The Citizen’s Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) is hosting a networking, education, and training event in Ellensburg, Washington. The event is titled “East meets West in Defense of Property Rights.” This event is held on Saturday, September 24 at the Central Washington University Ballroom from 9am to 5pm. Elected officials and activists from all around Washington State will share their experiences, tactics, and strategies for restoring property rights, transparency, and government accountability in Washington State from the local government level all the way to the State Capitol in Olympia. There are a variety of training sessions, seminars, videos, and panels being presented. Download the Flyer here, and register online here.
This is an important and unique opportunity for local activists, candidates, and concerned citizens. Those who attend have opportunities to compare notes with like minded people from around the state (and outside the state) who are often facing similar challenges protecting property rights and restoring freedom in their communities. All participants will be empowered to develop and apply news skills to succeed in their local political and policy battles. Learn from other’s mistakes, imitate their successes, and return home energized for the continuing fight where you live as well.

A variety of breakout training sessions will be presented including how to effectively use the public records act to improve government transparency, how to overcome the obstacles that bureaucracy creates when friendly elected officials take over, and other practical training from local experts. I will also be presenting the latest Tales of Tyranny videos from around the state and we will explore how to produce similar stories in your community.
Pre-register online for $30. It will be more at the door. The day is sure to be one that attendees won’t soon forget. Freedom requires eternal vigilance, effective activism, and a strong networks of allies to make progress towards the goal of individual freedom and the restoration of our property rights. I look forward to seeing you there.
Our Constitution begins with the phrase “we the people.” It was the founder’s intent that government be created by the people, to serve the people. It wasn’t their intention for the people to serve the government. It was always intended that government which failed to serve the people should be “altered or abolished.” Until we return to the founder’s intent, we remain We the Governed…
Glenn, you are so right on this. It’s encouraging to see CAPR active in Eastern Washington. The only question I have about your graphic … The citizen is still prettry well covered with fleece … in talking to SMB owners/operators in Kittitas County that’s not my observation!! You’re inspiring and thanks for what you do.
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