ALEC! ALEC! Come out, wherever you are! I know you’re here! Come on ALEC! Just show yourself! Why are you hiding? Why don’t you just come out, and admit who you are, ALEC?
If you could get me connected to ALEC – which is found here:, I would appreciate it. If you can convince them to take any of the policy suggestions we suggest, and run with them – that would be even better…
ALEC! ALEC! Come out, wherever you are! I know you’re here! Come on ALEC! Just show yourself! Why are you hiding? Why don’t you just come out, and admit who you are, ALEC?
If you could get me connected to ALEC – which is found here:, I would appreciate it. If you can convince them to take any of the policy suggestions we suggest, and run with them – that would be even better…
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