“Maggot Man” – Washington State Governor Inslee earns new nickname

Governor Inslee made a new name for himself in Washington State.  While scandals have been a common occurrence during Inslee’s past eight years as Governor, a recent political fumble has generated more attention and...

The Act Blue Money Laundering Scheme – what can you do to help?

This article has been written to support a video I recently launched describing the ActBlue Campaign Finance Money Laundering scheme.  In that video I provided a brief reference to how interested activists can help...

Frank Chopp and Donald Trump – closer political allies than we thought

There is no indication that Donald Trump is planning to visit Washington State soon, but if he did, he would find solid common ground with Frank Chopp (D-43rd), the Democrat leader in the Washington...

Thank you, government whistleblowers

A short message for the government whistleblowers who are willing to expose the truth about where they work.  Your willingness to come forward, even anonymously, can be the beginning of the process to clean...

Speaker Chopp pays fine, Senator Hunt just whines

Last week, Democrat Speaker of the Washington State House Frank Chopp paid $6,469 in fines and court costs to the state for a variety of campaign finance laws broken mostly during his uncontested election...

Democratic Party attacks campaign transparency in Washington

In a stunning public reversal of their public statements about campaign finance laws, the Washington State Democratic Party is declaring war on the state’s Public Disclosure Commission.  Concerns have been raised by conservative and...

Late ballots in Washington State are trending Republican this year

As the later 800,000+ ballots are counted over the last week since election day, the results have trended more in the Republican's favor than it appeared on election night. In addition,...

Three terrible initiatives in Washington State this year, plus a good one.

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE There are four initiatives on the ballot this year.  Three are terrible, destructive and deserve zero support from voters.  One is...

Tales of Tyranny – the Daman Family Story

For decades, the Daman family managed their property on the Olympic Peninsula according to the strictest forest practice guidelines in North America. They jumped through all the hoops to get permission from Washington's Department...

Failed Democratic candidate Teresa Purcell settles AG lawsuit for $22k, admits law breaking

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE Two weeks ago, failed Democratic Party candidate Teresa Purcell stopped fighting the Washington State Attorney General’s office, and agreed to settle...

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