Thurston County backpedals from total fireworks ban, fumbles through hearing

In a stunning setback for Thurston County Commissioner Romero, Wolfe (and Thurston County Commissioner candidate Jim Cooper), a total fireworks ban was not passed at Monday night’s hearing to ban fireworks throughout the county....

Thurston County celebrates Independence Day with Fireworks Ban

The Thurston County Commissioners have decided to ban fireworks as one of their high priorities this month, and they have squeezed in a public hearing on Monday so that they can start the fireworks...

Thurston County Discovers New Cash Cow in the “Crap” Tax

Thurston County is pursuing an innovative tax on rural septic systems, which local residents call “The Crap Tax.”  Here, in Thurston County, residents have seen many strange taxes including the unique pocket gopher tax...

Thurston County Auditor Bends Rules to Benefit Allen Miller (and Jim Cooper)

Thurston County Auditor Mary Hall’s(Democrat) office has broken new ground by allowing a candidate to add his photo and statement to the 2016 Primary Voter’s Guide after the deadline has passed.  To the best...

Five candidates battle for Thurston County Commissioner seat – but who are they?

In a few months an election will determine the direction of the Thurston County Commission.  One commissioner seat has five candidates vying for that position.  This article explains who they are and what they stand...

The Truth about Jim Cooper

Jim Cooper’s anticipated  coronation as the next Thurston County Commissioner by the political establishment bodes ill for long-suffering residents. Jim Cooper is the Democratic Party’s chosen candidate for Thurston County’s open commissioner seat (District 1) this...

Thurston County Manager Cliff Moore quits, will now plague the City of Yakima

 The residents of Thurston County owe the City of Yakima a big Thank-You for saving them the hassle of firing a bad manager. On Wednesday, the Yakima City Council voted unanimously to hire Cliff Moore...

Tales of Tyranny – Misti Chastain and her horse ranch

Misti, who lives near Washington's capitol city of Olympia, had a lifelong dream of having a horse ranch. When her dream came true, she decided to give back to the community by inviting special...

Tales of Tyranny – the Chris Weaver Story

Chris Weaver lived in Thurston County, Washington  and was charged with the crime of killing a pocket gopher.  He now has a criminal record because he was trying to clean up his property and...

Tales of Tyranny – The Jay Howell Story

Jay Howell lived in Thurston County, Washington  and discovered that he couldn't build his home because of a pocket gopher.  He had to move the home location, pay thousands of dollars to consultants, and...

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