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Tag: Jim CastroLang

Spokane City Councilman Ben Stuckart is first political candidate to violate...

As far as we know, this is not a direct quote, just what is indicated by Stuckart's actions

Spokane County Democrats settle AG lawsuit for $85,300 after kid glove...

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox -SUBSCRIBE HERE The Spokane County Democratic Party finally settled the campaign finance lawsuit...

Thurston County Democrats charged $27,000 for breaking law, exposing contagion of...

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE Last Friday, the Thurston County Democrats agreed to settle the lawsuit...

For Spokane Democrats and allied PACs- a financial reckoning for lawbreaking 

The Spokane County Democratic Party is settling into a resigned recognition that they are not exempt from the law.  The campaign finance laws apply...

Spokane Democrats take kid’s cash for secret salary and epic parties

Jim CastroLang, part time pastor and paid executive director of the Spokane Democrats, resigned a few weeks ago. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Unfortunately,...

The Devil made them do it – Spokane Democrat Party in...

Last Friday, the Spokane County Democrats received a Public Disclosure Commission complaint about serious campaign finance violations.  The initial response by the newly elected...

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