It certainly pays to speak for the dead, and apparently if a spirit can conjure up enough cash, it is also possible to purchase a political party as well.

JZ Knight channels Ramtha, who has travelled through 35,000 of space and time to endorse (and give money) Democrats today
JZ Knight channels Ramtha, who has travelled through 35,000 of space and time to endorse (and give money to) Democrats today

In Thurston County, Washington State, a spirit channeller named JZ Knight has been dumping large sums of cash into the local Democratic Party, exceeding the donations of all other entities (spiritual or earthly) combined.  More than several hundred thousand dollars have been directed into the coffers of the Thurston County Democratic Party directly and used in support of a few chosen Democratic candidates.  This includes a recent political action committee almost entirely funded by JZ Knight.

Just one of the Internet Memes that is making its way around social media in Thurston County (source: Facebook) references JZ Knight/Ramtha quote from 2012 video release scandals

Racist Comments fit with local Democratic Party values

JZ Knight is a controversial political figure from the City of Yelm, WA who channels a 35,000 year old ancient Lemurian warrior spirit named “Ramtha” which has travelled through space and time to get involved in local political issues.  She/it (pronouns are always challenging when discussing JZ Knight/Ramtha) became particularly controversial in 2012 when various videos recorded by JZ Knight/Ramtha were exposed by followers and put on Youtube for all to see.  These included racist remarks about Mexicans, anti-Catholic statements, anti-Semitic statements, anti-gay statements, and hostile remarks about organic farmers.  She/it was one of the largest individual donors to the Washington State Democratic Party at that time, and eventually the State Party divested the funds she/it had donated to them, along with various politicians including Congressman Denny Heck.  Many sources for this controversy are linked at the end of this article.

Just one of the JZ Knight funded mailers supporting Jim Cooper , part of the $105,000 JZ Knight/Ramtha campaign in Thurston County
Just one of the JZ Knight funded mailers supporting Jim Cooper , part of the $210,000 JZ Knight/Ramtha campaign in Thurston County

However, the local Thurston County Democratic Party was less discerning or sensitive.  As long as the checks are large enough, they will accept the racist and hateful rhetoric.  Here are some examples of the funding that has come from this spiritual source recently.  This “enlightened” cash totaling more than $210,000 in the last few years alone – is more than any other ten sources of local political campaign funds combined (listen to this recent KUOW radio show) :


Hateful Speech is acceptable only if the Democratic Party gets their cash

Just one of the full page ads JZ Knight has purchased to support Democratic candidates in Thurston County (and never reported to the Public Disclosure Commission) from 2013
Just one of the full page ads JZ Knight has purchased to support Democratic candidates in Thurston County (and never reported to the Public Disclosure Commission) from The Olympian, October, 2013

Of course, JZ Knight/Ramtha has a perfect right to make hateful speeches about anyone or anything that she/it wants.  Some might be surprised that the Thurston County Democrats agree with JZ Knight/Ramtha’s statements.  However, this agreement has been purchased at a high price.  Over $210,000 so far in the past few years alone.

These donations are also mostly legal (some rules are being violated).  No law prevents wealthy ancient warrior spirits from buying a political party, candidate, or election.  It is unlikely that any campaign finance reforms, regardless of promises made over the years will be able to stop this practice, and that is probably okay.

 Let’s face it, if a warrior spirit can transcend space and time to fund and endorse the Thurston County Democratic Party and local Commissioner candidates Jim Cooper and Kelsey Hulse, what can mere mortal lawmakers do to stop it?  We can all be grateful that at least we know JZ Knight and/or Ramtha – completely control the Thurston County Democratic Party and their chosen candidates.  The Democratic party would not be where they are now without this ancient timeless financial support.

Ramtha owns the Thurston County Democratic Party, Jim Cooper, and Kelsey Hulse – and $210,000 + proves it…

(Full Disclosure:  Ramtha and JZ Knight sued the author in 2014 in Federal Court for providing videos of various racist tirades she/it made in previous years to her/it’s followers as part of a public record to the Thurston County Commissioners (whose political campaigns she/it funded).  Ramtha/JZ Knight claimed that the videos were selectively “edited.”  She/it refused to release a full unedited video to prove the clips were edited out of context.  Finally, she/it wisely chose to drop the hopeless lawsuit in 2015 since it appeared that all claims were bogus).


Our Constitution begins with the phrase “we the people.”  It was the founder’s intent that government be created by the people, to serve the people.  It wasn’t their intention for the people to serve the government.  It was always intended that government which failed to serve the people should be “altered or abolished.”  Until we return to the founder’s intent, we remain We the Governed

For related stories on Thurston County and Ramtha:

KUOW – Democrats take $50k from warrior spirit “Ramtha” despite anti-Mexican slurs

Ancient warrior spirit endorses Democrats

Washington Democrats reverse course, shed JZ Knight contributions (2012) 

Cult leader joins public sector unions in political alliance

Freedom Foundation sued for exposing JZ Knight, Politicians

Glen Morgan on being sued by JZ Knight (or maybe its Ramtha) KIRO Radio

Possessed racist attacks freedom group for exposing racism

Shocking allegations from former JZ Knight follower

Question:  Just how insane, racist, and corrupt do you have to be before Obama returns your campaign donations

JZ Knight videos now a public record in Thurston County

Romanian couple join mystical cult to hide $73 million tax fraud

JZ Knight Tirade videos submitted to politicians she supports

JZ Knight’s anti-Catholic rant prompts call for Democrats to Return $60k in donations

Democrats criticized over Ramtha donations – Seattle Times

Thurston County Dems accept JZ Knight Money again

The truth about Jim Cooper

Lawsuit File:  JZ Knight vs Glen Morgan

Public Disclosure Reports:

Public Disclosure Report including $2000 donation to Thurston County Commissioner Candidate Kelsey Hulse July 26, 2016

PDC report – $1000 donation to Kelsey Hulse – October 5, 2016

PDC report – $3,000 to Jim Cooper from JZ Knight plus two JZK owned corporations – September 30, 2016

PDC report $50k to Thurston Democratic Party – July 7, 2016

PDC report $54k to JZ Knight PAC (People for Thurston County) – October 12, 2016

PDC report $50k to Thurston Democratic Party – Feb 25, 2014

PDC report $15k to Thurston Democratic Party – Mar 4, 2014

PDC report $20k to Thurston Democratic Party – Sept 17, 2014

PDC report $10k to Thurston Democratic Party -May 15, 2015

PDC report $1900 to Thurston Auditor Mary Hall – Sept 10, 2014

PDC report – $1900 to Thurston Auditor Mary Hall – Aug 5, 2014 (plus another few thousand from hard-core followers)

PDC report – $900 to Thurston Auditor Mary Hall – 2013




  1. I’m not a Rampster, for my own reasons. I think who ever wrote this wrote a very one-sided, sarcastic, opinionated article. I think you should not be a journalist.

    • Kitty,

      Thanks for your thoughts and opinions. Please feel free to dispute any fact raised in the article. I link to plenty of sources and original documents. I would love to understand how you would write this article instead. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

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