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Tag: government corruption

Vancouver Mayor and Council forced to abandon 117% pay raise

In the City of Vancouver, Washington State - the part time mayor and council attempted to give themselves a 117% pay raise ( for...

Thurston County Auditor Bends Rules to Benefit Allen Miller (and Jim...

Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall’s(Democrat) office has broken new ground by allowing a candidate to add his photo and statement to the 2016 Primary...

A documentary “Dead Harvest” about abusive government policies in California

This is a high quality mini-documentary about the abusive and artificial water policies in California destroying agriculture and rural living.  A horrifying example of...

Be an anonymous government whistleblower – Clark County

This is our latest whistleblower ad as we help local government employees, vendors, and others expose the truth about what is happening in government...

Latest Whistleblower Ad – State Agency focused

This is the latest whistleblower 30 second ad.  Let me know what you think about this one compared to the others. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5FssOeWMR4

The City of SeaTac suffers from a serious staff infection

"There is an actual and justiciable controversy as to whether the City’s liability is based on dishonest, fraudulent, or criminal acts..." The newly elected city...

Thank you, government whistleblowers

A short message for the government whistleblowers who are willing to expose the truth about where they work.  Your willingness to come forward, even...

Be Anonymous, be a government whistleblower – TV ad #2

This is another one of our Whistleblower Ads running on television – started in January, 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz7G7xCDH24        

Be Anonymous, be a whistleblower – TV Ad 1

This is one of our Whistleblower Ads running on television - started in January, 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UBMZCa9fhA

Tales of Tyranny – The Jay Howell Story

Jay Howell lived in Thurston County, Washington  and discovered that he couldn't build his home because of a pocket gopher.  He had to move...

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