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Tag: Katie Nelson

Thurston County Democrats charged $27,000 for breaking law, exposing contagion of...

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE Last Friday, the Thurston County Democrats agreed to settle the lawsuit...

Cult Leader JZ Knight fails in Federal Court

The nastiest litigation saga by the most litigious cult leader - JZ Knight - finally came to an end last month.   Knight lost her...

The Chaos of Campaign Finance Compliance and the Disarray of the...

This is Part I in a series... Compliance with the law can be challenging sometimes.  For many Democratic Party political committees in Washington State, this...

Thurston County Democratic Party sued by Attorney General for financial violations

On Monday afternoon at 4:34 pm, the Washington State Attorney General filed a civil lawsuit in Thurston County Superior Court against the Thurston County...

Thurston Democrats plateau at peak paranoia

During the first official 2017 meeting of the Thurston County Democrats on the fourth Monday of January, there was palpable angst in the air. It...

Democrat Party now openly disavows violence

In an interesting development on the recent voicemail death threat left by current Olympia Democrat PCO Laurian Weisser, various leaders in the Democratic Party...

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