In Clark County, Washington State, three recall petitions were filed with the county auditor’s office which allege a variety of charges against three incumbent county councilmembers. The justification for the petition was malfeasance, misfeasance, and violating their oaths of office.
Clark County Councilmember Tom Mielke filed the petition as a private citizen to recall County Councilmembers Julie Olson, Jeanne Stewart, and Clark County Council chair Marc Boldt.
There are two very high hurdles to overcome in this process initially before any votes can be cast. The first is a hearing in front of a Superior Court Judge to determine sufficiency of the charges. If the judge approves, then the second big hurdle is a signature gathering effort. Of course, the final hurdle is a vote of the people. Regardless of what happens with these petitions, the political scene in Clark County is certainly shaping up to be interesting this year.
This video will help people understand this story and the process a little better…
To read more about this story go here.