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Tag: Thurston County Democrats

Thurston County Democratic Party sued by Attorney General for financial violations

On Monday afternoon at 4:34 pm, the Washington State Attorney General filed a civil lawsuit in Thurston County Superior Court against the Thurston County...

Both failed Democrat candidates for county commission violated laws and are...

Both Democrat candidates for Thurston County Commissioner seats last year are now under formal investigation and litigation by the Washington State Attorney General’s office....

Attorney General sues Democrat Senator Sam Hunt for violating campaign finance...

On Friday, at 4:56pm , Washington State’s Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed a lawsuit in Thurston County Superior Court against Democrat Senator Sam Hunt (22nd...

How Democrats ripped off “Ramtha” and wasted donor money

Nobody likes to see their money get wasted.  This is true, even for donors to the Thurston County Democratic Party, yet last year the...

Jay Manning fined $4,800 by Attorney General for violating disclosure laws

In a rapid settlement last Friday, Jay Manning was fined $4,812.50 by Washington State’s Attorney General Bob Ferguson last week.  A press release was...

Former Chief of Staff Jay Manning busted by Attorney General for...

Jay Manning, JZ Knight’s SuperPAC Director was finally busted for one of his many violations of Washington State’s campaign finance laws this last election....

Thurston Democrats plateau at peak paranoia

During the first official 2017 meeting of the Thurston County Democrats on the fourth Monday of January, there was palpable angst in the air. It...

Jay Manning skates away from transparency, thanks Public Disclosure Commission

Last week, the Public Disclosure Commission allowed Jay Manning to avoid transparency and scrutiny once again, but he was not able to entirely avoid...

Can political insiders violate campaign finance laws with no consequences?

Jay Manning is the consummate Washington State political insider.  He was the former Director of the Department of Ecology before he became Governor Gregoire’s...

End of the Looney Tunes Commission

At the regularly scheduled Thurston County Commissioner meeting last Tuesday afternoon, all appeared similar, yet different from the previous eight years of this Commission....

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