Overlooked Washington State elected offices on primary ballot 2020– who are these people?

In Washington State, there are a variety of state-wide offices which are elected on Presidential election years, and which generally operate in obscurity the rest of the time.  Yet, it is still important to...

Time to Downsize State Government

TO RECEIVE THE LATEST NEWS FROM WE THE GOVERNED DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX –SUBSCRIBE HERE Support We the Governed – MAKE A DONATION HERE Government has continued expansive growth far disproportionate to population growth...

If State Ed Superintendent Reykdal wants revenge on those who vote differently, what is...

TO RECEIVE THE LATEST NEWS FROM WE THE GOVERNED DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX –SUBSCRIBE HERE Support We the Governed – MAKE A DONATION HERE Democrat Chris Reykdal is Washington State’s Superintendent of Public Instruction. ...

Republicans fared better than expected in Washington’s 2020 primary election

The Washington State Republican Party insiders were approaching the 2020 election with few expectations of success.  There was a general treading water attitude and hoping for the best. This seemed to be the...

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