They want to hurt us, but first defund the police -meet Antifa

Andy Ngo has been doing thankless yeoman’s work in Portland documenting the 100 days of recent rioting and the years of Antifa violence which predated the recent round of “mostly peaceful” violence in that...

Governor Inslee – too muffled to understand

I heard Inslee had something important to say, but when I tuned in, I couldn't understand anything he was mumbling. It appeared he was too muffled to understand. So we went back...

Governor Jay Inslee signed “Stop Glen Morgan” campaign finance bill, but will it really...

Get the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox -Subscribe Here A few weeks ago, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee signed ESHB 2938 “Concerning campaign finance law enforcement and reporting.”  Inslee...

Update on Governor Inslee’s Lockdown World

Washington State Governor Inslee's endless lockdown world continues with no end in sight. The randomly changing, repeat "rebranding" efforts, and harmful destruction of small businesses while rewarding crony supporters and mega corporations continues...

Why politicians Love Lockdowns…

So many of our governors, bureaucrats, and other politicians appear to love the lockdowns - imposing massive fines and jail time for refusing to obey, restricting how many people can come to Thanksgiving, creating...

Governor Inslee’s informant army – here’s the snitch list

This article has NOT been approved by Inslee’s Ministry of Covid Compliance. *Update: Please note, I have to keep updating the download location due to heavy volume and it appears those sites get taken...

Governor Inslee – Meme Magnet – All the Memes in one place

Who says Governor Inslee isn't inspiring? There is evidence of creative inspiration across the state as Washingtonians are moved to express themselves in visual ways about Governor Jay Inslee. For those less...

State pays over $1million/year, per house to drop violent sex predators in neighborhoods

We just received a copy of the first contract for Washington State Governor Jay Inslee’s Violent Sex Predator Neighborhood release program.  It is worse than anyone thought.  This contract is from the Washington State...

Gov Inslee Moves Violent Sex Offenders from secure McNeil Island – quietly dumps them...

This story has been brewing over the past few weeks, but the more we uncover, the worse it gets. In order to cover this story most effectively, it will require us to dig into the...

More “belligerent” protests against Washington State Governor Inslee

Please note, this article is NOT approved by Inslee's Ministry of Covid Compliance. Saturday’s “Hazardous Liberty” rally attracted 1500 or so protestors to Washington State’s Capital campus.  While the topic was serious, the attendees appeared...

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