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Tag: King County Democrats

King County Democrats suffer another setback with $36k judgement for breaking...

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE The King County Democratic Party has endured two brutal years of...

Democratic Dinner Committee pays over $6k for lawbreaking, promises to sin...

TO GET THE LATEST NEWS FROM WE THE GOVERNED DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX -SUBSCRIBE HERE The Eastside Democratic Dinner Committee recently settled their campaign finance...

The Trials and Tribulations of Tina Podlodowski – helping Democrats lose...

Tina Podlodowski is the State Chair of the Washington State Democratic Party, and she should be celebrating the resistance and eagerly looking forward to...

Democratic Party attacks campaign transparency in Washington

In a stunning public reversal of their public statements about campaign finance laws, the Washington State Democratic Party is declaring war on the state’s...

Thanksgiving spirit – bringing Democrats and Republicans together in King County

In Washington State, the King County Democrats and Republicans issued a joint press release today celebrating their agreement with this author on the need...

The Chaos of Campaign Finance Compliance and the Disarray of the...

This is Part I in a series... Compliance with the law can be challenging sometimes.  For many Democratic Party political committees in Washington State, this...

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