Spokane Democrats take kid’s cash for secret salary and epic parties
Jim CastroLang, part time pastor and paid executive director of the Spokane Democrats, resigned a few weeks ago. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Unfortunately, recent articles written by this author and multiple investigative articles...
Spokane City Councilman Ben Stuckart is first political candidate to violate the very law...
As far as we know, this is not a direct quote, just what is indicated by Stuckart's actions
When the Conscience of the Progressives appears – Democrats become enraged
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Ridiculous drama and hyped up rage have been expressed by various Democratic Party candidates and organizations around Washington State over the...
The Devil made them do it – Spokane Democrat Party in serious legal trouble
Last Friday, the Spokane County Democrats received a Public Disclosure Commission complaint about serious campaign finance violations. The initial response by the newly elected Spokane County Democrat Chair Andrew Biviano was to deny any...
The Chaos of Campaign Finance Compliance and the Disarray of the Dems
This is Part I in a series...
Compliance with the law can be challenging sometimes. For many Democratic Party political committees in Washington State, this fact has recently been proven true. While this author's efforts...
Many Counties delay due date for property taxes. This is just the beginning…
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One silver lining on the dark cloud of Washington State...
For Spokane Democrats and allied PACs- a financial reckoning for lawbreaking
The Spokane County Democratic Party is settling into a resigned recognition that they are not exempt from the law. The campaign finance laws apply to them as well as their political opponents. Soon, there...
Spokane County Democrats settle AG lawsuit for $85,300 after kid glove treatment by Bob...
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The Spokane County Democratic Party finally settled the campaign finance lawsuit filed against them by Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson...
Local County-level election results preview state-wide political trends
Local elections during a Presidential election year are typically ignored by political commentators. However, they are often strong indicators of future political trends. In Washington State, there are some interesting local primary election results...
Washington State county elections trend more conservative
Local political races often forecast wider statewide changes in the future
Around Washington State much attention has been paid to a limited Republican showing in the statewide races. The Republicans picked up a State Treasurer...