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Tag: Staff Infection

Tempted by “Turd Tax,” King County Council and staff shocked by...

The King County Council, just like the Thurston County Commission is considering a septic tax program to be imposed on all properties who have...

Thurston County Auditor Bends Rules to Benefit Allen Miller (and Jim...

Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall’s(Democrat) office has broken new ground by allowing a candidate to add his photo and statement to the 2016 Primary...

A documentary “Dead Harvest” about abusive government policies in California

This is a high quality mini-documentary about the abusive and artificial water policies in California destroying agriculture and rural living.  A horrifying example of...

Douglas County politicians hide capital assets, file phony inventory documents, call...

Just how screwed up is the capital asset and inventory situation in Douglas County? It appears that the Douglas County Commissioners, the County Prosecutor Steven...

City of SeaTac misled by staff attorney, highlighting the staff infection

"There is an actual and justiciable controversy as to whether the City is liable based on any criminal, dishonest, or fraudulent acts or omissions...

The City of SeaTac suffers from a serious staff infection

"There is an actual and justiciable controversy as to whether the City’s liability is based on dishonest, fraudulent, or criminal acts..." The newly elected city...

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