Failed Democrat candidate Purcell fights Washington Attorney General, claims campaign finance laws are illegal
Theresa Purcell failed to win her race for the Washington State Legislature (19th District) in 2016. Her defeat by Representative Jim Walsh, the first Republican to be elected in this district since World War...
Failed Democratic candidate Teresa Purcell settles AG lawsuit for $22k, admits law breaking
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Two weeks ago, failed Democratic Party candidate Teresa Purcell stopped fighting the Washington State Attorney General’s office, and agreed to settle...
Go Under, or Go Down Fighting – Surviving in Inslee’s Lockdown world
This is another story of a small, local business which is struggling to survive providing food to their community. Stufff'y Restaurant located in Longview, Washington recognized that they would either close forever after...
When the Conscience of the Progressives appears – Democrats become enraged
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Ridiculous drama and hyped up rage have been expressed by various Democratic Party candidates and organizations around Washington State over the...
Democratic Party becoming politically toxic in Southwest Washington State
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In Southwest Washington State, the Democratic Party controlled all levers of political power for many decades. Places like Pacific County, Grays...