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Tag: Maia Espinoza

Washington State 2020 elections – What to watch for this year

I have not posted much content recently, but I plan to make up for that deficiency over the next few weeks. This is...

Republicans fared better than expected in Washington’s 2020 primary election

The Washington State Republican Party insiders were approaching the 2020 election with few expectations of success.  There was a general treading water attitude and...

Reaction to Washington State 2020 Primary Results, Political Games, and Opportunities

This was my initial reaction to the Washington State 2020 Primary Election Results last week - looking at the Governor race, and Washington State's...

Overlooked Washington State elected offices on primary ballot 2020– who are...

In Washington State, there are a variety of state-wide offices which are elected on Presidential election years, and which generally operate in obscurity the...

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