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Tag: Bob Ferguson has unclean hands

My Amicus Brief to the Washington State Supreme Court

A few weeks ago I filed an Amicus Brief to the Washington State Supreme Court in the State of Washington (Bob Ferguson) v. Tim...

AG Ferguson’s persecution of Tim Eyman, Eyman’s plea, and a creepy...

Eyman will be facing the full force of the 600 attorneys and unlimited budget of the AG's office entirely alone without legal counsel now...

Spokane County Democrats settle AG lawsuit for $85,300 after kid glove...

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox -SUBSCRIBE HERE The Spokane County Democratic Party finally settled the campaign finance lawsuit...

The Scorched Wasteland of Washington’s Campaign Finance Laws

When Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson decided to emphasize aggressive enforcement of the state’s campaign finance laws, his intention was to focus on...

Failed Democrat candidate Purcell fights Washington Attorney General, claims campaign finance...

Theresa Purcell failed to win her race for the Washington State Legislature (19th District) in 2016.  Her defeat by Representative Jim Walsh, the first...

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