Home Tags Thurston County Democrats

Tag: Thurston County Democrats

Thurston County Discovers New Cash Cow in the “Crap” Tax

Thurston County is pursuing an innovative tax on rural septic systems, which local residents call “The Crap Tax.”  Here, in Thurston County, residents have...

Thurston County Auditor Bends Rules to Benefit Allen Miller (and Jim...

Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall’s(Democrat) office has broken new ground by allowing a candidate to add his photo and statement to the 2016 Primary...

Five candidates battle for Thurston County Commissioner seat – but who...

In a few months an election will determine the direction of the Thurston County Commission.  One commissioner seat has five candidates vying for that position....

The Truth about Jim Cooper

Jim Cooper’s anticipated  coronation as the next Thurston County Commissioner by the political establishment bodes ill for long-suffering residents. Jim Cooper is the Democratic Party’s...

Thurston County punishes rural serfs- again.

(Copyright Image:  DLC for Assassin's Creed III.  An Alternate History called The Tyranny of King Washington - 2012) For Whistleblowers, please go here to learn...

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