AG Bob Ferguson threatens his political opponents with arrest, prison, and lawsuits, unless they...

Nothing demonstrates the importance and priority of Democracy more that threatening your political opponents with arrest, 10 years in prison, and litigation for life. Particularly when the person making the threat is the...

They spent $5 million attacking Tim Eyman, and all they got was a lousy...

TO RECEIVE THE LATEST NEWS FROM WE THE GOVERNED DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX –SUBSCRIBE HERE Support We the Governed – MAKE A DONATION HERE Washington State’s election this year forced the media to focus...

Dem PACs dissolve after campaign finance complaints

The Washington State Democratic Party has been promoting to their local party committees an unusual political and legal strategy over the past few months.  These recommendations primarily deal with how to strategically address situations...

Republicans fared better than expected in Washington’s 2020 primary election

The Washington State Republican Party insiders were approaching the 2020 election with few expectations of success.  There was a general treading water attitude and hoping for the best. This seemed to be the...

Dem Representative Morris settles AG lawsuit quietly and cheaply

Just before Thanksgiving Washington State Representative Jeff Morris, a Democrat from the 40th Legislative District located in San Juan County, quietly settled the lawsuit filed against him by the Washington State Attorney General’s office...

State of Washington vs. Jay Manning, cult-funded SuperPAC director exposed

On Wednesday, May 10, 2017, another campaign finance lawsuit was filed against Jay Manning in Thurston County Superior Court (see complaint filed yesterday linked here - Thurston Superior Court #17-2-02568-34).  Jay Manning, in his capacity as director...

The Chaos of Campaign Finance Compliance and the Disarray of the Dems

This is Part I in a series... Compliance with the law can be challenging sometimes.  For many Democratic Party political committees in Washington State, this fact has recently been proven true.  While this author's efforts...

Washington State Democrats find hope in AG’s $38,520 fine against the Pierce County Democrats

Last month, the Pierce County Democrats settled a lawsuit brought by the Washington State Attorney General for $38,520 for violating campaign finance laws.  This lawsuit was initiated by a complaint filed by this author...

Washington AG forced to sue labor group, keeps $36K settlement very quiet

The Washington & Northern Idaho District Council of Laborers PAC recently settled a campaign finance lawsuit brought by the Washington State Attorney General’s office in Thurston County Superior Court (linked here), based on a...

AG Ferguson’s persecution of Tim Eyman, Eyman’s plea, and a creepy AG employee

Eyman will be facing the full force of the 600 attorneys and unlimited budget of the AG's office entirely alone without legal counsel now...

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