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Tag: futurewise is future lies

The City of Prosser, future lies, and the candidates of “Futurewise”

Washington State’s 2021 off-year election season is easily overshadowed by Washington’s season of Governor Inslee’s forever emergency, Inslee’s hyped mandates, and the fumbling of...

Overlooked Washington State elected offices on primary ballot 2020– who are...

In Washington State, there are a variety of state-wide offices which are elected on Presidential election years, and which generally operate in obscurity the...

The phony water crisis continues, legislative style, Hirst Heist rolls on

Yesterday, the Washington State Legislature started the new Legislative session with great ceremony and fanfare in Olympia.  On the first day of session, every...

The Hirst Heist and our diminishing legislature

On October 6, 2016,  Futurewise, with the assistance of six Washington State Supreme Court Justices, managed to win the lawsuit lottery.  The Supreme Court...

Hirst Decision by Supreme Court unleashes wrath of “Futurewise” upon property...

The recent Washington State Supreme Court decision Hirst vs. W. Washington Growth Management Hearings Board (“Hirst”) (decision linked here if Court pulls it off...

Primary Election Results – unanticipated outcomes, and major contrasts for November

Washington State’s primary election results from Tuesday night narrowed down some political races around the state.  However, the drawn out process of updated counts...

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