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Tag: Laurie Dolan

Even weird, racist hate cult leaders like JZ Knight should have...

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE Censorship is unnecessary and undesirable in a free society.  Outside very...

Four candidates vie for the Thurston County Commission, but who are...

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE A contentious political race for the open Thurston County Commission seat...

Thurston County Democrats charged $27,000 for breaking law, exposing contagion of...

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE Last Friday, the Thurston County Democrats agreed to settle the lawsuit...

Democrat legislators break law, propose bill to hide their lawbreaking –...

On Friday, six Democratic legislators in Washington proposed a bill (HB 2938) which would exempt them from legal liability for violating the state’s campaign...

Cult Leader JZ Knight fails in Federal Court

The nastiest litigation saga by the most litigious cult leader - JZ Knight - finally came to an end last month.   Knight lost her...

How Democrats ripped off “Ramtha” and wasted donor money

Nobody likes to see their money get wasted.  This is true, even for donors to the Thurston County Democratic Party, yet last year the...

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