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Tag: Laurien Weisser

Tis the season for threat letters

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE It has been a little while since I’ve received a threat...

Thurston County Democrats charged $27,000 for breaking law, exposing contagion of...

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE Last Friday, the Thurston County Democrats agreed to settle the lawsuit...

Democrat Party now openly disavows violence

In an interesting development on the recent voicemail death threat left by current Olympia Democrat PCO Laurian Weisser, various leaders in the Democratic Party...

Democrat Party official threatens to kill me

The death threat arrived via voicemail yesterday.  It was 8 seconds long, and you can listen to it below.  While the caller doesn’t identify...

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