Top 10 ways to commit mail-in vote fraud

This is just a rough outline of some basic ways vote fraud has been and can be committed with vote by mail systems. Vote fraud is not a myth, and it has happened...

Congresswoman Jayapal pushes deceptive PAC cash scheme to fund her friends

People of all political stripes tend to believe politics is an ugly, dirty and nasty process, often focused too much on a quest for power and money above all else.  Washington State’s Congresswoman Pramila...

Leave the guillotine at home

At your next protest, while political theatre is welcome and variety is nice, perhaps it might be more effective if you leave the guillotine at home. Just a thought. I certainly don't...

The Left’s guillotine practice routine

Recently, Leftists in America are becoming more and more associated with the image of the guillotine.  Mock guillotines show up with increasing frequency at protests, and along with the clenched fist, hammer and sickle,...

Don’t blame Antifa for rural fires – they would never do that!

For some weird, completely inexplicable reason, it seems people keep spreading conspiracy theories about Antifa starting rural brush and forest fires.  Just because the Antifa crew likes to torch urban vehicles, burn down businesses...

They want to hurt us, but first defund the police -meet Antifa

Andy Ngo has been doing thankless yeoman’s work in Portland documenting the 100 days of recent rioting and the years of Antifa violence which predated the recent round of “mostly peaceful” violence in that...

Vote by Mail fails when postal workers are corrupt, look at Washington State

The debate about Vote by Mail during the Covid19 pandemic has been in the news lately.  It has been called “cheat by mail” by those concerned about the increased potential for fraud.  Supporters, on...

Official Ministry of Covid Compliance Seals of “Approved” and “Not Approved”

This website is dedicated to providing services and value to its readers. With the confusion, political turmoil, and economic chaos in the current covid compliance climate, and the strong feelings on both sides...

A documentary “Dead Harvest” about abusive government policies in California

This is a high quality mini-documentary about the abusive and artificial water policies in California destroying agriculture and rural living.  A horrifying example of how Gang Green has created a government staff infection at...

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