, that never in the history of the State of Washington has anyone abused the powerful office of the Attorney General more than Bob Ferguson.  He uses the AG’s office primarily to harass political enemies and protect his powerful political friends and campaign donors.  He has done this in other departments outside the campaign finance division, but I will only focus on THAT department for now in the context of the Eyman case.

Whether Tim Eyman broke some campaign reporting laws or not is irrelevant at this point.  Everyone who has participated in Washington State’s political process and attempted to comply with the campaign reporting laws has broken the law at some point in the process.  That is a feature, not a bug of the system.  I’ve proven this many times in the past (see here).  Most of the time, even with an AG lawsuit, the case is settled, and a modest fine is issued.  It is exceptionally rare that any other restrictions on the violators are imposed.  However, the question is whether these violations by Eyman are so serious they merit the enforcement action conducted by the State, and whether the law is applied equally to all.   

Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman

Bob Ferguson has never applied the law equally.  He never will.  He does not even pretend to do this because he knows he will never be held accountable for his abuse of the people and the law in this state.  For example, when he launched litigation against Republican Secretary of State Kim Wyman in 2016 coordinated with some Leftist groups, her campaign finance violations were relatively minor.  Yet, the AG’s office had three press conferences about only Wyman’s case in the middle of that election cycle (see here).  That entire lawsuit was orchestrated and timed to help remove the only statewide elected Republican in Washington State.  It failed, but Ferguson did his best.  Similarly, during the Eyman litigation drama, the AG’s office has repeated press releases, press conferences, announcements, disparaging leaks, quotes in the paper, etc. 

However, when I forced the AG’s office to sue former Speaker of the house Democrat Frank Chopp for breaking the law, there was a quiet settlement with neutral press language.  The same outcome occurred when Democrat State Senator Sam Hunt was sued, Democrat Senator Morris, and many others.  All quiet at the AG’s office.  When I forced the AG to sue the Pierce County Democratic Party for their campaign finance violations, Ferguson’s office created a payment plan for the minor judgement (the first time in state history this had ever been done).  When forced to sue the Spokane County Democratic Party, Kittitas County Democratic Party, Thurston County Democratic Party, King County Democratic Party, San Juan Democratic Party, among others (all political supporters of Ferguson) – the AG was largely quiet about the settlements. Ferguson created generous payment terms, avoided most motion practice, didn’t ask many questions, and conducted almost no formal discovery.  These were friendly lawsuits with patty cake litigation among friends.

Eyman has been in court for years

Tim Eyman, in contrast, was repeatedly deposed by the AG’s office for many days of interrogations.  His wife was deposed and harassed the same way.  Most attorneys who witnessed these aspects of the case had never seen anything like this in the past.  There was massive motion practice (court motions by attorneys) – dwarfing all other campaign finance cases combined.  All of Eyman’s top donors were also harassed and interrogated.  Eyman’s hard drive on his computer was mirrored.  Mostly, the litigation became a political harassment exercise by the AG to frighten Eyman’s supporters, terrify his family, and fish for anything else on which they could attack or embarrass him.  Everyone associated with Eyman and his political campaigns was harassed and attacked with frequent press conferences and press releases.  Except for Eyman’s campaign treasurer.  The AG ignored Eyman’s treasurer for several years, until the guy died in a car accident and could no longer testify about Eyman’s campaign filings (Under Washington State law, the treasurer is responsible for the campaign reports, and it is unique to Eyman’s case that the State never attempted to contact the treasurer). 

Legal patty cake between AG Ferguson and his political friends

Contrast this with the AG’s forced litigation against Twitter, Google, and Facebook who clearly, willfully, and without exception violated the state’s campaign finance laws, never provided the data necessary to report to the PDC, and never even pretended to comply with the law.  Employees at these companies were donors to Ferguson’s political campaigns.  AG Ferguson never had extensive motion practice with these major corporations and their large legal teams.  The AG never did deep discovery dives on the Big Tech corporations.  The AG never mirrored their hard drives, dragged their employees through depositions, or harassed any of them.  Bob Ferguson pretended these were real lawsuits, but the AG staff just played a bit of legal patty-cake.  Then AG Ferguson settled with a “friends” agreement and had the Big Tech companies pay a minor fine to the state without even admitting guilt.  Nothing to see there, and who really cares about transparency anyway when they are writing campaign checks to Ferguson and his political friends?

Eyman got the scorched earth treatment, far beyond any other examples I can find in the history of the state. Of course, Mega Big Tech corporations got kid glove treatment.  In Bob Ferguson’s world, if he is forced to sue political donors, they get friendly, micro settlements.  Violating the state’s campaign reporting laws is just a minor annoyance for them.  No worries.  Political allies play pretend litigation in court for a few months with little cost, no threats, minor motion practice, no harassment, and for God’s sake, certainly not any political restrictions on their future actions.  Everyone stays friends and Ferguson’s campaign donations keep coming, with a few promises of more contributions in the future (wink, wink).

There is no equal protection under the law with AG Bob Ferguson.  Ferguson’s political allies and donors get the friendly pretend litigation settlement that everyone expects.  Political enemies get scorched earth treatment, which is celebrated by Ferguson and his friends (Ferguson frequently fundraises off his attacks on Eyman).  Tim Eyman got even more scorched earth treatment as political payback for his past activism.

Thurston County Superior Court – Where individual freedom and the Constitution go to die

As a resident of Thurston County, a frequent participant in the legal process here, and a longtime observer of the Thurston County Court System, it pains me to point out the obvious.  This is far more than just saying the Emperor has no clothes, yet it must be said.  If you have been targeted by the State of Washington, you will never get a fair or honest trial in Thurston County.  That will NEVER happen.  There is no equal protection under the law in Thurston County Superior Court for these types of cases, and the judges repeatedly reinforce this fact with their unending series of predictably lopsided decisions.  This trend has only worsened and become more extreme in recent years. 

Judges are not supposed to be manipulated this easily

The Thurston County Superior Court is where most legal cases involving state agencies are litigated.  In part, this is because Thurston County is home to the state capitol and all state agencies (with a few minor exceptions) are located here.  This becomes the logical venue for legal actions involving these agencies (like the Attorney General’s office).  The total deference to the State exhibited daily by superior court judges in Thurston County is nauseating to all who believe in equal protection under the law.  The concept of equal protection under the law was trampled long ago by these judges, and it exists now only in theory, not practice, in Thurston County Superior Court.  The court maintains the fiction of equal protection for those not paying attention.  If you as a citizen are challenging the State on any issue or if you have been targeted by the State for destruction (like Tim Eyman), the outcome is essentially pre-ordained.  The “trial” experience is just a time-wasting exercise for the attorneys to get paid, and the apparatus of the judicial system to justify its existence.  The concept of “justice” will be absent in these cases, but the Kabuki theatre of the trial helps keep the paychecks rolling.

Keep in mind, most of the cases that flood the legal system, even in Thurston County, don’t rise to this level of significance. So it is not too difficult to conceal the predictable bias in the system.  Most people go to court for relatively mundane litigation like traffic tickets (District Court), divorce, restraining orders, plea-bargains for settlements, and mundane civil cases settling disputes among neighbors or businesses.  When it comes to these types of cases, Thurston County Superior Court muddles through the mess and drama like any other Washington State Superior Court.  Sometimes better, sometimes worse, but nothing impressive. 

However, when it comes to anything involving the abuse of government power, the judges in Thurston County will do almost anything to support the government’s team, and if you are abused by a government agency (does not matter which one), your freedom and liberty are meaningless to these judges.  You are not on their “team” and the Thurston County judges happily cooperate with the “team” to inflict maximum harm on you.  The State reigns supreme and cannot be questioned, and certainly the people are not allowed to question anything.

Thurston County Judge Carol Murphy enjoys destroying lives for the political power of the state

Part of the problem here is that most of these judges are creatures of the State.  For example, Judge Dixon is a former FBI agent.  Most of Dixon’s close family members are bureaucrats in various state agencies.  In Dixon’s courtroom, the State is always right.  Even when a ruling he made was generally supported by people who support freedom and the rule of law, that outcome was only because the State wanted that outcome. For example, when Judge Dixon ruled correctly that I-1639 violated the law, the Washington Secretary of State had sided with the pro-gun folk who opposed the initiative.  When I challenged the AG’s clearly biased ballot title for the I-1631 Carbon Tax initiative, Dixon ruled with the State, as he always does. This is because the legal arguments or facts just do not matter in his court when the State is involved.  If the State asks for an outcome, Dixon always complies.

Judge Dixon just asks the state what he should write in his final rulings

When reviewing the other judges in Thurston County Superior Court, you will find most of them are also co-opted by the State.  Their resumes speak for themselves, but their rulings simply reinforce this assessment.  Many of them worked for the Attorney General’s office before they became a judge.  For example, let’s look at Judge Carol Murphy.  Local attorneys tell me in her courtroom, only “Murphy’s Law” is applied because nobody believes she follows any recognizable law when she invents her rulings.  I have personally experienced totally irrational rulings in her courtroom that defy logic, recognition of any constitutional protections, or even any attachment to the law at all.  Every day, Judge Murphy destroys lives in her courtroom and seems to enjoy the experience of doing so.  Judge Murphy was a former employee of the state AG’s office, of course.  Judge Lanese has a similar background as a former AG employee with the additional bonus that his aunt was recently retired Supreme Court Justice Fairhurst. As part of the AG’s “judge club,” his office merely operates as an extension of the State’s political will. 

Thurston County hasn’t put this sign yet on their courtroom entrance, but it only applies to the little people anyway – the political insiders are protected

There may be judges less harmful to individual freedoms and who sometimes make rulings recognizing the existence of the federal and state constitutional protections afforded individuals, but they are rare and hard to find.  Most of the Thurston County Court rulings are merely window dressing for whatever the State wants to do to the people.  Washington State’s Supreme Court is no check on Thurston County Court’s decisions since nearly all the justices warming those seats began as political appointees at their current positions.  These “justices” know they can only maintain their highly paid and prestigious position if they do not buck the system (the State), so they happily crush all who oppose the State’s abuse.  This guarantees there is no check or balance to a co-opted and tame Thurston County Superior Court.  You as an individual will always be crushed under the tread of the State’s legal bulldozer when the State turns its attentions on you.  The Thurston County judges are merely there to grease the gears of the State’s legal bulldozer.  Your freedoms and liberty as defined in the state constitution are just silly footnotes to be ignored as you are crushed by the State.  I have no way to be sure the judges laugh about what they do to us, but they certainly do not seem to care.

Eyman even tried to eliminate state judge’s recent pay raises

The obvious solution would be to replace the corrupted judges of Thurston County with judges who recognize some of our freedoms and right to exist without being destroyed by the State every time the State desires it.  Maybe, it would be nice to have judges who do not view themselves as protectors of the bureaucracy and perhaps even view themselves as defenders of individual freedom and defenders of the constitution.  However, as every attorney will tell you, running for judge against an incumbent will end your legal career if you lose, and the odds are stacked against you.  Few attorneys are so brave they will take that career and income risk.  We are stuck with the worst judges we can scrounge from the AG’s back office.

Since equal protection under the law is largely dead in Thurston County, you might have a few options to escape this Kangaroo Court.  Not all of them will apply in your case and there are no guarantees you will get a fair hearing implementing these options, but they could save you.  First, if forced into legal action in Thurston County Superior Court, try to remove the case to Federal Court if you can (no guarantees, but at least there are a few real judges in Federal Court who understand the constitution – You might get lucky).  If Federal law is involved, this is the only sane path.  If your attorney resists this path, you should get a new attorney.  Secondly, if you can change venues to a different county, you might have a better chance at justice.  This is easier if Thurston County is named in the case.  No guarantees, of course, but at least a chance.  Finally, depending on the nature of your case, you can affidavit the judge assigned to your case (which means you can kick the judge off your case).  You cannot do worse than Judge Carol Murphy (abandon all hope for a fair or even rational trial in Murphy’s courtroom). She should always be an automatic affidavit.  Judge Dixon and Judge Lanese are good to affidavit as well, although you run the risk of certain doom by getting reassigned to Murphy.  You get one chance to do this in the beginning of a legal case, and you can only affidavit a judge one time.  However, while the Thurston County Superior Court judges are generally bad, a few might be marginally better than the ones initially assigned to your case. 

The final joke – don’t restrict Eyman’s free speech

Judge Dixon in the final closing words in his courtroom made two statements that were so comical, I thought he was joking, but then it became apparent he was not.  They both merit review.

The first was that he was issuing a fine of “only” $2.6 million against Eyman. That was because because the U.S. Supreme Court had indicated recently that these fines can not be “excessive.”  This was amusing in a sick sort of way because while Bob Ferguson’s office was asking for an absurd $7.8 million fine, Dixon thought $2.6 million was not “excessive.”  This detachment from reality by this judge helps demonstrate the type of rarified air our judges breathe where a $2.6 million fine is not “excessive.”  How wealthy and out of touch is Judge Dixon to believe that any normal person can afford to pay a fine like this?

If you want to see fines that are not “excessive,” you can look at the list of Left-leaning politicians, judges, PACs, etc who have been fined based on my complaints linked hereNone of them exceed $100,000.  Some of them were for violations clearly equivalent to anything Eyman has been accused of doing (without the fancy breathless press releases of the AG’s office).  Most of them are for less than $10,000.  However, in this judge’s world, $2.6 million is nothing – not even “excessive.” 

Eyman would certainly have suffered less if he just burned down some buildings, annexed part of Seattle, caused a few people to die and turned the city into a dump.

The second was the phony admonishment to the AG’s office that after reading Dixon’s ruling which simply rubber stamped and copied the AG’s demands to impose a radical and unprecedented set of personal restrictions on Eyman’s ability to ever participate in the political process again for the rest of his life, Judge Dixon pretended to admonish the State that they cannot restrict Eyman’s free speech.  I struggled not to laugh at this pointless and embarrassing statement by Judge Dixon.  I’m not sure why he bothered. 

Seriously, we don’t have any judicial oversight in this state unless the judge is a conservative or originalist. As long as the judge pushes the State’s vision, they will be okay no matter what rights are trampled. The State’s lead attorney on this case – the weirdo Eric Newman who I met and wrote about in this article, seemed to be trying not to laugh behind his mask too.

AG attorney Eric Newman and minion laugh behind their masks

I am fairly sure Eyman can still vote.  He lives in King County now, so he can probably vote as many times as he wants in each election.  Eyman probably can run for office if he remains masochistic.  He can probably wave campaign signs and doorbell homes.  Maybe he can write articles.  I do not see how he can be effectively involved in the initiative process and still comply with the rules laid down by the court, which was the goal of the State all along. Those restrictions were crafted by the AG to ensure an endless stream of future litigation with vague landmines scattered everywhere.  In a place where the rule of law doesn’t matter anyway, these restrictions will be redefined beyond all recognition and Eyman will be sued again.  Maybe Eyman just enjoys being in court.  Court can be fun, after all. 

If Eyman already has a judgement he can never pay hanging over his head, what does it matter if he is sued again and again in the future?  To quote Hillary Clinton – “What difference does it make?”  Eyman can just accept it and add new fines and judgements to the IOU pile.  Who says indentured servitude doesn’t exist? Perhaps that is Eyman’s best move in the future.  Try to comply with the legal minefield which ensures “free speech” will be largely meaningless in a world of $2.6 million fines.  As new fines are invented and added to Eyman’s collection, simply see if he can collect enough to get to 9-digits.  That would be a cool accomplishment. 

I do not know how Eyman can live his life as a walking, talking PAC.  That is a bizarre ruling by the judge that is so weird and unprecedented that I can only presume they thought Eyman would not have a competent lawyer to challenge it in a real (Federal) court someday. 

Of course, the underlying message from the court and AG Bob Ferguson is clearer than ever right now. It has little to do with Tim Eyman.  This message is directed at anyone else who dares to challenge the system in the future.  Yeah, I am sure you are out there, and you believe you can do it better than Tim Eyman, and I am sure you are right.  You will cross your T’s and dot your I’s better than he did.  Every situation creates a teachable moment, and I am sure Eyman’s experience has been a lesson for us all.  However, it will not matter.  The State is here to destroy you if you try to reduce taxes or reduce the bureaucracy.  THAT is the unforgiveable sin in Washington State right now. The State will ignore the state constitution, and our tame and timid judges will aid them in their efforts.  The State will invent any excuse they can find.  The pretend media will cheer them on.  The State will abuse every law, due process, make up fake new laws that do not exist, and do whatever it takes to destroy you.  You have been warned. 

Despite the warning, the threats, the corrupt judges, and the tame state-approved media, it is certain that those who recognize the imperative for the bloat and abuse of the State to be constrained will not stop. The legal and financial crucifixon of Tim Eyman sends a message. So does a refusal to surrender, cower in fear, or bend a knee to the State. Freedom and liberty are too important to abandon. The bloat and abuse of the State is the biggest threat to both. Future generations need people today willing to continue this struggle. It is worth the fight. Despite what happened to Eyman, even he is determined to press on. That sends a message as well. Change is inevitably coming, and those in power rightly fear the resistance, anger, and resentment of the people. The political elite may believe they can suppress effective dissent and political activism, but they are only showing their corruption and greed for all to see. The State and their tamed media may pretend this can continue as it always has, but as more people engage and push back, the State can’t give the Eyman treatment to all of us.


Background articles and documents:

My personal video commentary about the Tim Eyman case

Feb 10, 2021 – Final findings and Injunction – Judge Dixon ruling

The Complete Feb 10, 2021 court hearing video – where Judge Dixon made his final ruling

Video of Justice Sander’s Closing Argument in Defense of Tim Eyman

Can Tim Eyman be Washington State’s next governor?

“We’re coming for You” – a typical threat from Leftist leader directed at all who disagree

Tim Eyman Fan Club – a group called “permanent defense”

They spent $5 million attacking Tim Eyman, and all they got was a lousy campaign finance complaint

Eyman has been assaulted before (story from 2000)

Text of I-976 Initiative – “$30 car tabs” – 2019 November ballot

Washington Policy Center – Citizen’s Guide to I-976 – by Mariya Frost

Public Disclosure Commission Enforcement Case File (Case #59150) for Keep Washington Rolling PAC (the anti-Tim Eyman PAC)

Text of Initiative I-961 – “no car tax” – one of Eyman’s earliest failures in 1998 – never even turned in any signatures

Text of Initiative – I-695 “$30 car tabs” 1999 – Eyman’s first successful car tabs initiative

I-695 – “One Year Later, the sky didn’t fall” – Washington Policy Center – Paul Guppy

Text of Initiative – I-776 – “$30 car tabs” 2002 – restricting local governments from piling on car tab taxes or fees

AG Ferguson’s persecution of Tim Eyman, Eyman’s plea, and a creepy AG employee

AG Ferguson loses another legal skirmish with Tim Eyman – strangely, no AG press release

Eyman’s Pro Se response documents filed in court Jan 18, 2019

Eyman wins major court motion against Attorney General, Ferguson could be first AG in state history forced to testify under Oath

Eyman wins lawsuit against State, exposing unconstitutional effort by legislature, saves initiative process

Leavenworth Echo – December 3, 2018 – “Tyranny of the Law” (AG didn’t like this article)

Seattle PI – Connelly:  AG wants Eyman held in contempt, fined $2,000 a day

AG’s Motion of Contempt Against Tim Eyman (January 2018)

Eyman’s Response to AG (January 12, 2018)

Jeffrey Sprung PDC Complaint #27563

History article about King County Initiative 18 (reduce size of council)

Seattle PI – Eyman is hit with $2.1 million campaign finance lawsuit

Kiro 7 – March 31, 2017 – Video of AG Ferguson talking about Eyman lawsuit

Seattle Met – Aug 19, 2011 – “Andrew Villeneuve Takes on Tim Eyman”

The Olympian Editorial- Oct 20, 2015 – “Send Eyman’s Ideas out with the Trash”

Seattle Times – July 22, 2016 – “Eric Newman for King County Superior Court Judge position #44”

Washington threats against your 2nd Amendment Rights – Interview update and what you can do

We recently interviewed Senator Lynda Wilson (18th LD) and Representative Jim Walsh (19th LD) to discuss this year's crop of anti-gun and anti-2nd Amendment bills in the legislature. More importantly, we discuss what you can do to help stop them.

The Washington State legislature, and the special interests who influence it, every year try to push for more and more regulations and laws that restrict the ability of average citizens to keep and bear arms to defend themselves. Most of the special interests who push for this are funded by billionaires who are surrounded by teams of armed guards all the time, yet they believe the little people should not be allowed to own firearms to protect themselves. This is always the way it has been when discussing the 2nd Amendment and the right to own firearms to protect the people. The elites vs. the common person.

This legislative session is no different. We had an opportunity to interview Representative Jim Walsh (19th LD) and Senator Lynda Wilson (18th LD), who are both strong 2nd Amendment supporters and experienced at both defending our rights as activists before they were elected, and now as elected officials in Olympia. Sporting Systems, located in Vancouver, Washington were generous enough to let us use there facility to host this interview (go to their website here). Also, as we discussed in this interview – the Washington Civil Rights Association is actively involved in helping us protect our civil rights. You can find their website linked here.

This video original was launched on our You Tube channel on February 2, 2021. If you have not yet subscribed to our YouTube channel, please go here and do so.


Additional Background articles and documents:

Four billionaires can’t buy competency for Anti-Gun Initiative, now multiple legal challenges in court

The Olympian – July 16,2018 – “I-1639 Initiative flaw – can anyone fix it?”

The Union Bulletin – July 31, 2018 – “The signature gathering for gun initiative seems to have been flawed”

August 2, 2018 – Opening Brief by Second Amendment Foundation against I-1639 – Thurston Superior Court Case #18-2-03747-34

July 27, 2018 – SAF – First Amended Application for Citation and Injunctive Relief against I-1639 – Thurston Superior Court Case #18-2-03747-34

July 27, 2018 – NRA Writ of Mandamus & Injunctive Relief suit – Thurston Superior Court Case #18-2-03747-34

Washington Secretary of State – July 6, 2018 – press release

AG’s ballot title for I-1639 issued May 9, 2018

Final Text of proposed Initiative 1639

Judge Murphy – final order to change ballot title for I-1639 – June 7, 2018

The Billionaire’s anti-gun initiative (I-1639) and why I’m challenging the AG’s ballot title

Q13-Fox – “Secretary of State: ‘Significant’ constitutional concerns raised over petition format for gun measure I-1639”

MyNorthwest.com – Todd Herman – “Gun control initiative puts Sec. of State Wyman in awkward position”

Safe communities safe schools PAC C1PC (filed with PDC)

Tacoma News Tribune – “Second Amendment group asks court to block gun initiative from the ballot”

Everett Herald – “Editorial:  Reject procedural challenge of gun-control measure”

Union Bulletin – “Initiative petitions must strictly follow the law”

My Northwest.com – Todd Herman – “I-1639 gun initiative reaches required signatures; opponents launch lawsuit”

AG Ferguson – donations from Pacifica Law Group – 2012 & 2016 campaigns – simple list not including spouses or relatives

Glen Morgan’s Filed Ballot Title Petition – I-1639- 18-2-02564-34 – May 16-2018

Ballot Title Challenge to I-1639 – Consolidated Case Schedule Order (under Case #18-2-02506-34)

Agreed Motion To Consolidate ballot title challenges to I-1639

Glen Morgan – Opening Brief – Ballot Title Petition – I-1639 18-2-02564-34 – May 21, 2018

AG response to petitioners ballot title challenge – I-1639 – May 24, 2018

I-1639 -Sponsors’ Response Brief to ballot title language challenge – May 24, 2018

Joe Wilson challenge to ballot title  – I-1639 – May 16, 2018

Opening Brief of Joe Wilson, Pro Se – I-1639 Ballot Title challenge – May 21, 2018

Sponsors – Petition to Appeal Ballot Title – I-1639 – May 16-2018

NRA’s Opening Brief – Ballot Title Challenge I-1639 – May 21-2018

Liberty Park Press – May 17, 2018 – “Ballot Title Challenges Filed v. WA Gun Control Initiative”

The Conservative Firing Line – May 17, 2018 – “WA initiative battle heats as gun control measure challenged”

Ammoland – May 26, 2018 – “West Coast Plutocrats target Washington State gun owners again”

Seattle Times – May 21, 2018 – “Paul Allen, Nick Hanauer give $1M each to Washington state initiative pushing new firearms regulations”

MyNorthwest.com – May 22, 2018 – “Nick Hanauer hates big money but just donated $1 million to anti-gun initiative”

GunMag – May 22, 2018 – “Anti-Gun Billionaires Pour Money Into WA Gun Control Initiative”

NRA-ILA – May 17, 2018 – “Washington: NRA Files Legal Challenge Against Misleading Ballot Title for Gun Control Initiative”

Washington State Wire – April 25, 2018 – “AG Ferguson announces support of gun-related initiative”

NW News Network – April 23, 2018 – “In Unusual Move, Washington Attorney General Endorses Gun-Related Ballot Measure”

Washington State Secretary of State – website tracking proposed initiatives 2018

Why I’m challenging the AG’s misleading ballot title for I-1631 – the Carbon Tax

Secretary of State’s 2017 initiative and referenda handbook (page 6 was exhibit D)

Lockdown Legislature Rules 2021 – Interview with Rep. Jim Walsh

As the 2021 Leigslature bumbles forward surrounded by fences, locking out the people, and with no quorum on campus, we interview Rep Jim Walsh (19th LD) to get his perspective on this situation.

We had an opportunity to interview Washington State Representative Jim Walsh (19th LD) and discuss the Lockdown Legislature rules and how they are structured to reduce citizen involvement with the legislature, reduce transparency and are generally harmful to both the legislative process and good policy. We have discussed these issues before (see here), but it is always helpful to interview someone on the inside to hear what they have to say and what they have observed.

This unusual aspect of the 2021 legislature has become a very partisan aspect of this legislative session because the Republicans, by party line, voted against it and the Democrats voted in favor of these rules. As this years legislature bumbles forward and stumbles over itself, it is worthwhile to review the weirdness and the strange aspects of this time. Someday, future generations are going to look back and wonder at the bizarre behavior of today’s political “leaders.”

This video was posted on our You Tube channel on January 30, 2021. If you have not yet subscribed to our YouTube channel, please go here and do so.

An example of what an approved message seal looks like

If you are interested in doing more research on who funds our political candidates in Washington State, how to track bills in the legislature, election history, I’ve linked some handy and helpful links at the bottom of this article for easy reference. It is helpful to know where you can look to begin research projects or just to stay informed about some critical aspects of your local government. Feel free to bookmark them for yourself.

Please note, if this was an approved message by the Ministry of Covid Compliance (and for some reason, they haven’t approved anything we have ever written), we would have the nearby seal of approval at the top of this article:

Governor Inslee wanted to be President, believes he is savior of the world, acts like he is king, and some people believe he is a dictator. However, he remains a Democrat in good standing.


Background articles and documents:

The Washington State Public Disclosure Commission site (to see who donated how much to which politicians)

A history of Washington State Elections – Secretary of State (to research election results)

How to track bills in the Washington State Legislature (if you want to track proposed bills and their status)

Washington Coalition for Open Government

Interview with Rep. Jim Walsh about the Lockdown Legislature rules

Washington State locks down Olympia Capital Campus despite no threats

Rally against Governor Inslee – lockdown update for Spiffys, Stuffys, Farm Boy Restaurants

Inslee’s Empire Strikes Back – Lockdown Fight – Spiffy’s Standoff continues

You must Obey! – A public service announcement

Governor Inslee Defied – Showdown at Spiffy’s Restaurant – the interview

Showdown at Spiffy’s Restaurant

The Real Virus Plaguing us

Follow We the Governed


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