Speaker Chopp pays fine, Senator Hunt just whines

Last week, Democrat Speaker of the Washington State House Frank Chopp paid $6,469 in fines and court costs to the state for a variety of campaign finance laws broken mostly during his uncontested election...

City of SeaTac slammed with $18.3 million jury verdict, city attorneys guilty of deception

On Friday, Judge McDermott presided over the final stages of the K&S lawsuit against the City of SeaTac.  The results reflect poorly on the City of SeaTac senior staff, legal counsel, and the planning...

Vancouver Mayor and Council forced to abandon 117% pay raise

In the City of Vancouver, Washington State - the part time mayor and council attempted to give themselves a 117% pay raise ( for the mayor, and over 50% for the rest). They had...

City of SeaTac misled by staff attorney, highlighting the staff infection

"There is an actual and justiciable controversy as to whether the City is liable based on any criminal, dishonest, or fraudulent acts or omissions that constitute a knowing violation of the rights of another...

The City of SeaTac suffers from a serious staff infection

"There is an actual and justiciable controversy as to whether the City’s liability is based on dishonest, fraudulent, or criminal acts..." The newly elected city council in the City of SeaTac in Washington State is...

Taking Back Our Cities – the City of SeaTac Story

In 2015, all four incumbent Democrat politicians in the City of SeaTac were voted out of office by the people. Despite the fact that the incumbents outspent their challengers by 8 to 1, they...

Tales of Tyranny – Seattle sinks the Farm Boat

For three years, Captain Dave Petrich operated the farm boat, a small organic farmer's market located in Seattle's iconic South Lake Union district. This year, the City of Seattle forced the Farm Boat to...

Taxing the Tax – A local government tax scheme

“You think you have been taxed to the max, then they find a way to tax the tax.” Most people know that they pay taxes on their utility bills.  Your power, water, sewer, phone, internet...

Why We the Governed?

We the Governed exists to support activists and citizens who are concerned that government is too big, intrusive, abusive, corrupt, and incompetent.  We the Governed believes government needs to be substantially and significantly reformed...

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