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Tag: Crap Tax

The day the “Crap Tax” died

“What a difference an election can make” said one Thurston County resident as he departed the Tuesday evening Thurston County Commission public hearing. “I’m...

Thurston County staff create fraudulent data to justify tax increase

Thurston County staff have been caught, once again, knowingly falsifying data to justify another big tax increase.  Conveniently, for the bureaucrats involved, this proposed...

Total citizen opposition to questionable rural car tax at Thurston County...

At the Tuesday hearing for Thurston County’s proposed rural car tax for the new Thurston County Transportation Benefit District generated very little love from...

King County dumps the “Turd Tax” after overwhelming rejection by angry...

Proving once again, that the future belongs to those who show up, over 600 angry residents confronted King County’s Health Department staff at the...

Tempted by “Turd Tax,” King County Council and staff shocked by...

The King County Council, just like the Thurston County Commission is considering a septic tax program to be imposed on all properties who have...

Thurston County Discovers New Cash Cow in the “Crap” Tax

Thurston County is pursuing an innovative tax on rural septic systems, which local residents call “The Crap Tax.”  Here, in Thurston County, residents have...

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