Rally against Governor Inslee – lockdown update for Spiffy’s, Stuffy’s, Farm Boy Restaurants

I was invited to speak at a rally in support of Spiffy's Restaurant held at the Lewis County Courthouse on December 29th, during the scheduled hearing with the Thurston County judge (Judge Lanese) who...

When the Conscience of the Progressives appears – Democrats become enraged

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE Ridiculous drama and hyped up rage have been expressed by various Democratic Party candidates and organizations around Washington State over the...

Governor Inslee Defied – Showdown at Spiffy’s Restaurant – in their own words

We had an opportunity to interview the owner of Spiffy's Restaurant, which has been in the news lately after openly defying Governor Inslee's extreme lockdown orders. These are his words, and this is...

Inslee’s Empire STRIKES BACK -Lockdown Fight – Spiffy’s Standoff continues

Governor Inslee's war on the rural poor and his attacks on small businesses continue to rampage through the state. While Inslee actively protects and exempts most Mega Corporations and his campaign contributors from...

Showdown at Spiffy’s Restaurant

The next stage of Washington State Governor Inslee’s harmful and abusive lockdown orders appears to be in the process of launching.  The fight between Governor Inslee and the little people of Washington’s latest confrontation...

Failed Democrat candidate Purcell fights Washington Attorney General, claims campaign finance laws are illegal

Theresa Purcell failed to win her race for the Washington State Legislature (19th District) in 2016.  Her defeat by Representative Jim Walsh, the first Republican to be elected in this district since World War...

Mossyrock Mayor and Council reject Governor Inslee’s harmful one-size fits all lockdown

While many local communities and businesses are suffering under Governor Inslee's sudden blanket lockdown orders, some are pushing back and refusing to destroy their local communities. Many people want to protect their local...

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