Late ballots improve Republican position in Washington State elections, plus other notable primary results

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE Based on election returns last week, the Washington State legislative races were looking miserable for Republicans, however due to Washington State’s...

Four Billionaires can’t buy competency for Anti-Gun initiative – now multiple legal challenges in...

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE Four billionaires are involved in funding and supporting Washington State’s latest Anti-Gun initiative I-1639.  Read more about the problems with this...

Professional Consultants screw-up Anti-Gun initiative effort with amateur failure to proofread

To receive the latest news from We the Governed delivered straight to your inbox SUBSCRIBE HERE Washington State’s much hyped anti-gun initiative (I-1639) looks like it could be aborted before it can even make the ballot.  The...

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